Page 48: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (January 1984)
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SEDCO 712/714 (continued from page 46) rigs was $330 million. Upon deliv- ery each of these three rigs began five-year drilling contracts; the
Sedco 71*1 is working for British
The Sedco 700 Class rig is de- signed to withstand the harsh con- ditions of the upper North Sea where drilling operations continue in 40-foot waves and 50-knot winds.
These self-propelled units can withstand 100-foot waves.
Of the remaining four Sedco semi-submersibles, three were built by Promet (Pte.) Ltd. in Singapore and one at Mitsui Engineering &
Shipbuilding Company in Japan.
Eastern Marine
Eastern Marine, Inc. of Panama
City, Fla., in early 1983 delivered the supply vessel Trinity River to
Transportation Resources, Inc. of
Houma, La. The vessel is the fourth in a five-vessel contract; the sister vessels are the Leaf River, Pine
River, Roaring River, and Tellico
The Trinity River has an overall length of 166 feet, beam of 38 feet, depth of 13 feet, and loaded draft of 11 feet. A clear deck cargo area 110 by 28 feet can carry up to 550 long tons of supplies.
The vessel is powered by two
GM Detroit Diesel 16V-149 en- gines delivering a total of 1,800 bhp at 1,800 rpm through Twin
Disc reduction gears. She can achieve a speed of more than 12 knots. A Schottel S-152L bow thruster is driven by a GM Detroit
Diesel 8V71 engine with an ouput of 230 bhp at 1,800 rpm.
Electric power is provided by two Delco 85-kw generators driven by Detroit Diesel 6V71 engines.
Electronic equipment includes Fu- runo radar, Stephens SSB radio,
For $5500.00 if'
Includes Powerpack, CRT, keyboard, all hardware and cables.
Designed for vessels up to 12,000 BHP
For $2800.00 w/o speed $3300.00 w/speed
Transmitter Box plugs into 11 5v AC or 1 2v DC at the front of the tow. 2100 N. HWY. 360 • GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS 75050 • 214/660-1106 • Telex 79 5551
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Cybernet International VHF ra- dio, Micrologistics Loran C, and
Impulse depth indicator.
Eastern Marine is a growing company that has earned a repu- tation in recent years as a builder of high-quality vessels. The com- pany opened its Panama City yard in 1978. This 13-acre facility has more than 1,300 feet of water frontage, and is used primarily to construct small- to medium-sized boats. In 1981 Eastern Marine opened another yard in Allanton,
Fla., 15 miles east of Panama
City. This second yard, with 135 acres and 5,200 feet of water front- age, is used to build larger vessels.
In addition to the Transporta- tion Resources vessels, Eastern
Marine received a contract from
Seahorse Inc. of Morgan City, La., to build eight 192-foot anchor-han- dling/tug-supply vessels at the Al- lanton yard.
Bell Aerospace Awarded $4.8 Million By Navy To
Speed LCAC-1 Delivery
Bell Aerospace Textron, New
Orleans, has been awarded a $4,822,852 face value increase to a previously awarded cost-plus award-fee contract for acceleration in delivery of an air cushion land- ing craft (LCAC-1) by two and one half months. The Naval Sea Sys- tems Command, Washington, D.C., is the contracting activity.
Charles Garman Named
Western Sales Manager
For Stork-Werkspoor
Charles A. Garman has been named as Western area sales man- ager for the U.S. by Stork-Werk- spoor Diesel bv (SWD). Mr. Gar- man has opened an office in Seattle and will cover the Western U.S. and Alaska for the firm. SWDiesel engines are offered in models ranging from 300 to 2,000 bhp spe- cially designed to operate on both high grade distillate fuels, and on heavy and lower grade fuels.
SWDiesel began operating in the U.S. in 1983, establishing a sales and service office in New Or- leans and assigning an SWDiesel executive, Joop Zwart, as sales manager for the North American continent. Mr. Zwart is dividing his time between the U.S. and the
SWDiesel home office in Zwolle,
Mr. Garman, who was educated in engineering and business at Ev- erett Community College and the
University of Washington, previ- ously was West Coast sales man- ager for Wartsila Power U.S.A., and director of marketing from
Tacoma Boat Building, Inc.
The SWDiesel office has been es- tablished at 2405 N.W. Market
Street, Seattle, Wash. 98107; tele- phone (206) 789-8383. 48 Circle 142 on Reader Service Card Circle 143 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News •