Page 59: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (January 1984)
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Fendail Marbury, 1933 Lincoln Drive, Annapolis, MD 21401
Marine Consultants & Designers, Inc., 308 Investment Insurance Bldg., Cor- ner E. 6th St. & Rockwell Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 441 1 4
Marine Design Inc., 401 Broad Hollow Road, Rle. 110, Melville, N.Y, 11746
Marine Power Associates, 447 Mission Blvd., Suite 235, San Diego, CA 92109
Marine Technical Associates, Inc., 95 River Rd., Hoboken, NJ 07030
George E. Meese, 194 Aclon Rd., Annapolis, Md 21403
Metritope Inc., P.O. Box 2366, Littleton, MA 01460
R. Carter Morrell, 715 S. Cherokee, Bartlesville, OK 74003
NKF Engineering Assoc., Inc., 8150 Leesburg Pike, Vienna, VA 22202
Nelson & Associates, Inc., 1405 N.W. 167th Street, Miami, FL 33169
Nickum & Spaulding Associates, Inc., 2701 First Ave., Seattle, WA 981 21
Northern Marine, P.O. Box 11 69, Traverse City, Ml 49685
Ocean-Oil International Engineering Corporalion, 3019 Mercedes Blvd.,
New Orleans, La. 70114
Offshore Power Systems, 8000 Arlington Expressway, Jacksonville, FL 32211
PRC Guralnick, 5252 Balboa Ave , San Diego, CA 9211 7
Pearlson Engineering Co., Inc., 8970 S.W. 87th Ct., Miami, Florida 33156
S.L. Petchul, Inc., 1380 S.W. 57th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33317
M. Rosenblatt & Son, Inc., 350 Broadway, New York, NY 10013 and 667
Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94105
Schmahl and Schmahl, Inc., 1209 S.E. Third Ave., Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316
SEACOR Systems Engineering Associates Corp., 19 Perina Blvd., Cherry
Hill, NJ 08003 (Publications Division at Cherry Hill location)
STV/Sanders & Thomas, Inc., 1745 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Arlington, VA 22202
Seaworthy Engine Systems, 36 Main Street, Essex, CT 06426
Seaworthy Engine Systems, 17 Battery Place, New York, NY 10004
George G. Sharp, Inc., 100 Church St., New York, N.Y. 10007
Simmons Associates, P.O. Box 760, Sarasota, FL 33578
R.A. Stearn, Inc., 253 N. 1 st Ave., Sturgeon Bay, Wl 54235
J.F. Stroschein Associates, 666 Old Country Rd., Garden City, NY 1 1 530
Richard R. Taubler Inc., 8 Columbia St., Milford, Del. 19963
Timsco, 622 Azalea Road, Mobile, AL 36609
Tracor Hydronautics, Inc., 7210 Pindell School Rd., Laurel, MD 20707
Uhlig & Associates, Inc., 8295 SW 188th St., Miami, FL 33157
VeVeY Engineering Works Ltd. U.S. Rep: Carl G. Brimmekamp & Co., Inc., 102 Hamilton Ave., Stamford, CT 06902
Thomas B. Wilson, Associates, 1258 North Avalon Blvd., Wilmington, CA 90744
Yacht Design Institute, 9 Main St., Blue Hill, ME 04614
Alden Electronics, 1 1 45 Washington St., Westborough, MA 01581
American Hydromath Co., Buckwheat Bridge Rd., Germantown, N.Y. 12526
Anschutz & Co. GmbH, Postfach 6040, D-2300 Kiel 14, Wesl Germany
Atkinson Dynamics, Section 6, 10 West Orange Ave., Soutn San Francisco
CA 94080
CMC Communications Inc., 5479 Jetport Industrial Blvd., Tampa, FL 33614
Cybernet International, Inc., 7 Powder Horn Dr., Warren, NJ 07060
A/S Eleklnsk Bureau, P.O. Box 98, N-1360 Nesbru, Norway
Eleclro-Nav Inc., 840 Bond Street, Elizabeth, NJ 07201
EPSCO Marine, 550 Wholesalers Parkway, Harahan, LA 70123
Fleet Marine, 1820 N.E. 146th Street, North Miami, FL 33181
Furuno U.S.A., 271 Harbor Way, S. San Francisco, CA 94080
Harris Communications (RF Communications), 1680 University Avenue,
Rochester, NY 14610
