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MARINE SUPERINTENDENT (*Electrical - +Mechanical]


V. J. (Vince) Farrell*


L. W. (Luke) Grimes+

AFTER HOURS (301) 992-5908 (301) 668-6961 (617) 594-4582 (609) 589-3492


T H. (Pete) Williamson1*


T. E. (Ted) Targonski+ (Service Supervisor)

AFTER HOURS (216) 523-6137 (216) 327-7379 (312) 986-3204 (312) 868-3517


W. B. (Will) Clary*



AFTER HOURS (205) 476-2933 (205) 661-4258 (504)831-5167 (504) 455-0974


D. M. (Dino) Burelli*


R. W. (Ron) Query+ (213) 572-5178 (213) 831-5763 (503) 221-5254

AFTER HOURS (503) 222-6088


E. C. (Gene) Rinker*+ (617) 594-3881 (Lynn. MA U.S.A.)



F. R. (Fred) Easton*+ (Singapore)

TELEX 940046 (65) 335-111 21437


P. G. (Pat) Connolly+ (Madrid)

P. (Paul) Nybo* (Frankfurt)



TELEX (34-1) 447-46-62 27650 0611-76071 04-12002


Two Executives Named

At Mississippi Marine

D. John Nichols, president of Mississippi

Marine Corp., Greenville, Miss., has an- nounced the appointment of R. Monroe Bar- rett and Hugh Smith Jr. to executive posts in the firm.

R. Monroe Barrett

J^ t »

Hugh Smith Jr.

Mr. Barrett recently joined Mississippi

Marine as manager of marketing and repair operations, while Mr. Smith has assumed the duties of manager of engineering. In his new position, Mr. Barrett is responsible for all marketing functions for the firm. He was most recently associated with Brent Towing

Company in the dual capacity as chief esti- mator for all new construction and repair operations, and as general manager of Su- perior Boat Works.

Mr. Smith, as manager of engineering, is responsible for all plant engineering, quality control and the research and development of various new vessel designs and fabrica- tion techniques to continually improve the design and quality of all Mississippi Marine projects.

Prior to joining Mississippi Marine, Mr.

Smith served Marathon. Shipbuilding Com- pany at Vicksburg, Miss., as chief engineer.

Tacoma Boatbuilding Appoints

Two New Marketing Directors

Tacoma Boatbuilding Company, Inc., a leading Northwest builder of commercial and military ships, has announced the new appointments of Kenneth L. Kesler as di- rector of marketing and sales for the South- west Region, and Charles A. Garman as director of marketing for the Northwest


Mr. Kesler's activities will focus on Ta- coma Boatbuilding's growing involvement with the construction . vessels specifically designed to support tht shore oil industry.

He will manage Tacom. >oat's newly opened sales office located at 11'; 0 Southwest Free- way, Suite 200, Houston, Texas 77031.

Mr. Garman will supervise sales of crab- bers, trawlers, and processors which support the fishing industry on the West Coast, from

California to Alaska. In addition, he will have marketing responsibility for other commer- cial vessels, including tugs, barges, and car- go ships.

Mr. Kesler has been involved in the con- struction of offshore equipment for the past five years with Zapata Corporation. Prior to joining Tacoma Boat, Mr. Garman was a sales representative for seven years with the Marine and Industrial Division of Good- year Tire and Rubber Company.

Naikai Zosen Delivers

The Pranedya Pratama

The 17,703-dwt product carrier Pranedya

Pratama, recently delivered to her owner,

Sunhi Scorpa, Inc. of Liberia, was con- structed at the Setoda Shipyard of Naikai

Zosen, an affiliate of Hitachi Zosen.

Product carrier Pranedya Pratama, first of two to be constructed at the Setoda Shipyard of Naikai Zosen (an affiliate of Hitachi Zosen) for Sunhi Scorpa, Inc. of Liberia, will be used to carry refined petroleum products.

Pranedya Pratama is the first of two prod- uct carriers to be constructed at the Setoda

Shipyard for use in the transportation of refined petroleum products between Indo- nesian ports.

The new vessel's tank arrangement con- forms to conventional requirements appli- cable to separate ballast oil tankers for the prevention of ocean pollution. Interior walls of the cargo oil tanks and all the fittings inside the tanks are coated with epoxy resin paint, a paint of the highest quality, to pre- vent contamination of the product during transportation.

The 10,882-gross-ton vessel has an overall length of 158 meters, beam of 25.8 meters, depth of 10.8 meters and full-load draft of 7 meters (about 518 feet by 85 feet by 35 feet by 23 feet). Propulsion is by a single

Hitachi B&W diesel engine of 6,160 bhp pro- viding a trial speed of about 14 knots. 28TH INGALLS-BUILT DD COMMIS-

SIONED—The USS Ingersoll (DD-990), the 28th ship in the series of Spruance Class destroyers designed and built by Ingalls

Shipbuilding division of Litton Industries, officially joined the U.S. Navy in commis- sioning ceremonies at the shipyard in Pas- cagoula, Miss., on April 12. This fast, highly maneuverable destroyer, powered by four gas turbine engines, will join the Pacific

Fleet and be home-ported in San Diego, Calif. 19

Kenneth L. Kesler Charles A. Garman

Maritime Reporter

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