Page 10: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (January 1984)
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(continued from page 10) technological environment it will work in the heartland of the United
Nicholas H. Chavasse, Alfa-
Laval, Inc., presented "The Alfa-
Laval Line-Up Past and Present."
He stated that the Alfa-Laval
MAB-103 and MAB-104 are small, manually cleaned centrifuges used today for turbine lube oil and for lube and diesel fuel on small die- sel engines. Benefits of the 100 se- ries is that they are inexpensive, easy to install, simple to run, and the controls are simple. The draw- backs to the MAB-100 Series are that they have limited or small ca- pacities and that their sludge- holding capacity is rather limited.
The Alfa-Laval MAB-200 Series of purifiers are similar to the 100
Series but with the following ma- jor differences. There are five units available. They are larger both in size and capacity. They have re- movable sludge liners and self- draining bowls. They have paring disc pumps built into the bowl for pressurized discharge of the light (oil) phase and all of these give the following benefits: Longer runs be- tween cleaning, easier to clean, and on the larger units (MAB-205 and up) built-on bowl cranes for lifting the bowl top and stack out of the unit and to the side. The benefit of the paring disc pump on the light phase is that back pres- sure can be applied to the oil out- let if required. The drawbacks to the MAB-200s are that they are more expensive, larger, heavier, still labor intensive if applied to a dirty product and limited in their application to diesel fuel, small engine diesel lube oil, turbine lube oil, hydraulics and other similar applications.
The next step in the Alfa-Laval line of marine purifiers (by-pass- ing the nozzle machines) is the
MAPX or MOPX line of self-clean- ing purifiers. There are six sizes in the family ranging from the small 204 to the large 313 size unit. The
MAPX/MOPX units solve the problems that exist with the MAB
Series of units. They can handle just about any type of marine fuel and lube oil application if sized and installed properly and are a tried and proven piece of equip- ment.
The Alfa-Laval WHPX Series of purifiers, introduced in 1972-73, does not lose any oil in the shoot, requires no pressurized water or hot water, generates less sludge volume and requires less water. It has become the industry standard, and although more expensive than the conventional unit, has a pay- back in normally less than two years.
Last is the ALCAP FOPX Series of fuel oil purifiers. The FOPX is neither a purifier nor a clarifier but a combination of both is the best way to describe it. The FOPX was developed to solve the problem with the upper limits presently imposed on purifiers, to get rid of the problems presently associated with the gravity rings, to make the centrifuge less sensitive to temperature control, and primar- ily to give the marine industry a piece of equipment that the opera- tors could feel a little bit happier with.
Nels J. Hendrickson, Drew
Chemical Corporation, spoke on "The Role of Chemicals and Fuel
Analysis in the Marine Industry."
He introduced his subject by stat- ing that "Even though the price, quality and availability of marine fuels have not deteriorated as rap- idly as forecasted, there still can be compelling economic reasons for vessel operators to consider burning heavy marine fuels. How- ever, a hasty switch to a lower- cost fuel without full consideration for the consequences of the switch to lower-quality fuels on equip- ment and the need for greater per- sonnel attention and control can have quite the opposite desired cost outcome."
The use of fuel additives has taken longer to be accepted than the use of chemicals in other sys- tems and is an area of continued misunderstanding and contro- versy. Part of the problem is caused by the large number of additive manufacturers as well as by the lack of proper understanding by operators of the types of additives available and their role. Fuel ad- ditives have, however, been used successfully to solve many prob- lems. Additives have been used in lube oils, as pour point depres- sants, ash modifiers and demulsi- fiers, as well as for many other applications. Drew AMEROID'1
Marine's products and services have also expanded and changed from one or two relatively simple prod- ucts to our extensive present line.
These products are being used worldwide on over 4,000 vessels.
It is our opinion that diesel en- gines can effectively burn today's fuels and those expected in the near future. This is especially im- portant for operators who are con- sidering burning blended fuels with engines capable of doing so. How- ever, the operator, in order to re- alize the full cost benefit, must take advantage of the treatment tools available (i.e., fuel analysis, mechanical and chemical treat- ment).
Ole Schnohr, MAN, B&W, Al- pha Propulsion Systems, spoke on "Engines on the River."
Basically, the quality of heavy fuel has not really changed since fuels entered the marine market.
Any fuel considered of poor qual- ity today for reasons of high vis- cosity, high Conradson Carbon content or high content of cata- lytic fines, etc., could be produced and was actually produced and found on the market in the early days of heavy fuel operation.
In recent years comprehensive test programs have been initiated by the engine industry in order to meet the challenge presented by an overall declining average fuel quality. The systematic accumula- tion of service results from those ships in service which, according to experience, would be more fre- quent users of such marginal fuel qualities also has been intensified.
The conclusion to be drawn from the combustion research carried out on full scale engines was the encouraging fact that all these so- called extreme fuel qualities, in- cluding coal derivatives, were fully usable in our diesel engines, as has been the case with the tradi- tional heavy fuels in the past.
We are fully aware of the some- what different modes of operation involved in river boat traffic ver- sus oceangoing operation. The main difference is strongly related to manning requirements and the maintenance pattern.
With the rivers being the "free- ways" for bulk cargo in this coun- try the river tugs are operated as trucks on the road. As illustrated the complete propulsion package with its integrated control system allows such running of the engines "from the front seat", i.e., the bridge pilothouse.
The analogy to road transporta- tion is expressing with strength that it is a natural requirement of the operator that maintenance is as fully predictable as when a truck needs service and fuel, but of course with much longer in- tervals.
With the stability in perform- ance which is outlined and proven by our service experience, we can meet such requirements, meaning that unskilled personnel can oper- ate the engines and actual service be left to shore gangs at "service stations."
Hugo Fiedler of MaK pre- sented a paper entitled "Heavy
Fuel Operation with MaK Diesel
Engines for Multipurpose Appli- cation and Marine Propulsion."
The MaK diesel engine program consists of five engine lines with an overall range from 740 to 9,000 kw. Basically the engines are de- signed and built for marine appli- cations, main propulsion and aux- iliary service, as well as stationary application. Accordingly, economy, which means reliability, low fuel
Transamerica Delaval twin Enterprise OMR 46 engines (each 3500 hp), mounted on Chockfast Orange-, power the rugged workboats of Biehl. Inc. Kuyper gears with cast-in- place Chockfast alignment also help to assure powerplant dependability.
When reliability cannot be compromised.. count on organization
High-performance products and worldwide service from factory-trained and certified chocking specialists. Chockfast Orange" has earned a reputation for reliability • more than 15.000 main propulsion systems, plus • genera- tors and auxiliary equipment • sterntube, strut, pintle, rudder and pedestal bearings • steering gears • engine-room and cargo pumps • anchor wind- lasses • bow thrusters • cable penetrations • stern winches.
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