Page 7: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 15, 1983)
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Radm. Nunneley New
President Of ASNE
Rear Adm. James K. Nunne- ley, USN, Director, Maintenance and Modernization Division, Of- fice of the Chief of Naval Opera- tions (OP-43) was installed as president of the American Society of Naval Engineers at the Soci- ety's annual turnover dinner at the Shoreham Hotel in Washing- ton, D.C.
James K. Nunneley
Admiral Nunneley is the 88th president of ASNE which was founded in 1888. The Society pro- vides a forum for direct communi- cation between government engi- neers, both civilian and military, and industry engineers, shipbuild- ers and operators, and suppliers of related services and equipment.
The Society's membership now in- cludes 6,800 members about half of whom are active duty or retired military and half are civilian. In 1983, ASNE celebrates 95 years of service to the profession of naval engineering.
Admiral Nunneley graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy with distinction on June 6, 1952, and from MIT in June 1957 at which time he received his professional degree of Naval Engineer, his MS degree in Naval Architecture and
Marine Engineering, and simulta- neously was designated an Engi- neering Duty Officer (ED).
After serving on several naval vessels and naval shipyards in an engineering capacity and having attended the Naval War College,
Admiral Nunneley assumed com- mand of the Puget Sound Naval
Shipyard. In 1979 he was selected to the rank of Rear Admiral. He has been an active member of
ASNE for the past 20 years.
New High-Tech Towline introduced By American —Literature Available
American Manufacturing Com- pany, one of the largest rope mak- ers in the United States, recently introduced a new high-tech rope for end-to-end towing applications.
Traditionally, nylon has been used for most towing applications.
Compared with nylon, American's new AMESTER rope is said to withstand more cyclic loading, of- fer superior ultraviolet resistance, and have better wearing proper- ties and wet strength, and provide elongation equal to or greater than nylon.
According to the manufacturer,
AMESTER end-to-end towline surpasses nylon in every critical specification. It is presently avail- able in three-strand and plaited construction up to 18 inches in circumference.
For complete information and prices,
Write 21 on Reader Service Card
Sealol Names Vassalotti
Manager Tensioner Systems
James J. Cummins, director, business development for Sealol's
Engineered Product Division,
Warwick, R.I., has announced the appointment of Michael Vassal- otti as manager, tensioner systems.
Most recently Mr. Vassalotti was associated with Nuclear En- ergy Services, Inc., Danbury, Conn. s
At Nuclear Energy Services he served as a project manager, an applications engineer and was re- sponsible for nuclear power sta- tion applications in tensioner sys- tems. With six years of engineering and marketing experience in the nuclear power industry with an emphasis on tensioner systems ap- plications, Mr. Vassalotti brings a special expertise to Sealol.
Top A 100 tonne Vickdock operating in Brunei. Above: A 30 tonne Vickdock working in Sydney Harbour. Australia.
A floating dock for any vessel up to300tonnes.
This new floating, submersible dock (shown above) works quickly, safely whether the tide is in or out. The all welded, steel Vickdock provides a generous working area well out of the water to allow a safe, level and dry surface
One man can easily operate the Vickdock.
The tanks are flooded to allow the vessel to float over the dock. The tanks are then blown clear, submarine fashion, by compressed air allowing much faster operation than conven- tional pumps. Tools and repair equipment can also be operated from the main air compressor.
As an example of Vickdock's speed, a 12 metre (approx. 36ft) craft can be lifted clear of the water, cleaned and relaunched within 90 minutes.
All U.S. inquiries should be directed toGionnotti &
Associates Inc., Houston Texas (713) 9870117-
The AMMAC Corporation, Wilmington, California is licensed to have the docks constructed within the
Canadian inquiries to Mantle Industries Ltd., Delta,
British Columbia (604) 9469521. y Vickers Cockatoo Dockyard Pty. Ltd. Vickers Cockatoo Dockyard Pty. Ltd. P.O. Box 162, Milsons Point, N S W. 2061 Australia Telephone: 9201333, Telex: AA72086 A Vickers company (ft) Registered Trademark.
November 15, 1983 Write 1001 on Reader Service Card 9