Page 13: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (January 1984)
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when, due to the expense of burn- ing heavy oil versus diesel oil, the boats were converted back to die- sel oil service and the heavy-oil equipment was removed.
Many lessons were learned from these years of operating on blended fuel oil and these lessons were thoroughly studied and considered when the Inland Waterways Divi- sion decided to build the M/V Rob- ert A. Kyle and make it capable of burning blended fuels.
The M/V Robert A. Kyle had op- erated for approximately 950 hours on blended fuel when the decision was made to replace the power packs in the center engine. Since the first phase of the test was to be a shakedown of the fuel handling and delivery equipment, the power packs were not renewed prior to using heavy fuel even though EMD recommends chrome cylinder lin- ers when using high-sulfur fuel.
The performance of the cast-iron liners during the shakedown phase proved to be quite promising so that we and EMD decided to test both cast-iron and chrome liners in the wear evaluation phase of the test which is currently under- way. Through the cooperation of
EMD and the oil companies, the engines were thoroughly inspected and borescope photographs of the cylinder walls, exhaust valves and turbo screen were taken to record their condition before heavy fuel was introduced to the engine. There were no unexpected consequences attributable to the use of heavy fuel during the shakedown phase of the test. The Kyle has experi- enced no failures on the center en- gine due to blended fuel oil.
For further information and cop- ies of the above presentations, circle the appropriate number on the
Reader Service Card in the back of this issue.
Belcher Oil Company (Quality and Availability of Blended Ma- rine Fuels in 1983)—Circle 51;
Alfa Laval, Inc. ("The Alfa Laval
Line-Up Past And Present")—Cir- cle 52; Drew Chemical Com- pany ("The Role Of Chemicals and Fuel Analysis in the Marine
Industry")—Circle 53; MAN/B&W,
Alpha Propulsion Systems ("Engines on the River")—Circle 54; MaK ("Heavy Fuel Operation with MaK Diesel Engines for Mul- tipurpose Application and Marine
Propulsion")—Circle 55; Transa- merica Delaval (Exhaust Emis- sion Control Techniques of Today's
Large-Bore Medium-Speed Diesel
Engines for Heavy Fuel Opera- tion's—Circle 56; Warstila Die- sel (Reliable Heavy-Fuel Engine
Component Designs")—Circle 57;
Waukesha Engine (The Wauke- sha AT25 Series Diesel)—Circle 58; ACBL (The ACBL Blended
Fuel Program")—Circle 59; Mid- land Ross ("Midland's Heavy Fuel
Oil Experience")—Circle 60;
Heartland Transportation ("The
Inland Waterways Division Pott
Industries Inc. Blended Fuel Pro- gram")—Circle 61. •4 Circle 122 on Reader Service Card _ r y * ~ • 7 r r A
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