Page 20: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 1981)
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NOR-SHIPPING '81 (continued from page 20) itime field. Leading representa- tives from government and pri- vate industry will discuss the pos- sibilities of establishing a con- structive framework for the fu- ture maritime relations between these sectors. Under the chair- manship of Sven H. Salen, chair- man, Saleninvest AB, Stockholm, and president of the Swedish
Shipowners' Association, the gen- eral theme for this section will be Cooperation in Shipping—the
Need for an International Ap- proach.
Developing and Developed
Countries—Partners or Adversar- ies in the Future?: Larime Fa- dika, minister of shipping, The
Ivory Coast; Brian P. Shaw, chairman, Committee of Euro- pean National Shipowners' Asso- ciation (CENSA) ; and a third speaker, to be announced, repre- senting the International Cham- bre of Commerce (ICC).
Cooperation on the Industry
Level—What Is in it for Develop- ing Countries ?: Arsenio Carlos
Nobrega, director, Empresa de
Navegacao Alianca, S.A., Brazil;
J.P.J. Besman, L.D. Travel Inter- national (Ship Freight) Ltd.; and
Atle Jebsen, vice chairman, The
Norwegian Shipowners' Associa- tion.
Section III will focus on the current energy situation and ad- dress different ways of reducing energy bills. With the soaring cost of oil and rapidly rising prices for all sorts of energy sup- plies, the question of fuel econo- mization has become a very im- portant one. This section will be chaired by Bjorn Wilhelmsen, managing director, Nortank-
Sigurd Sverdrup A/S.
Coal and Oil Reserves in the 80s: Prof. Vidkunn Hveding,
C.E., Oslo. This presentation will contain estimates of the existing coal and oil reserves available this decade. Of particular inter- est are the North Sea reserves, which seem to be a vast resource where technical and political de- cisions could be a hindrance.
What Can Be Done To Exist- ing Tonnage To Save Energy?:
Carsten Boe, Det norske Veritas; and Arnold Kr. Hansen, manag- ing director, The Ship Research
Sjolyst Exhibition Centre in Oslo is site of Nor-Shipping '81 8th International Ship- ping Exhibition and Seminar. Complex has total net exhibit area of approximately 10,000 cubic meters (9,500 indoors).
Institute of Norway. The two speakers will discuss possibilities of saving energy in existing ton- nage, concentrating on methods to improve machinery perform- ance and reduce hull friction.
Coal Burning as Fuel in New
Vessels: W.F. Ellis, principal con- sultant, W.F. Ellis and Associates
Pty, Ltd. There are different theories on how coal can be uti- lized as fuel in new ships, but very few vessels have actually been ordered and only a handful are in service today. The speaker will report on the operation of coal-fired ships and the criteria needed for a successful project.
The final Section IV will deal with manning of ships, education of ship's personnel, and ship safe- ty in general. The two introduc- tory speakers and the four pan- elists are internationally well- known experts in this field. The session will be chaired by Egil
Abrahamsen, president of Det norske Veritas.
List of Exhibitors*
Aberdeen Harbour Board
Aker Group
Aker Products
Aker Trondelag A/S
Akerpanel A/S
Alfsen & Gunderson A/S
Andersen & Odegaard A/S
Ankerlokken Gruppen
Aqua Teknikk A/S
Arentz & Amundsen A/S
Arnesen, Christensen & Company A/S
Asec A/S
Atlantic Diesel A/S
Aukra Bruk A/S
Autronica Marine Automation
BT Cabindoors-Baggerods Trevarefabrikk
Beha-Hedo A/S
A.S. Bergens Mek Verksteder
Bergsli A/S
Berner & Larsen A/S
Bjorshol Mek. Verksted A/S
Blohm + Voss AG
Bolsones Verft
Brannvernanlegg A/S
Brazil Export
