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Towboats and barges built in the Nabrico tradition con- sistently live up to owner expections. The scientific ap- proach—model testing of boats and barges—assures faster tows and greater efficiency. The imaginative approach of

Nabrico engineers has punctuated a brilliant history with in- novations that are now accepted as standard for the water transportation industry. The performance and quality that river people expect of Nabrico products carries over to a broad line of marine hardware which includes heavy duty, trouble-free winches, flush mounted water tight hatches and pin and socket alignment devices. Count on

Nabrico with confidence ... they'll never let you down!


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Pump Test Facility Described

At Hampton Roads SNAME Meeting

IP Jjj Mm *AH m/ 1 mr ml 'm hHb

Hampton Roads Section vice chairman D.L. Blount congratulates guest speaker

Jim Crawford. Looking on are Chuck Horton, chairman of Audit Committee, and

Section chairman Donald E. Kane Jr.

The Hampton Roads Section of

The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers held its first meeting of the 1980-81 year at Fisherman's Wharf in Hamp- ton, Va. Chairman Donald E.

Kane Jr. of Newport News Ship- building opened the meeting by welcoming the 110 members and guests present and presenting the new slate of officers for the com- ing year, plus a brief of the up- coming programs.

A technical paper, "Pump Test

Facility for Acceptance Opera- tional Testing of Ships Pumps

After Shop Overhaul," was pre- sented by Jim Crawford. Before coming to Norfolk Naval Ship- yard, Mr. Crawford was a test engineer with Newport News


Shop overhaul of ships' pumps is common practice. After re- installation in the ships system, there is often a long time before conditions can be established to operate a pump under system full- load. The result of this inadequate post-overhaul testing capability is often failure of a pump during ship operation when shop over- haul facilities are not available.

To assure adequate overhaul of pumps at Norfolk Naval Shipyard, before reinstallation in ships sys- tems, a complex pump test facil- ity was designed. Mr. Crawford's paper described the design of the facility from conception to prep- aration of detailed installation plans. He concluded with a dis- cussion of the intended use of the facility, including logistics of the

Shop Pump Test Program.

Following the presentation, for- mal discussions were presented by

S.E. Bevins and J.S. Bradshaw of

Newport News Shipbuilding, and

J. Stone of the Norfolk Navy

Yard. All were in agreement that the need for a facility of this type was evident, and it should help to lower the percentage of pump failures after overhaul.

Ambroseno Elected New

President Of Wild

Goose Association

Bernard Ambroseno

Bernard Ambroseno is the new- ly elected president of the Wild

Goose Association, an interna- tional organization for individ- uals with a common interest in

Loran. He comes to the office well equipped with a background rich in Loran work. He is currently the

Loran product manager for navi- gation systems at Epsco, Incor- porated, Westwood, Mass. He is also actively involved as a mem- ber of the board of directors for the International Omega Associ- ation and a member of I.O.N, and

R.T.C.M. Minimum Performance

Standards for Loran-C receiving equipment.

Mr. Ambroseno's background includes work as a member of the technical staff of the Applied

Science Laboratory at Harvard

University, where he designed ionospheric sounder and radar countermeasure equipments. His past work with major marine electronics companies includes re- sponsibility for the design and study of navigation and commu- nications equipment, hardened communications systems, and un- derwater communications sys- tems.

He has worked in great detail on navigation and timing equip- ment, antenna systems, including submarine VLF antenna, and a scale model of an Omega trans- mitting antenna for OMR. Mr.

Ambroseno has also conducted

FAA studies on Omega Lane Res- olution in the Western Hemis- phere. He begins his one-year term this fall. 44 Write 271 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

Maritime Reporter

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