Page 32: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (July 15, 1983)
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Diesel Power Review
Volvo Penta (continued from page 36) engine mounts and shaft cou- plings, freshwater filters, auxil- iary alternators, engine-mounted pumps, and many more.
The heavy-duty Volvo line in- cludes the model MD 120A, a 6- cylinder engine with maximum continuous rating of 168 shp at 1,800 rpm, and the 6-cylinder TMD 120A with mcr of 260 shp at 1,800.
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Wartsila Diesel, one of the world's leading manufacturers of medium-speed diesel engines, has three production plants: the Wart- sila Vasa factory in Finland, the
Trollhattan factory in Sweden, and the newest factory, Wartsila Power
Singapore in Singapore.
The purpose of Wartsila's prod- uct development program was to create diesel engines capable of both maximum economy and safe operation even in the most de- manding applications. As a result,
Wartsila now produces two high- standard medium-speed diesel en- gines designed and developed from the very beginning to operate on the poorest quality fuel.
The Vasa 32, introduced in 1977, is well established in the world's engine market as a main or auxil- iary power source on a variety of ships. This engine, with its seven different cylinder versions—4R32, 8R32, 9R32, 12V32, 16V32 and 18V32—covers an output range of 1,820 to 8,350 hp at 720 to 800 rpm. The Vasa 32 accepts fuel with a maximum viscosity of 380 cSt.
The second of Wartsila's very heavy fuel engines is the Wartsila
Vasa 22HF—the smallest engine in the world developed exclusively to operate on heavy fuel. The out- put range of Vasa 22HF covers 720 to 3,480 hp at 900 to 1,200 rpm. The engine is built in five different cylinder versions— 4R22HF, 6R22HF, 8R22HF, 12V22HF, and 16V22HF—run- ning on heavy fuel with the same maximum viscosity as the Vasa 32 engine, 380 cSt.
The main features of these en- gines are: starting, stopping, and running over the entire load range on heavy fuel without any limita- tions; heavy fuel operation with the same safety and reliability as when operating on distillate fuel; and all engines can run on the same type of heavy fuel.
The Wartsila Diesel very heavy fuel engines can be operated equally well on distillate fuels such as gas, oil, or diesel oil. The high level of reliability and dura- bility when operated on heavy fuel oil will be improved by a factor of 1.5 to 5 when operated on distil- late fuel. The engines retain this advantage with distillate fuels of lower quality proposed in future international standards.
Distillate fuel quality has been deteriorating rapidly. Sulphur content in the region of 2 percent will be normal in the future for the cheaper grades. The Wartsila
Vasa 32 and Vasa 22 diesels were designed from the outset to burn the poorest quality heavy fuel an- ticipated during the next decade.
Wartsila Diesel reports, because it was the first company to intro- duce purpose-designed heavy fuel engines with outputs below 9,000 hp, it has gained extensive field experience with heavy fuel en- gines in that range. This experi- ence confirms: low maintenance costs resulting from long periods between overhauls, ease of main- tenance, and low spare part con- sumption. Wartsila Diesel engines are backed by an efficient service organization in three factories and at numerous service centers worldwide.
Since 1980, Wartsila Diesel has been represented in the U.S. by
Wartsila Power Inc., with its main office in New Orleans, La., and branch offices in Houston, Texas,
Seattle, Wash., and New York
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Waukesha Engine Division,
Waukesha, Wis., has begun pro- duction of the AT25 diesel series at its Wisconsin plant. These high- output, medium-speed 250-mm bore diesels are built under a license agreement with Sulzer Brothers
Ltd., Winterthur, Switzerland. De- signed to operate economically on distillate or blended fuels, the pri- mary applications for the AT25 are marine propulsion and off- shore drilling platforms.
Available in V-16 and V-12 con- figurations, in-line versions of the
AT25 will be offered late in 1984.
These diesels are rated up to 300 bhp per cylinder at 1,000 rpm on distillate fuel, and up to 270 bhp per cylinder at 1,000 rpm on heavy fuels.
The AT25 is ideal for heavy fuel operation. The bore-cooled cylin- der head and the two-part piston assure lower induced stresses and moderate valve seat temperatures, both important when running on heavy fuel. Also when compared with a former double bottom de- sign, (used for most engines of this kind), the bore-cooled head has 2.5 times fewer deformations. This en- hances valve sealing conditions, resulting in more efficient combus- tion of heavy oil fuel.
The application of a Brown Bov- eri pulse-type turbocharger pro- vides more rapid response to load changes and helps lower fuel con- sumption at both part and full loads. Low fuel consumption is also achieved by high pressure fuel injection and optimized injec- tion timing.
All pistons, piston rings, con- necting rods, cylinder heads, cyl- inder liners, injection pumps and nozzles are completely inter- changeable among all models offered.
A significant capital investment program at Waukesha includes new AT25 cylinder block and crankshaft machining centers, and new assembly and test centers for the new series. Waukesha's major thrust with the AT25 will be in the coastal marine, inland water- ways, and oceangoing vessel markets.
Gary V. Bollenbach has been appointed head of the AT25 pro- gram at Waukesha.
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ZF of North America, Inc. of
Northbrook, 111., offers a full line of light-weight high-performance marine gears. (continued on page 40) vii-na- enco'
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