Page 36: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 1981)
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SNAME New England
Section Hears Paper
On Thrust Bearings
A recent SNAME New Eng- land Section meeting was held at the Faculty Club of the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Mass. The speaker was Lyssimachos Vassilopoulos, president of Maritech, Inc. He presented a paper titled "Stiffness and Damping of Thrust Bear- ings," Engineering procedures for determining thrust bearing stiff- ness and damping properties at the design stage, using simplified structural models and elementary lubrication theory, were discussed in detail by the author. The util- ity of the finite element method for more refined assessments was also illustrated.
Mr. Vassilopoulos concluded his presentation by discussing some specific examples to show how the properties of existing bearings can be determined. Due to their simplicity, the methods suggested in the paper can be of great use- fulness at the design stage. The presentation was followed by a discussion period in which many members of the audience partic- ipated.
O&K To Build Split
Hull Hopper Dredge
For Heinrich Hirdes
O&K Orenstein & Koppel Ak- tiengesellschaft recently delivered a contract to supply a hopper suc- tion dredger with a hopper capac- ity of 1,500 cubic meters. The contract was placed by Heinrich
Hirdes GmbH, Hamburg. The dredger will be built to Ger- manischer-Lloyd class +100 A4 "Dredger" +MC AUT 16/24 at
O&K's shipyard in Lubeck. Called a "split hopper," the hull is di- vided longitudinally and is opened for unloading.
The two side suction pipes with pressure-activated, trailing suc- tion heads are designed for 73- foot dredging depth. The dredge pumps can be used for loading and unloading the hopper. For unloading, the pumps can be op- erated singly, connected in paral- lel or in series. The engine plant is designed for unattended engine room. Two main diesels will pro- vide primary energy for propul- sion, the dredge pumps, and the ship's mains. The diesels can be operated with heavy oil. The total diesel capacity installed will be 3,200 bhp.
Two variable-pitch propeller systems and an O&K Tornado transverse thruster will provide for good maneuverability of the dredger in narrow estuaries. The fully laden dredger will reach a speed of more than 10 knots. Air- conditioned cabins will be pro- vided for a crew of 11. The dredg- er could also be operated in trop- ical waters. Delivery is scheduled for the beginning of 1982.
Roger Potash Joins
David J. Seymour, Ltd.
As Principal Associate
Dr. Roger L. Potash has joined the firm of David J. Seymour,
Ltd., naval architects and marine consultants, as principal associ- ate. In his new position he is responsible for project manage- ment, naval architecture, and ocean engineering design and analysis.
Formerly with Ocean Systems
Division of Lockheed Missiles &
Space Company for nine years,
Dr. Potash has extensive experi- ence in research and development in such diverse programs as
OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy
Conversion), ocean mining, sur- face effect ships, offshore oil spill recovery, and 12-meter yachts.
He conducted research in ship hy- drodynamics at the Danish Ship
Research Laboratory, and yacht design with Gary Mull and Spark- man & Stephens.
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Maritime Reporter/Engineering News