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Crescent Towing And
Salvage Establishes
An Alabama Division
The 1,800-hp harbor tug Elizabeth Smith is one of two Crescent Towing & Salvage Company tugs newly assigned to work in the Port of Mobile. The other is the 2,400-hp Marion Smith. The two tugs have pre- viously been part of the 20-boat Crescent Fleet based in New Orleans, La.
Crescent Towing & Salvage Co., Inc., re- cently announced establishment of an Ala- bama Division to provide complete harbor towing services for the Port of Mobile.
James E. Smith, president of the New
Orleans, La.-based firm, said two of his com- pany's newest tugs, the 2,400-hp Marion
Smith and the 1,800-hp Elizabeth Smith, began tugboat operations in Mobile in No- vember.
Mr. Smith also announced the appoint- ment of Prentiss D. (Tad) Willcutt as man- ager of Crescent's new Mobile fleet, which is being manned by all Mobile-area experi- enced crews. Mr. Willcutt, a native Mobilian, has been associated with Mobile Bay mari- time operations since 1970. "The two Crescent tugs assigned to Mo- bile are only the first of an expanding fleet operation planned for the Alabama Division,"
Mr. Smith stated. "We are confident that the
Port of Mobile will continue to grow and that more of our Crescent Fleet tugs will be needed in the future to accommodate the port's growth," he said.
Crescent presently operates New Orleans's largest tugboat fleet — 20 tugs ranging in power and size from 1,500 to 4,000 hp and from 300 to 450 tons displacement. The two tugs in Mobile are of Crescent's Marion
Smith Class, measuring 106 feet in length and displacing 350 tons. Both tugs have been fully modernized and repowered within the last year, Mr. Smith noted.
Crescent's Mobile tugs are berthed at the
Alabama State Docks. The company's ad- ministrative offices are located in the First
National Bank Building.
Bulletin Describes New
Abrasion Resistant Compound
To Extend Equipment Life
Application information, typical physical properties and general information about
Wearex®, a new trowelable epoxy resin paste, appear in a new product-introductory bulle- tin available from Philadelphia Resins Cor- poration, Montgomeryville, Pa. Wearex con- forms to any shape and cures quickly to form an extremely durable, abrasion and corrosion resistant coating which extends the life of new or severely worn equipment.
Typical applications include slurry pumps, cyclones, valves, pipe elbows, impellers, feed chutes and chute linings, cooling towers, condensers, conveyor skirts and other equip- ment subjected to severe sliding abrasion in the marine and other industries.
For a free copy of Wearex 910, write to Nancy Heck, Philadelphia Resins Corp., 20 Commerce Drive, Montgomeryville, Pa. 18936.
Galleon Shipping Expands—
Adding 9 Multipurpose Ships
Galleon Shipping Corporation has an- nounced a major expansion of its liner serv- ice with the recent sailing from the Philip- pines to Los Angeles, Calif., of the M/S
Galleon Topaz, the first of nine multipur- pose ships newly acquired by the Philippine- flag carrier. Three ships following the Topaz sailing from Manila are the M/S Galleon
Amethyst, M/S Galleon Sapphire, and M/S
Galleon Onyx. Five new vessels are sched- uled for delivery beginning August 1980.
Presently, the Galleon fleet consists of five conventional ships.
The acquisition of these vessels repre- sents a major capital investment for Gal- leon Shipping of over $150 million. This ex- pansion is designed to provide a more effi- cient monthly service which will be in- creased in the fall of 1980. The major focus of this expansion is the introduction of a container service. In addition, the new Gal- leon vessels will provide space for breakbulk, unitize cargo, rolling stocks, and heavy lifts.
Galleon Shipping Corporation, a Philip- pine-flag carrier, provides a regular service between the Philippines and major Atlantic,
U.S. Gulf and California ports. It is a sub- sidiary of Construction Development Corpo- ration of the Philippines (CDCP).
Transpacific Transportation Co. represents
Galleon Shipping in the U.S. West Coast, with offices in San Francisco and Los An- geles, Calif. Trans Asia Marine Corporation is the general agent for the Eastern United
States and Eastern Canada.
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Now, with fuel as precious as the cargo, the navigator must seek the shortest routes with fewer course corrections.
That means he should be equipped with navigation aids that pin-point position night and day in all weather.
The captain needs absolutely reliable Satellite Navigation.
Radar. Sonar. Loran and Radio for fuel efficiency and safety.
That's what Collins has in depth with the most trusted names in electronics installed by crack technicians.
On the West Coast or throughout the world, call for Collins
Marine for swift, reliable service. Call Collins at the numbers listed below or contact on KZB 861VHF Channel 9 or SSB 8291.1 MHZ.
Collins Marine Corporation: Widest selection of leading electronic equipment; deepest technical expertise — "now"
VHF RADIO SYSTEMS: • Intech • Motorola - Texas Instruments - Standard Communi- cations • Repeo
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ANTENNAS: - Phelps Dodge • Shakespeare Marine • Morad
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Phone (206) 284-7473
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February 1, 1980 47