Hose McCann Telephone Company, Inc., 9 Smith Street, Englewood, NJ 07631
Japan Radio Co., Ltd., Akasaka Twin Tower (Main), 17-22 Akasaka 2- chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107, Japan
King Radio Corporation, 400 North Rodgers Rd., Olathe, KS 66062
Kongsberg North America Inc., 135 Fort Lee Road, Leonia, NJ 07605
Kongsberg Vapenfabrikk, Norcontrol Division, P.O. Box 145, Horten 3191,
Krupp Atlas-Elektronik, 1453 Pinewood St., Rahway, NJ 07065
Lorain Electronics Corp., 2307 Leavilt Rd., Lorain, OH 44052
Magnavox Navigation Systems, 2829 Maricopa Stieet, Torrance, CA 90503
Nav-Com, Inc., 9 Brandywine Drive, Deer Park, NY 1 1 729
Navidyne Corp., 11824 Fishing Poinl Drive, Newport News, VA 23606
Perko Inc. (Lights), P.O. Box 6400D, Miami, FL 33164
Racal-Decca Marine, Inc., 4200 23rd Avenue West, Seattle, WA 98199
Radar Devices, Inc., 2955 Merced Street, San Leandro, CA 94577
Radio-Holland USA, Inc., 6033 South Loop East, Houston, TX 77033
Raytheon Marine Co., 676 Island Pond Road, Manchester, N.H. 03103 .Raytheon Ocean Systems Company, Westminster Park, Risho Avenue, East
Providence, Rl 02914
Raytheon Service Co., 103 Roesler Rd., Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Rivertronics, P.O. Box 247, Godfrey, IL 62035
Robertson Auto Pilot, 135 Fort Lee Road, Leonia, NJ 07605
Selesmar S.p.A., Casella Postale 9, 50020 Monlagnana Val Di Pesa,
Firenze, Italy
Servo Corporation of America, 111 New South Road, Hicksville, NY 1 1 802
Simrad, Inc., 2215 NW Market St., Seattle, WA 98107
Sperry Corporalion, Great Neck, NY 1 1 020
Standard Communications, P.O. Box 92151, Los Angeles, CA 90009
Texas Instruments, Inc., P.O. Box 405, 3438, Lewisville, TX 75067
Gulf Oil Company—U.S. (Domestic Oils), 909 Fannin Street, Houston, TX 77001
Gulf Oil, New York District Sales Office (Domestic), 433 Hackensack Ave- nue, Hackensack, NJ 07601
Gulf Oil Trading Co., 535 Madison Ave , New York, NY 10022
Mobil Oil Corp., 150 East 42 Slreet, New York, NY 10017
Shell Oil Co., 1 Shell Plaza, Houslon, Texas 77002
Texaco, Inc. (International Marine), 135 Easl 42nd St , N.Y., N.Y. 10017
Alfa Laval, Inc., Depl. MR-2, 2115 Linwood Ave , Foil Lee, NJ 07024
Biospherics Incorporated, 5001 Forbes Blvd., Lanham, MD 20801
Butterworth Inc. (USA), 3721 Lapas Dr., P.O. Box 18312, Houston, TX 77223-9989
Butterworth Systems (UK), 123 Beddington Lane, Croydon CR9 4NX,
Centrico, Inc (Westfalia Separators), 100 Fairway Court, Norlhvale, NJ 07647
Dohl Manufacturing, Inc., 2521 Railroad Ave,, Ceres, CA 95307
Microphor, Inc., P.O. Box 490, Willils, CA 95490
Marine Moisture Control Co., 60 Imp Dr,, In wood, NY 11696
National Fluid Separators, Inc., 1239 Hanley Industrial Court, St. Louis, MO 63144
Phoenix Oil Refiner Co., Inc., 330 Hill Ave., Nashville, TN 37210
American Abrasive Metals, ^60 Colt Street, Irvington, NJ 07111
Ameron, 4700 Ramona Blvd., Monteiey Park, CA 91754
Argo Marine, 140 Franklin Si., New York, NY 10013
Bareco, 6910 East 14th St., Tulsa, OK 741 12
CLEMCO, P.O. Box 7680, San Francisco, CA 94120 "CONSOL" manufactured by Contact Paint & Chemical Co, Inc., 200 S,
Franklintown Rd., Baltimore, MD 21223
Devoe Marine Coalings Co., P.O. Box 7600, Louisville, KY 40207
E.I. Dupont De Nemours & Co., Inc., Nemours Bldg, Rm. N-2504-2
Wilmington, DE 19898
Esgard, Box 2698, Lafayette, LA 70502
Eureka Chemical Company, 234 Lawrence Avenue, So. San Francisco, CA 94080
Grow Group, Inc., 200 Park Ave,, New York, NY 1001 7
Hempel Marine Paints, Inc., 65 Broadway, New York, NY 10006, 2425
