Page 3rd Cover: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 15, 1980)
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Tidelands Seeks Title XI
For $11.9-Million Inland
Barge Drilling Vessel
Tidelands Limited III of Hous- ton has applied to the Maritime
Administration for a Title XI guarantee to aid in financing the construction of one inland barge drilling vessel.
Tidelands plans to operate the vessel in the inland waterways along the U.S. Gulf of Mexico coastal areas. Stewart & Steven- son Service, Inc. of Houston, and
McDermott Incorporated of New
Iberia, La., are the proposed builders; delivery is expected in
February 1981.
If approved, the Title XI guar- antee would cover $10,400,000, or 87' o percent of the vessel's $11,- 886,000 estimated cost.
Delta Bulk Terminal Asks
Title XI On Two Barges
To Cost $7 Million Total
Delta Bulk Terminal, Inc. of
Houston has applied to the Mari- time Administration for a Title
XI guarantee to aid in financing one self-unloading barge and one flatdeck barge.
Kenner Marine & Machinery,
Well match our ship repair people and our shipyard against anybody. Anywhere. Anytime.
Inc. in La Place, La., is building both the 524-foot self-unloader and the 203-foot flatdeck barge.
Delta Bulk Terminal plans to op- erate both vessels along the U.S.
Gulf Coast.
If approved, the Title XI guar- antee would cover 87 percent of the vessels' estimated cost— $6,103,125 of the self-unloading barge's $6,975,000 estimated cost, and $91,875 of the flatdeck's $105,000 estimated cost.
Bonito Offshore Orders
Jackup Drilling Rig
From Ingalls Shipbuilding
Bonito Offshore, Inc. of Hous- ton has signed a contract with
Ingalls Shipbuilding of Pasca- goula, Miss., to build a Friede &
Goldman design L-780 (Mod. 2), cantilevered jackup drilling rig.
Scheduled for delivery in March 1982, the rig will be capable of drilling in 300 feet of water to depths of 25,000 feet. The mobile unit will be 180 feet long and 175 feet wide, and will have ac- commodations for 90 personnel.
Ingalls Shipbuilding, the only
North American contractor cur- rently building L-780 design jack- ups under Friede & Goldman li- cense, now has 12 rigs under con- struction, including eight jackups and four submersible rigs. All rig contracts have been signed this year.
Tacoma Boat To Build
Nine USCG Cutters At
Cost Of $646 Million
Tacoma Boatbuilding Company,
Tacoma, Wash., has been awarded a contract to construct nine 270- foot, medium-endurance cutters for the United States Coast
Guard. Original contract price for the cutters is $378 million; how- ever, with the escalation factor built into the contract price, keyed to the Bureau of Labor sta- tistics for shipbuilding, total cost for construction of the nine ves- sels is estimated at $646 million.
Announcement of the award was made recently by Congress- man Norm Dicks (D-Wash.) in ceremonies at the company's new
Plant Number 3 on Commence- ment Bay in Tacoma. According to Congressman Dicks, the ves- sels will be delivered to the
United States Coast Guard over the next five years, As planned, they will be used for patrolling the 200-mile limit.
The nine-vessel contract is a follow-on to four medium-endur- ance cutters already under con- struction at Tacoma Boatbuilding.
As with the first four vessels, the nine new ships will be constructed using the same production facil- ities located at Plant Number 3.
With the award of the current contract, the backlog at Tacoma
Boatbuilding Company now stands at approximately $800 million.
Newport News Shipbuilding is the vorld's largest and most diversified 'ard...also the most experienced.
We've Got The Space: 470 acres ilong two miles of waterfront, 9 piers or berthing ships to 1200 feet,
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We've Got The Facilities: A 300,000 quare foot machine shop with 500 nachines, a foundry that can pour 28,000 pounds of HY-80 and other teels as well as 20,000 pounds of non-ferrous metal, an unparalleled steel renewal center, a 23 story gantry crane that can lift 900 tons, a complete materials testing laboratory, a world famous school for training our own code welders.
We've Got The People And The
Community: 22,000 skilled and dedicated men and women on the payroll, 2000 engineers and designers and a ship-oriented community that has made thousands of visiting crewmen feel at home.
Our yard and our community have been serving the shipbuilding and ship repair industry for almost a century.
It's our way of life. It explains our enviable record of fast turnaround... often weeks ahead of schedule, our quality workmanship, our competitive rates. It explains why ship owners and operators from all over the world rate Newport News number one.
Newport News
A Tenneco Company
Newport News, Virginia 23607 (804) 380-2000/Telex 82-3453
TWX 710-880-0007