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In Washington, D.C.—
MTC '80 "Decade Of The Oceans"
More Than 150 Technical Papers—More Than 200 Exhibits
This year's Marine Technology
Conference, to be held October 6-8 at the Shoreham Hotel in Wash- ington, D.C., is scheduled to hear
U.S. Transportation Secretary
Neil Goldschmidt as the keynote speaker. Scores of scientists and more than a dozen members of
Congress also are expected to ad- dress the conference. Opening re- marks will be made by Coast
Guard Commandant Adm. John
B. Hayes, chairman of the con- ference and exhibition.
SHOREHAM HOTEL 5:00 9:00 11:45 1:30 2:00 3:00 3:45
Sunday, October 5, 1980 pm Advance Registration and
Early Bird Reception
Monday, October 6, 1980 am Plenary Session am Chairman's Luncheon pm Concepts/Regulations pm Oceanography I/Water
Quality/Marine Affairs I pm Coffee Break pm Offshore Structures/
Oceanography ll/Oil Pol- lution/Search and Rescue 5:15 pm Exhibitors' Cocktail Party
Tuesday, October 7, 1980 8:30 am Buoy Technology I 9:00 am Manned Vehicles/
Oceanographic Ships/
Marine Affairs II 10:00 am Coffee Break 10:45 am Buoy Technology 11/
Unmanned Vehicles/
Education I/Ocean Energy 12:15 pm Lunch 1:30 pm CZM
Aanderaa Instruments, Inc
Advance Cable & Assembly
Aquafot, Inc
Bell & Howell, CEC Division
Benthos, Inc
Birns Oceanographies
Blake Wire & Cabe
Brantner & Associates, Inc
Canadian Marconi Co
Compass Publications, Inc
Conference Book Service, Inc
Cortland Line Co
Cubic Western Data
Custom Cable Co
David Taylor Naval R&D Center
Del Norte Technology, Inc
Diving Unlimited International Inc
EDO Western Corp
EG&G Environmental Consultants
EG&G Environmental Equipment Div
EG&G Sea-Link Systems
Electro Space Inc
Engineering Services Associates, Inc
Environmental Devices Corp (ENDECO)
EPC Labs, Inc 2:00 pm Ocean Mining I/Education ll/Marine Affairs III 3:00 pm Coffee Break 3:45 pm Undersea Physics/Ocean
Mining Il/Diving/
Materials 6:15 pm No Host Reception 7:00 pm Decade of the Oceans
Wednesday, October 8, 1980 8:30 am Geodesy
Technology I/Marine
Affairs IV
Coffee Break
Floor Engineering/
Marine Technology 11/
Remote Sensing
President's Award Luncheon
Instrumentation 1/
Radioactive Waste 1/
Vessel Traffic Service I
Coffee Break
Instrumentation 11/
Radioactive Waste 11/
Vessel Traffic Service II 9:00 am 10:00 am 10:45 am 12:15 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:45 pm
The conference theme, "Decade of the Oceans," underscores the major role marine technology will play in the 1980s as the United
States and other countries turn to the seas for more effective ways of solving their economic, environmental, and defense needs.
The three-day conference will provide a timely forum for dis- cussing national and international issues related to marine technol- ogy. Technical seminars will deal with ocean energy and food sup- plies, pollution control, undersea vehicles, ocean measurements and instrumentation, and state-of-the- art hardware for the marine environment. More than 200 ex- hibits will showcase the latest marine technology products and services.
The Marine Technology '80 technical program, focusing as it does on the coming decade of the oceans, represents a broad spec- trum of expertise. It encompasses the interests of many disciplines — including the social, political, and physical sciences, as well as engineering — on that 70 percent of the world's surface called the oceans.
The technical sessions arranged for the MT '80 Conference focus attention toward a variety of top- ics. Over 150 scholarly papers, representing significant contribu- tions from universities, govern-
Fathom 36, Inc
Flash Technology
Franklin Electric Co, Inc
Gans & Pugh
General Instrument Corp
General Oceanics, Inc
Giannini Petro Marine
Gibbs & Cox, Inc
Grundy Environmental Systems, Inc
Heckerman Corp
Hiab Cranes & Loaders, Inc
Hydrasearch, Inc
Hydro Products, Inc
International Underwater Contractors, Inc
InterOcean Systems, Inc
Interstate Electronics Corp
J-TEC Associates, Inc
Jet Propulsion Lab
Klein Associates, Inc
Lockheed Missile & Space Co, Inc
Lucker Manufacturing Co
Magnavox Corp
MAR, Inc
Marine Technology Society
Motorola, Inc (Gov Electronics Div)
National Ocean Industries Association
Neil Brown Instrument Systems, Inc
D. G. O'Brien, Inc
Ocean Applied Research
Ocean Data Equipment
Odom Offshore Surveys, Inc
Osmose Marine Division
Otis Engineering Corp (Special Products Div)
Parkway Fabricators
Photosea, Inc
K. Pollock Associates, Inc
Pollock Research & Design ments, laboratories, and private industries worldwide were re- viewed to develop this year's tech- nical program. The efforts of all concerned have been aimed to- ward insuring that this confer- ence will be the finest and most productive for the oceans com- munity.
Chairman of the Technical Pro- gram is Rear Adm. Alfred P.
Manning Jr., USCG.
Marine Affairs Program
The Marine Affairs Program will provide four panels, of short- er duration than the Technical
Program, to complement the on- going technical sessions and fol- low up on the theme outlined in the Chairman's Message and Ple- nary Session.
Panel I—A Forecast of Emerg- ing Economic Marine Needs—will attempt to gain some consensus on the precise range of national needs having marine dimension that now indicate a significant, emerging demand for advanced marine technology. It will explore how marine technology can be applied more effectively to sup- port national economic (energy, transportation, mining, fisheries, etc.), defense, foreign policy, en- vironmental and other societal needs. It also will highlight cur- rent developments, such as the need to implement anticipated ac- cords from the Law of the Sea
Polyform, USA
Preformed Line Products Co
Raytheon Ocean Systems
Rebikoff Ocean Systems
Remote Ocean Systems
C. A. Richards & Associates, Inc
Schonstedt Instrument Co
Sea Data Corp
Sea Mac
Sercel, Inc
Sonatech, Inc
Southwest Research Institute
Sutter & Co, Inc
Teledyne Hastings Raydist
Telstar Electronics Corp
Tetra Tech, Inc
Tracor, Inc
Tracor Marine, Inc
University of Delaware
University of Southern California
Vector Cable Co
Video Sciences, Inc
Whitehill Manufacturing Corp
Ed Winston Associates
Zippertubing Co 40 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News