Page 38: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (January 1984)
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Justin T. Rogers (continued from page 36) of 47.8 feet, and a depth of 12 feet.
Operating draft is just over 9 feet.
Midland's decision to build heavy-fuel boats was based purely on economics. The price and avail- ability of fuels are two major fac- tors in moving cargo competi- tively. Midland operates the Rogers on the lower Mississippi River be- tween Cairo, 111., and New Orle- ans. The new vessel is used to transport coal, grain, and other dry bulk commodities.
Burrard Yarrows
Burrard Yarrows Corporation headquartered in North Vancou- ver, B.C., Canada's biggest West
Coast shipbuilder, in 1983 deliv- ered two identical icebreaking, anchor-handling/tug-supply ves- sels to Gulf Canada Resources Inc. of Calgary, Alberta. Named Kal- vik and Terry Fox, these vessels are reported to be the most pow- erful of their type in the free world. Kavlik was built at Bur- rard's Victoria Division on Van- couver Island and the Terry Fox was built at the Vancouver Divi- sion in North Vancouver. Design and supervision of construction was carried out by naval archi- tects German & Milne Inc. of
The 2,200-dwt vessels have an overall length of 288.7 feet, beam of 57.4 feet, depth of 32.8 feet, and operating draft of 26.25 feet. They carry crews of 18 persons and are designed for optimum performance in both open and ice-covered wa- ters.
Each vessel is powered by twin
TM510 Stork Werkspoor diesels with a total output of 23,200 bhp,
System capacities range from 39 to 1,320 GPH
Our Microphor/Taiko Oily Water Separators use state- of-the-art technology to separate oil from bilge water.
Compact, easily-installed devices utilize straight co- alescing method to remove oil. Separation is by grav- ity through a series of chambers. Low purchase price, minimum maintenance and economical operation mean our oily water separators are your best buy. Corrosion, oxidation resistant. Longer service life. Eliminate scheduled filter changes. Exceed IMO and USCG dis- charge requirements.
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Microphor" is a registered trademark (or certain products manufactured by Microphor. Inc , Willits. California
Subsidiary ot the Harrow Corporation driving through Lohmann & Stol- terfoht single-reduction gearboxes to open, controllable-pitch Lips propellers. A 1,000-kw generator is clutched off each gearbox; in the icebreaking mode, these genera- tors are dedicated to driving the
Wartsila air bubbler system. Main engine controls are by ASEA.
Ship's service electric power is provided by two 750-kw ac gener- ators driven by Caterpillar diesels.
A 200-kw emergency generator is also installed.
In addition to the large center- line rudder, steering is assisted by a 500-hp stern thruster supplied by Maritime Industries. The air bubbler system also functions as a bow thruster. A special coating,
Inerta 160, covers the hull up to the main deck, protecting the hull and reducing hull-ice friction.
Particular attention has been given to the form of the forward part of the vessels to prevent ice from flowing under the hull and being ingested into the propellers.
In addition, the bow design has been developed to maximize both level ice and ridge ice penetration performance. Special attention has been given to directional stability in the ice-ramming mode.
The hull is of double chine form and incorporates a semi-spoon bow, forward ice plow, and raked tran- som stern. A double skin arrange- ment provides both protection and the ability to operate at a constant draft by adjustment of the quan- tity of ballast in relation to quan- tites of fuel, cargo, etc. being carried.
To simplify construction, the hull is of fully developable form. This is particularly advantageous as the shell plating and hull support structure are of EH36 modified special quality steel.
A sophisticated towing and an- chor-handling system has equip- ment arranged under cover for protection from Arctic weather.
The towing system includes an 80-ton Van der Giessen towing winch and a friction brake capable of up to 390 tons of holding power.
Anchor handling will be carried out with a double-drum, waterfall type winch, each drum capable of 200 tons pull.
The Kalvik and Terry Fox have been built to the highest class of
Lloyd's Register of Shipping and to the Arctic Shipping Pollution
Prevention Regulations for an
Arctic Class 4 vessel, all to the ap- proval of the Canadian Coast
Major Suppliers
Main engines (2) Stork Werkspoor
Reduction gears (2) Lohmann &
Propellers (2) Lips
Engine controls ASEA
Steering, autopilot Wagner
Stern thruster Maritime Industries
Bubbler system Wartsila
Generator engines Caterpillar
Pumps Pumps & Power
Winches Van der Giessen
Radar Decca
Satnav Marinav
Doppler log, gyrocompass Sperry
Patti Shipbuilding
Patti Shipbuilding of Pensacola,
Fla., in early 1983 delivered the 100-foot oceangoing tug Navasota to Brazosport Towing Company of
Freeport, Texas. Classed +A1 +
AMS Loadline, All Ocean Towing
Service by the American Bureau of Shipping, the new vessel brings to 14 boats owned and operated by
Brazosport Towing in coastal and international service.
The Navasota is powered by twin Caterpillar D-399 diesels, each with a rated output of 1,125 bhp at 1,225 rpm, driving through Reintjes
WAV 1400 4.95:1 reduction gears to Columbian 82- by 84-inch stain- less steel propellers installed in
Kort nozzles. The vessel recorded an impressive 13 knots on sea trials.
Electric power is supplied by two 55-kw generators driven by
Caterpillar diesels. The main elec- trical panel was provided by Con-
Select. Other equipment includes two Ingersoll Rand 242 air com- pressors with 80-gallon receivers,
Racor 75-1000 fuel filters, Custom
Hydraulic steering system with
Mathers AD 12 air controls and
SB 22 shaft brakes, a Gould fuel transfer pump with meter, two
Gould bilge pumps, two Peabody
Barnes fresh water pump systems, a Walker Electric Service alarm system, SSI Nav/Lite panel, Mc-
Elroy anchor winch, and Smatco 46/34 DAW 100 towing winch.
Electronics include one 64-mile
Si-Tex radar, a 24-mile Si-Tex ra- dar, Plath Navigator Vlll autopi- lot, two Horizon 78 VHF radios,
Raytheon Ray 350 loudhailer, Si-
Tex 757 Loran C, Motorola Triton 40 SSB radio with Necode digital encoder/decoder, Magnavox satel- lite navigator, and Benmar RDF.
The Navasota's interior outfit has been constructed to a high standard, including mahogany trim in the pilothouse, staterooms, and galley as well as custom-built mahogany tables, desks, and cabinets. General workmanship throughout the vessel reflects this same high quality and attention to detail. (continued on page 40) 12
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