Page 30: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (February 1980)
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Santa Fe To Install 2 Production Platforms
For Union Oil Company
Santa Fe International Corp.,
Orange, Calif., announced that its semisubmersible derrick barge
Choctaw I is being transferred from the Gulf of Mexico to the
West Coast to install two pro- posed oil production platforms off
California for Union Oil Company of California.
Union is currently in the proc- ess of obtaining all Federal, state and local permits for the project.
Santa Fe Engineering Services
Co., a subsidiary of Santa Fe In- ternational, will be responsible for the design, fabrication, transpor- tation, and installation of a 12- pile, multi-well structure, known as Platform Gilda. This structure will be installed in 210 feet of water in the Santa Clara Field, approximately 10 miles west of
Oxnard, Calif.
Under an extension of an ex- isting contract, Santa Fe Engi- neering Services will be respon- sible for the fabrication, trans- portation and installation of a small structure, known as Plat- form Gina. Designed by Santa Fe under the earlier contract, this will be a six-pile, multi-well plat- form to be set in the Hueneme
Field in 95 feet of water, about four miles west of Port Hueneme.
The larger platform will be launched from the SF-4000, Santa
Fe's newest launch barge, which will also be moved from the Gulf
Coast to assist on the project. The two platforms are scheduled to be installed late in 1980.
William Sparkman Named
District Credit Manager
At GE Credit Corp.
William B. Sparkman has been named district credit manager of
General Electric Credit Corpora- tion's (GECC) New Orleans (La.)
Industrial Equipment Financing office.
As credit manager, Mr. Spark- man will be in control of the
GECC loan portfolio, making credit decisions to provide two- and three-party financing for manufacturers, distributors, and users of workboats and commer- cial fishing vessels, as well as pro- duction machinery for other in- dustries.
Mr. Sparkman will be serving
Louisiana and southern Missis- sippi.
A native of Emhouse, Texas,
Mr. Sparkman attended the Uni- versity of Houston, earning a BS and an MBA degree. In 1969, he joined the GECC office in Hous- ton, Texas, and eventually served as district credit manager of that office.
Texaco Names Quegan
Ass't General Manager
Fleet Operations
Richard J. Quegan has been ap- pointed assistant general man- ager, fleet operations, in the Ma- rine Department of Texaco Inc., it was announced recently by
James A. Cole Jr., vice president in charge of the Marine Depart- ment. In his new assignment, Mr.
Quegan will continue to be lo- cated in the company's Harrison,
N.Y., offices.
Mr. Quegan graduated from the U.S. Merchant Marine Acad- emy at Kings Point, N.Y., in 1959, with a Bachelor of Science degree, and joined Texaco the following year as a third mate aboard the S.S. Texaco Montana.
He subsequently served aboard other Texaco U.S. fleet vessels as first mate and captain until 1964, when he was transferred to shore as assistant fleet superintendent.
Following assignment with Tex- aco marine companies in Europe, commencing in 1969, he was named assistant manager, traffic, in Texaco Inc.'s Marine Depart- ment in New York in 1974, and was appointed manager, opera- tions there in 1975.
Recognized as an international leader in building ships for the offshore industry,
Mangone Shipbuilding Company con- tinues to stay in the forefront of offshore service vessel design and construction.
Custom built to meet the specifications of individual owners as well as all regulator/ bodies, every Mangone vessel differs from all others.
For our catalogue on recent vessels built by Mangone, please write or call our
Houston office.
The 185-ft. Tug/Supply T.R. Naquin is shown during trial runs.
Mangone Shipbuilding Company 819 South 80th St. • P.O. Box 5446 • Houston, Texas 77012 • 713/926-9451 A Stewart & Stevenson Company 36 ZIDELL Maritime Reporter/Engineering News