Page 20: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (January 1984)
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Champion Express (continued from page 21) thrust of 4,000 pounds. The steer- ing system is by SSI.
The vessel's capacities include 44,000 gallons of fuel oil, 12,000 gallons of potable water, 132,000 gallons of ballast water, 3,000 cu- bic feet of dry mud, and 1,500 bar- rels of liquid mud. The cargo deck area measures 96 by 28 feet. Ac- commodations are provided for 17 persons.
Main engines (2) Detroit Diesel
Reduction gears (2) Twin Disc
Propellers (2) Avondale
Bearings Johnson
Generators (2) General Electric
Generator engines (2) Detroit Diesel
Panels Treco
Engine monitors, steering SSI
Bow thruster Jastram
Pumps Aurora, Viking
Air compressors Quincy
Radars (2) Furuno
SSB radio Sailor
Loran C Texas Instrument
Autopilot Sperry
Tacoma Boat Building
The tractor tug Arthur Foss, fi- nal vessel in a series of four built by Tacoma Boat Building Com- pany of Tacoma, Wash., for Foss
Launch & Tug Company of Seat- tle, was commissioned during 1983.
Like the three sister vessels, the 3,900-bhp Arthur Foss features a cycloidal propulsion system that enables it to produce thrust in any
Ti Marine hemicals for Tough
Marine Operations
At Magnus Maritec, we have been developing and supplying hardworking, cost-effective chemical products to the marine industry for over 25 years.
Our diverse line of innovative products is backed by dedicated, on-time service, which owners depend on for efficient operations.
High performance and dependability is why
COLORCOOL ™ is popular for freshwater-cooled diesel engines. A liquid nitrite-chelate water con- ditioner, COLORCOOL T" inhibits corrosion and scale formation on all internals of the cooling system. Color indicator warns when the pH level drops to an unsafe level. Work boat operators also depend on our heavy-duty fuel oil additive, COM-
BUSTION CATALYST. This advanced, highly con- centrated liquid catalyst dramatically improves fuel oil combustion characteristics in diesel engines.
Our MAGNAKOTE® rust-retarding tank and void space coating has proven itself superior for steel corrosion protection. direction without changing its heading.
The new boat can move side- ways, turn a full circle in very lim- ited space, and come to a complete stop in approximately its own length. The capabilities allow the tug to assist ships and tows in a minimum of time and with maxi- mum safety.
The Arthur Foss has an overall length of 106 feet, beam of 38 feet, and draft of 17 feet 4 inches. Pro- pulsion is provided by twin GM
Electro-Motive Division 16-645-E6 diesel engines, each rated 1,950 bhp at 900 rpm. The two Voith-
Schneider, vertically oriented cy- cloidal propellers have a blade or- bit diameter of 3,200 mm (126 inches); each of the five blades is 2,006 mm (79 inches) long. The
Voith-Schneider units were chosen after an in-depth, 2Vfe year study by Foss. The conceptual design for the tractor tugs was by the Foss design committee; The Glosten As- sociates of Seattle was the naval architect.
The tug's capacities include 50,550 gallons of fuel oil, 4,500 gallons of lube and hydraulic oil, and 5,400 gallons of fresh water. A crew of six operates the vessel.
Main engines (2) EMD
Propellers, engine controls, and steering systems Voith-Schneider
Generator engines (2) Detroit
Engine monitors Sea-Land
Sanitation system Red Fox
Radar Furuno
VHF radios (2) Raytheon
Winches (2) Interco
Coatings International
Fendering Schuyler
Bender Shipbuilding
Bender Shipbuilding and Repair of Mobile, Ala., has delivered the 225-foot El Audaz, the yard's fourth big tuna purse seiner in a four- boat order for Mexico. Immedi- ately following her outfitting the
El Audaz cast off with her sister ship Centauro Del Norte for fish- ing in the Pacific.
Main propulsion is provided by a medium-speed, Electro-Motive
Diesel 20-645-E7 engine produc- ing 3,600 bhp at 900 rpm. Power is transmitted to a 4-bladed, highly skewed Rice propeller through a
Falk reduction gear. Main engine controls were supplied by Mathers.
Auxiliary power is provided by three Caterpillar D3408 diesels, each producing 285 kw at 1,800 rpm. The main hydraulic power source is also a Cat D3408, which develops 500 bhp at 2,100 rpm. (continued on page 24) •4 Circle 122 on Reader Service Card
Colorcool ™
Engine Corrosion
Prevents scale formation.
Conditions metal to resist rust. Full protective ac- tion while engine is in operation or shutdown.
Scale-causing minerals held in solution for com- plete bleed-off proce- dure. Convenient to use liquid contains pH color indicator.
Increase Combustion
Liquid blend of hydro- carbon solvents and organometallics increases fuel oil combustion effi- ciency in diesel engines.
Complete combustion can result in decreasing fuel consumption, smok- ing, soot accumulation and sparking.
Rust Retarding
Minimum surface pre- paration required. Easy to apply: spray or float method. Nontoxic during application. Does not generate explosive gases.
High flash point. Easily removed—work area need only be cleaned for repairs. This unique for- mula carries a U.S. patent.
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Maritec representative or our world headquarters.