Page 54: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 1981)
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OTC '81
H Technical Program
Monday Morning • Floating Structure Response (continued from page 54) 3951 3952 3953 3954
Our seasoned operators work surgical wonders on accident victims. We'll repair anything from a ship's nervous system to ruptured hulls or broken noses. We'll even give your vessel a face lift and paint job. We take emergency cases and long rehabilitation jobs. With three dry docks, modern, big shipyard facilities, and per- sonnel with around-the-clock service, we're ready to speed your recovery. Our estimators really cut costs to the bone too.
Give us a whistle.
PHONE 206-292 56b6
S[AT T L1. WASH. 98134
CABLE LOCKSHIP 3 floating drydocks to 18,000 tons
Shipways to 100 x 700 feet • Piers to 1,100 fe^J
Maxim sets you free!
MAXIMIZE performance and cut fuel costs too...
Why carry a ton or more in fresh water when a
Maxim" desalinator will handle all your fresh water needs? And getting rid of heavy water storage dramatically lowers fuel costs and im- proves ship performance. There's a bonus too .on long cruises you will eliminate water stops or having to take on water of questionable purity.
Maxim desalinators are available in a range of capacities from 150 to 100,000 gallons per day. Plus custom design and on-time shipment of deaerators and marine heat exchangers.
Write or call Riley-Beaird, Maxim Evapora- tor Division. P.O. Box 31115, Shreveport, Louisi- ana 71130 Phone 318/865-6351. Or contact your local Maxim Evaporator agent.
Competition. Inc., 70. Rt. 202 North, Peterborough. NH 03458
Phone 603/924-6084
John H. Marvin Co., Inc.,
P.O. Box 9347. Queen Anne Station. Seattle, \NA 98109
Phone 206/284-0331
Underwood National-International Sales, 2008 Gray Court. North Ft. Myers, FL 33903
Phone 813/995-2231
Drilling Rig 3955 Steep Wave Effects on Large Offshore
Structures • Offshore Processing
Mean and Low Frequency Wave Forces on Semi-Submersibles
Dynamic Response of Semi-Submersi- bles
The Response of Floating Platforms to Extreme Sea States
Prediction of the Manoeuvering Char-
OTC 3956 3957 3958 3959 3960 3961
Offshore Liquefaction of Associated
Gas—A Suitable Process for the
North Sea
Development of Seabed Dry One At- mosphere Modules for Processing
Hydrocarbons from Deep Water, Mar- ginal and Sub-Ice Reservoirs
Buchan Development Project — Con- version of a Drilling Rig into a Float- ing Production Platform
Bargemounted Petrochemical Plants for the Production of Methanol and
A Technical and Economic Evaluation of the Utilization of Offshore Natural
Gas Reserves (50 to 150 mmscfd)
Transferring LNG from a North Sea
Floating Process Terminal to a Shut- tle Carrier-Evaluation by Hydrid Com- puter Simulation • Fatigue Considerations in
Offshore Systems
OTC 3962 Fatigue of Welded Structural Steel in
Sea Water 3963 Investigation of Fatigue Data Ob- tained from Tests of Traverse Butt
Welded Specimens 3964 Fatigue Strength of Overlapping Tub- ular N-Joints 3965 Hybrid Time-Frequency Domain Fa- tigue Analysis for Deep-Water Plat- forms 3966 The Use of Full Scale Measurements to Improve Fatigue Predictions • Platform Installation
OTC 3967 3968 3969 3970 3971 3972
Fabrication to Installation of a Santa
Barbara Channel Jacket
Maximum Pile Driving Stress Com- parison
Stress History Approach to Analysis of Soil Resistance to Pile Driving
Calculation of Module Reactions in
Accordance with API RP2A Clause 2.23
Hook-up of Very Heavy Jack-Up Plat- form Bodies — Motions, Dynamic
Forces and Impacts Occurring and
Their Effective Control by Interacting
Structural Design Considerations for
Temporary Seafloor Support of Jacket
Soil Wave Interaction and
Seafloor Instability
OTC 3973 3974 3975 3976 3977 3978
Correlation of Field Measurements with Elastic Theory of Seafloor Re- sponse to Surface Waves
Storm-Induced Bottom Sediment Mo- tions—SEASWAB II Results
Evaluation of Seafloor Stability
Hindcasting Evaluation of Slope Sta- bility in the Baltimore Canyon Trough
Ocean Wave Spectrum Transformation
Due to Sea-Seabed Interactions
Factors Contributing to the Initiation of Slope Instability, Mississippi Delta • Structural Analysis and Design
OTC 3979 Capabilities and Limitations of In- elastic Seismic Analyses of Braced
Offshore Structures 3980 Wrinkling Stress of Platform Jackets 3981 Residual Strength and Stiffness of
Damaged Steel Bracing Members 3982 Design of Ring Stiffened Tubulars
Under Combined Loading • Trenching Systems
Write 241 on Reader Service Card Write 314 on Reader Service Card
OTC 3983 TM 402—A New Operating Cable And
Pipe Burying System 3984 Pipeline Trenching Firth of Forth
Estuary 3985 Control System for an Intelligent Un- derwater Trencher 3986 Location Finding of Offshore Sub- marine Cables 3987 Buried Submarine Cable Grapnel
Monday Afternoon 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The 1981 OTC General Session, "Off- shore Oil and Gas Operations—Assess- (continued on page 58) 56 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News