British Shipbuilders
Brodr. Brunvoll Motorfabrikk A/S
Bruusgaard & Blindheim A/S
Bulten-Kanthal AB
Chris-Marine AB
Christiania Bank og Kredittkasse
A/S Clausen, Kaldager & Company
Corrintec Scandinavia A/S
Daewoo Shipbuilding & Heavy Machinery
Danfoss A/S
Brodrene Davidsen Shipelectro A/S
Det norske Veritas
A/S Edco
Eisenwerke Reintjes GmbH
Elektrisk Bureau
Elkem-Spigerverket A/S
A/S Eltek
Euroclean A/S
Fekete & Company A/S
Finnish Foreign Trade Association
Olaf Fjeldsend A/S
A/S Frydenbo Mek. Verksted
GEA Luftkuhlergesellschaft
W. Giertsen A/S
Glamox A/S
Ing. Firma K.E. Gleditsch
Golar Metall
Grandi Motori Trieste
Gotaverken Arendal AB
Gotaverken Cityvarvet AB
Hafen-u. Verkehrsbetriebe der
Landeshauptstadt Kiel
Peder Halvorsen A/S
Harding A/S
A/S G. Hartmann
Erik B. Hasvold
AB Hedemora Verksteder
Hjelset Motorfabrikk A/S
Holec Gas Generators
A/S Horten Verft
Kelvin Hughes A/S
Hydranor Trading A/S
A/S Hydraulik Brattvaag
Hytek A/S, Ingeniorer
Hyundai Corporation
Idhammar Konsult AB
International Farvefabrikk A/S
Inchape Export Limited
Interpower A/S
Intraship Ltd. A/S lotron Corporation
Japan Ship Exporters' Association
Japan Ship Machinery Export Association
The Axel Johnson Group
Karmoy Mek. Verksted A/S
The Kihlinvest Group
Klockner-Humboldt-Deutz AG
Kockums AB
Kongsberg Vapenfabrikk A/S
Finn Koren & Company A/S
N.O. Krog Andvik A/S
Fried. Krupp GmbH, Krupp Atlas
Kvaerner Group
Laholm Stal A/S
A/S Langesund Verft
Irgens Larsen A/S
Olof Lindstedt & Company AB
O.B. Linaae
Lloyd's of London Press Ltd.
Lohmann & Stolterfoht GmbH
Lovland & Company A/S
MacGregor Scandinavia A/S
Marine Engineering/Log
Maritime Protection A/S
Hans A. Mathiesen A/S
Metos-Scheller A/S
Micor Systems A/S
A/S Moelven Brug
Frank Mohn A/S
Nauteknikk A/S
Navimpex-Centrala Navala
Navire Cargo Gear
Newage Norge A/S
Norges Handels og Sjofartstidende
A/S NorMar
A/S Nor-Marine
A/S Norsk Elektrisk & Brown Boveri
Norsk Hydro A/S
Norsk Hydro Verksteder Rjukan
A/S Norsk Pumpeindustri
A/S Norsteel
Norwegian Shipping News
Dusseldorfer Messegellschaft mbH
Pay & Brinck A/S
Pervaco Systemer A/S
Port Weller Dry Docks
Province of Groningen, Nederland
A/S Pusnes Marine & Offshore Services
Pyrofabrikken A/S
Zahnraderfabrik Renk AG
Helge Ringdal A/S
Rochem Ships Equipment A/S
Rotator Norway A/S 3-S/NSFI
SF Norge A/S
Saab Marine Electronics
Salen & Wickander AB
Samsung Shipbuilding Company Ltd.
Sandvik Norge A/S
Schichau Unterweser AG
Seasafe Transport A/S
Per Selvig A/S
Shipping Research Services A/S
Shipping World & Shipbuilder
Simrad Trading A/S
Sj of a rtsd i re kto ra t e t / OI j e d i re kto ra tet
Bjarne Sjong & Company A/S
Skanti Radio A/S
A/S Skarpenrod
Association of Danish Shipbuilders
Skip og Maskin A/S
Societe Alsacienne de Constructions
Mecanique de Mulhouse
Sperre Mek Verksted A/S
SPM Instrument A/S
Standard Telefon og Kabelfabrikk A/S
Bertel O. Steen A/S
Stord Elektro A/S
Stork-Werkspoor Diesel B.V.
Stromag Norge A/S
Sulzer Brothers Ltd.
AB Svenska Flaktfabriken
Swedish Export Council
Swedyards/Svenska Varv AB
Syberg & Syberg A/S
Sigurd Sorum A/S
Tanksystem A/S
Technocommerz GmbH
Teknisk Presse A/S
Teknisk Service A/S
Telaeg Aksjeselskap
A/S Tenfjord Mek. Verksted
Tenvig Offshore A/S
Tofte & Jorgensen A/S
Total Transportation Systems (Int.) A/S
Tranberg A/S
Transocean Marine Paint
Turbo-Technik GmbH
Turners of Shettleston Ltd.
Uddehoim Stal A/S
Unitor Ships Service A/S
Volvo Norge A/S
West Norway Shipbuilders Association
A/S Westad Armaturfabrik
Thor Westad A/S
Weswitco A/S
A/S Wichmann
Witt & Borgen A/S
Wartsila Diesel Division
Oy Wartsila AB, Shipbuilding Division * As available at press time. 22 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News