Page 6: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (February 1980)
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Two Japanese Firms
Renew License Agreements
With B&W Engineering
B&W Engineering and Mitsui
Engineering and Shipbuilding Co.,
Ltd., recently signed a renewal of the license agreement enabling
Mitsui to continue to manufac- ture Burmeister & Wain Low
Speed Diesel Engines for another 0 decade. Mitsui has built B&W's
Marine Diesel Engines in Japan since 1926.
B&W engines of the type K- and L-GFCA are becoming in- creasingly popular, not only as a result of their excellent design features but also because of their extremely low fuel oil consump- tion. This is clearly being sub- stantiated through the steadily in- creasing worldwide market share.
For 1980, Mitsui has already secured an orderbook of 70 slow- speed engines for a total output of approximately 1 million bhp.
There are strong indications that the production in 1980 will reach a total of 1,200,000 bhp.
Hitachi Shipbuilding & Engi- neering Co., Ltd. has been man- ufacturing B&W engines since 1951. Hitachi has also signed a renewal of their license agree- ment for a period covering the next 10 years.
Hitachi manufactures both 2- and 4-stroke B&W engines for a total of approximately 500,000 bhp a year.
Offshore Rig Market
Outlook Published
According to a report survey- ing the offshore rig market, rig owners in most areas of the world are earning high profits as oil companies and others desperately search for new oil finds. The re- port published recently in Lloyd's
Shipping Economist says: "Since world crude prices shot up from around $14 per barrel in 1978 to their current level, semisubmers- ible charter rates in the North
Sea have jumped from under $20,000 per day to £35,000 or more. During the same period, about 30 jackup rigs have been ordered . . . many from yards in the U.S. Gulf, where exploration is set to expand rapidly as Amer- ica seeks to reduce her depend- ence on oil imports."
For a copy of the report, write
Nedda Bradbury, Lloyd's Ship- ping Economist, Sheepen Place,
Colchester, Essex, England C03 3LP.
Mid-America Names
Capt. J. Tinkey
Mid-America Transportation
Company president Capt. W.B.
Fouts has announced the promo- tion of Capt. Jerry Tinkey to vice president-Operations.
Capt. Jerry Tinkey
In his new position, Captain
Tinkey will be responsible for the total company operations involv- ing barge shipping on the Mis- sissippi, Kaskaskia, Ohio, and Il- linois Rivers.
Captain Tinkey started work- ing the Mississippi out of Nash- ville, Tenn., where he joined Mid-
America as a mate. After earning his master's rating, Captain
Tinkey transferred to corporate management and has dealt with all phases of barge maintenance, traffic and personnel matters.
Captain Tinkey is president of the St. Louis Propeller Club, is on the board of governors, Na- tional River Academy, and is chairman of the Government In- dustry River Advisory Commit- tee.
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