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SCHOTTEL-System ensures Shuttle-System

The ferry "BANJUL" was delivered by the Germersheim

Shipyard on the Rhine in February 1978 to the Gambia Port

Authority in Banjul, Republic of Gambia, West Africa. As a result of the outstanding performance of the "BANJUL", a sister ship "NIUMI" was ordered and put into service in July 1979. Classified as GL100A5 I + MC "Ferry Boat", with an overall length of 35.00 m, overall width of 10.35 m, and a depth of 2.95 m, they have a 2.00 m draught, loaded, and a displacement of 318 tons.

Designed to carry one heavy vehicle and six motor-cars, the vessels have two deckhouses, each with two decks ca- pable of accommodating a total of 240 passengers. The deckhouses are situated on either side of the runway on the main deck and are connected to the pilot house by the bridge deck. The hull of the ship is divided into six watertight compartments, comprising the crew's quarters, store-rooms, the main fuel tank, two engine rooms, as well as space for the two propulsion and steering units.

These ferries run a 30-minute round-the-clock service be- tween Banjul and Barra on the Gambia River. As manoeuv- rability plays such a major role in this type of ferry service, each of the ships was fitted out with two SCHOTTEL-Rud- derpropellersType SRP 224/226 DST (diagonally installed) developing a total power of 253 kW (345 hp) at1200rpm.

TheSCHOTTEL-Rudderpropeller is a combined propulsion and steeering unit which transforms the engine power into optimum thrust using matched gears and a specially desig- ned propeller which turns through a full 360° for simulta- neous propulsion and steering. The ferries "BANJUL" and "NIUMI" have been equipped with a full follow-up electro- hydraulic SCHOTTEL-Steering System S 600. The SCHOT-

TEL units are installed in wells. Hatches in the main deck al- low easy access for maintenance purposes and the units can be removed and re-installed unsing the facilities avai- lable on board while the vessel is still afloat.

For almost 30 years the SCHOTTEL-System has proved it- self throughout the world. SCHOTTEL steering and propul- sion units offer maximum manoeuvrability and optimum efficiency with propulsion steering in any direction both ahead and astern. In addition the SCHOTTEL-System re- quires a minimum of maintenance, is economical and spa- ce-saving. Up to the present over 15,000 SCHOTTEL units with more than 4 million hp propulsion capacity have been delivered all over the world.

SCHOTTEL International:

The SCHOTTEL-Group, with its headquarters at Spay on the Rhine offers world-wide sales and service through

SCHOTTEL-companies located at The Hague, London, Pa- ris, Vienna, Hamburg, Basle, Miami, Buenos Aires, Rio de

Janeiro, Singapore, Sydney and representatives throug- hout the world.

SCHOTTEL-WERFT, D-5401 Spay/F.R.G., Tel. 0 26 28/611

SCHOTTEL OF AMERICA, INC., 8375 N.W. 56 Street,

Miami/Florida 33166, Tel. (305) 592-7350 $4.75-Million Navy

Contract Awarded To

Rosenblatt Firm

M. Rosenblatt & Son, Inc., New

York, has been awarded a $4,750,- 507 negotiated cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for manhours of techni- cal and management support to the Naval Sea Systems Command

Habitability Improvement Self-

Help Program. Work will be per- formed in Arlington, Va. The Na- val Sea Systems Command is the contracting activity. (N00024-80-


Offshore Drilling Rig

Market Holds Firm

At the end of June, U.S. ship- builders held contracts for 49 off- shore drilling rigs, valued at roughly $1.3 billion. This year, new orders for 22 units have been placed, including a total of 10 rigs awarded since May 1. The current orderbook looks like this:

Baker Marine Corporation,

Ingleside, Texas—8 jackup rigs;

Bethlehem Steel Corporation,

Beaumont, Texas—12 jackup rigs;

Bethlehem Steel Corporation,

Sparrows Point, Md. — 2 jackup rigs; Ingalls Shipbuilding Divi- sion, Litton Industries, Pasca- goula, Miss. — 4 jackup rigs, 2 submersible rigs; Levingston

Shipbuilding Company, Orange,

Texas—3 jackup rigs; Marathon

LeTourneau, Brownsville, Texas —9 jackup rigs; and Marathon

LeTourneau, Vicksburg, Miss., 9 jackup rigs.

David Mackie Elected

Senior Vice President

Of El Paso LNG Company

David F. Mackie has been elect- ed a senior vice president of El

Paso LNG Company, Houston, a subsidiary of The El Paso Com- pany.

He will be responsible for the commercial aspects, including cus- tomer affairs, of the company's

Algeria LNG project. Under that project, El Paso provides the ma- rine transportation for the move- ment of liquefied natural gas from

Algeria to the United States.

Mr. Mackie joined El Paso Na- tural Gas Company in 1970 as an executive assistant, was named assistant vice president in 1975 and vice president in 1977. He was elected vice president of The

El Paso Company in 1979.





NEW YORK, N. Y. 10016 (212) 689-3266


Maritime Reporter/Engineering News is published the 1st and 15th of each month by Maritime Activity Reports, Inc. Controlled

Circulation postage paid at Waterbury, Connecticut 06701.

Postmaster send notification (Form 3579) regarding undeliver- able magazines to Maritime Reporter/Engineering News, 107 East 31st Street, New York, N.Y. 10016.




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