Page 14: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 1982)

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$4.6-Million Overhaul

Contract For Navy Ship

Awarded To Detyens Yard

Detyens Shipyard, Mt. Pleas- ant, S.C., has been awarded a $4,651,548 firm-fixed-price con- tract for the overhaul of USS

Alamogordo (ARDN2). Work will be performed at Wando, S.C. The

Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Con- version and Repair, USN, Charles- ton, S.C., is the contracting ac- tivity. (N62673-C-0002)

Edward Peterson Named

Vice President Of Sales

At Dravo Mechling

Dravo Mechling, of Pittsburgh,

Pa., the barge line subsidiary of

Dravo Corporation, announced the appointment of Edward

Peterson as vice president, sales.

He will be located at the barge line's Pittsburgh headquarters.

Mr. Peterson was formerly sales manager for American Com- mercial Barge Line, Inc. where he also had served as southern re- gional manager, located in New

Orleans, and as director of reg- ulated sales. Previously, he was superintendent, marine opera- tions, for International Paper


Dravo Mechling provides com- mon carrier and contract barge transportation and river towing services on the inland river and

Akasaka Engines from Schnitzer-Levin

Cut Your Annual Fuel Costs 46%

World's most fuel-efficient tug boat, tow boat, supply boat engines.

First time available in U.S.

Schnitzer-Levin Marine introduces Akasaka A-Series engines.

World leaders in fuel-efficiency for their horsepower range.


Design • Longer stroke • Lower rpm • 4-cycle dependability

For better fuel rates than any comparable engines.

Engine Pays

For Itself

Fuel savings alone will pay off entire engine cost- including re-engining— in about four years.

Heavy Fuel


Maximizes your savings.

Easy to Maintain

Fewer moving parts.

Remove single exhaust valve without lifting cylinder head.

Spares in the U.S. for all engines sold.



Even under low-load conditions.

Direct Reversing


Eliminates gears.

Howmuch^vou save with tw* engine? 1

Compact hpavy-duty . „ XsaKa series engine. tSk.-^1' aa i

Lj»V considenng specific savings and paV0Ut ..^calculate you'Engines-

Engine Model A28 A31 A34 A37 A41

Maximum continuous output bhp 1500 1800 2200 2600 3300

Maximum continuous speed rpm 320 290 270 250 230

Number of cylinders 6 6 6 6 6

Cylinder bore mm 280 310 340 370 410

Piston stroke mm 550 600 660 720 800

Mean piston speed m/s 5.87 5.80 5.94 6.00 6.13

Maximum pressure in cylinder kg/cm2 130 130 130 130 130

Mean effective pressure kg/cm2 20.76 20.56 20.40 20.15 20.38

Overload limit % 10 10 10 10 10

Specific F.O. consumption Ibs/BHP-hr .315 .310 .308 .306 .302

Excellent fuel rates shown are guaranteed at full power, even better at 85% power.

Call us: Schnitzer-Levin Marine Company

Intracoastal Waterway System, and on the Great Lakes through regional offices located at Chi- cago, Houston, New Orleans, New

York, and St. Louis.

Award $35-Million Increase

To Westinghouse Contract

For Nuclear Propulsion

Westinghouse Electric Corpo- ration, Plant Apparatus Division,

Wilkins Township, Pa., has re- ceived a $35,810,153 face value increase to a previously awarded cost-plus-fixed-fee contract to provide naval nuclear propulsion components. The Naval Sea Sys- tems Command, Washington,

D.C., is the contracting activity. (N00024-74-C-5010)

David Watson Appointed

General Manager At

Bethlehem, Sparrows Point

The promotion of David Watson to general manager of Bethlehem

Steel Corporation's shipyard at

Sparrows Point, Md., was an- nounced recently by David H.

Klinges, vice president in charge of shipbuilding.

San Francisco (415)761-0993

TWX 910-371-7248 445 Littlefield Ave. (Box 2445)

South San Francisco

California 94080

New York (212)832-3320

TWX 710-581-2342

Portland (503) 224-9900

TELEX WU 36-0144

David Watson

Mr. Watson has been assistant general manager at the yard since 1976, and succeeds George

S. Hamilton, who retired after 41 years of service with the com- pany.

The new general manager, a native of Kilbirnie, Ayrshire,

Scotland, was employed by sev- eral shipbuilders in the U.K. for 11 years. He joined Bethlehem

Steel at the Sparrows Point yard in 1965 as an engineer in the shipbuilding department's cen- tral technical division.

Two years later he was ap- pointed chief industrial engineer for the shipyard. In that post, he was a key figure in the expan- sion that occurred at the yard during the late 1960s and early 1970s. The projects included the shipbuilding basin, panel shop, and blast and paint shop.

In 1971, Mr. Watson became assistant hull superintendent, hull superintendent in 1973, and general superintendent in 1974.

Two years later he was promoted to assistant general manager. 100 Write 193 on Reader Service Card Write 146 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.