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Complete one stop electrical & mechanical marine repairs
Voyage repairs/around the clock emergency repairs
Shipboard power delivery
AC/DC motors & generators
Steam & gas turbines—gear propulsion
Pumps & compressors
Dynamic balancing—vent fan sets
U.S. Navy repair certification
Apparatus Service Division 10 Van Dyck Road. Jacksonville. FL 32218
Tel. (904) 751-0610 J.Q Whittemore Marine Specialist
J.F. Lynch Named
Executive Vice President
At Federal Barge Lines
Pott Industries Inc., St. Louis,
Mo., announced recently that J.F.
Lynch had been promoted to ex- ecutive vice president and chief operating officer of its wholly owned subsidiary, Federal Barge
Lines, Inc. Mr. Lynch was for- merly senior vice president of
Federal. He joined Federal Barge in 1955.
Galveston Signs Port
Construction Contract
Port of Galveston, Texas, offi- cials recently signed an agree- ment with Pelican Terminal Corp., for the construction of a deep- water channel and terminal at
Pelican Island.
Ratification of the 30-year agreement with the terminal com- pany will produce for the port between $4.5 and $7.5 million through fees and taxes, accord- ing to port officials. Construction of the $350-million facility is scheduled to begin as soon as fi- nal permits are received, with dredging hopefully to start by late spring. 1979 REAPS Proceedings
Now Available From NT
The proceedings of the 1979
REAPS Technical Symposium are now available. These proceedings mark the sixth year for the Re- search and Engineering for Au- tomation and Productivity in
Shipbuilding program.
The 550-page volume contains 29 papers and three special inter- est reports. These papers detail the latest developments in im- proving shipyard productivity through computer techniques in all phases of ship design and pro- duction and through new man- ufacturing techniques.
The REAPS program, adminis- tered by IIT Research Institute, is a cooperative effort of the Mar- itime Administration and U.S. shipyards.
Proceedings cost $30 (shipped prepaid for orders within the
U.S.). To order, send checks (pay- able to IIT Research Institute) to
REAPS Program Librarian, 10
West 35th Street, Chicago, 111. 60616.
The°I1^ Clear View Screen by Electro-Nav
More satisfied users than all imitators combined.
Proven on 5000 vessels of all sizes, from small fishing boats to giant supertankers. The Electro-Nav Clear View Screen helps you see through heavy rain, fog and snow, and makes your navigation easier and safer, even in the foulest weather. You see where you're going, so you get there sooner, in safety.
See your Electro-Nav dealer today.
Electro-Nav, Inc. 750 Kennedy Street yT^y 1201 Corbin Street Oakland, CA 94606
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NEW YORK, N. Y. 10016 (212) 689-3266, 3267, 3268, 3269
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News is published the 1st and 15th of each month by Maritime Activity Reports, Inc. Controlled
Circulation postage paid at Waterbury, Connecticut 06701.
Postmaster send notification (Form 3579) regarding undeliver- able magazines to Maritime Reporter/Engineering News, 107 East 31st Street, New York, N.Y. 10016.
Business Publications
Audit of Circulation. Inc.
No. 3 Volume 42
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Tel: (518) 237-3911 4 ZIDELL Maritime Reporter/Engineering News