Page 2nd Cover: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 15, 1980)

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can do it faster!

If you need a sophisticated marine refrigeration or air conditioning system, call us. We have the know-how, the engineers, the mechanics and a vast inventory of essential component parts to do the job.

That's why we are able to turn out such equipment in a matter of weeks instead of several months that most companies require. And yet; our systems are all custom-built while most others are from a standard line.

Let BAILEY, a recognized leader in marine refrigeration and conditioning for over three decades, bid on your next job.

What's the difference? You needn't accept standard dimensions when our flexibility of design permits us to make units small enough to fit through a watertight door or large enough to air condition an entire ship's quarters. Our units are complete in every detail and only require securing to foundations and connecting to water and electric supply outlets.

Repair parts, if needed for any of our equipment, are on the shelves at all of our locations on the East and

Gulf Coasts. \ \ a Bailey exclusive that is added to our Marine Pax for cooling, heating, water chilling or dehumidification, incorporates a magnetic controller and refrig- erant control panel in a custom- designed module. 74 SULLIVAN STREET • BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11231 • 212/855-3958

Offices and Warehouses AVENEL, N.J. 07001 • 2323 Randolph Avenue • 201/382-1225 NEW ORLEANS, LA. 70117 • 632 Alvar Street • 504/943-2461

NORTH MIAMI, FLA. 33179 • 524 N.E. 190th St. • 305/651-4160

WASHINGTON, D.C./VA. Area 703/750-190

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Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.