Fountainview, Suite 340, Houston, TX 77057, P.O. Box 10265, New Org- ans, LA 70181 nternalional Paint Company, Inc., 2270 Morris Avenue, Union, NJ 07083
Jaegle Paint Co., Inc., 1912 Darby Rd., Haverlown, PA 19083
Jotun-Baltimore Copper Paint Co., 840 Key Highway, Baltimore, MD 21230
Magnus Maritec international Inc., 150 Roosevelt Pi , P.O. Box 150, Pali- sades Park, NJ 07650
Edison, N.J. 08817
Palmer Products Inc., P.O. Box 8, Worcester, PA 19490
Products Research & Chemical Corp., 5454 San Fernando Rd., Glendale,
CA 91203
Salwico Glassflake, Inc., 5 Marine View Plaza, Hoboken, NJ 07030
Seaguard, 4030 Seaguard Ave., Portsmouth, VA 23705
Selby, Batlersby & Company, 5220 Whiby Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19143
SermeTel, Inc., 4401 SermeTel Dr., Moss Point, MS 39563
Teledyne Melal Finishers, 1725 East 27th St., Cleveland, OH 44114
Shell Oil Co., 1 Shell Plaza, Houston, Texas 77002
Acquatic Marine Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 326, Williamsville, NY 14221
PIPE-HOSE—Cargo Transfer, Clamps, Couplings, Coatings
Camlock Flange Sales Corp., 60 Inip Dr., Inwood, NY 11696
Hydro-Craft, Inc., 1821 Rochester Industrial Dr., Rochester, Ml 48063
Knights Piping Inc., 5309 Industrial Rd., Pascagoula, MS 39567
Kubota Ltd., 2-47, Shikit Suhigashi 1-Chome, Naniwa-Ku, Osaka 556-91,
Metropolitan Plumbing Supply Corp., 5000 Second St., Long Island City, NY 11101
Penco Division/Hudson Engineering Co., P.O. Box 68, Bayonne, NJ 07002
Selkirk Metalbestos, Box 19000, Greensboro, NC 27419
Stauff Corporalion, 21-31 Industrial Park, Waldwick, NJ 07463
PLASTICS—Marine Applications
Hubeva Marine Plastics, Inc., 390 Hamilton Ave,, Bklyn, N.Y. 1 1231
PROPULSION EQUIPMENT—Bowthrusters, Diesel Engines, Gears,
Propellers, Shafts, Turbines
American Lohmann Corp., 1415 Chestnut Ave,, Hillside, NJ 07205
Armco Steel/Advanced Materials Div , 703 Curtis St., Middletown, OH 45043
Avondale Shipyards, Inc., P.O. Box 52080, New Orleans, La, 70150
Bird Johnson Company, 110 Norfolk St., Walpole, Mass, 02081
Bombardier, 1051 Dickson, Montreal, Quebec, Canada HI N 2H7
Burmeister & Wain Alpha Diesel AS, DK-1400 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Caterpillar Engine Division, 100 N.E, Adams, Peoria, IL 61629
Colt Industries Inc. (Fairbanks Morse Engine Div.), 701 Lawton Avenue,
Beloit, Wl 5351 1
Columbian Bronze Corporation, 216 No. Main Street, Freeport, NY 11520
Combustion Engineering, Inc., Windsor, Connecticut 06095
Daihatsu Diesel (USA) Inc., 1211 Ave. of the Americas, New York, NY 10036
Deutz Corp., 7585 Ponce de Leon Circle, Atlanta, GA 30340
Diesel Marine International, Ltd., c/'o NORSHIPCO, P.O. Box 2100, Nor- folk, VA 23501
Elliott Company, 1809 Sheridan Ave,, Springfield, OH 45505
Escher Wyss GmbH, (Member Sulzer Group), Ravensburg, Germany
General Eleclric Co.,' Diesel Power Products, 2901 E, Lake Rd„ Erie, PA 16531
General Motors, Electro-Motive Division, LaGrange, IL 60525
George Engine Company, Inc., Lafayette, LA
Golten Marine Co., Inc., 160 Van Brunt St., Brooklyn, NY 11231
Harbormaster, 36 Hancock St., Ouincy, MA 02171
Krupp Mak Diesels, Inc., 4329-33 Di Paolo Center, Glenview, IL 60025
Lips Propellers, 3617 Koppens Way, Chesapeake, VA 23323
M.A.N.-B&W Diesel, 2, Ostervej, DK-4960 Holeby, Denmark
MTU of North America, One fc. Putnam Ave., Greenwich, CT 06830, 10450
Corporate Dr., Sugarland, TX 77478; 2945 Railroad Ave,, Morgan City
LA 70203; 180 Nickerson St., Seattle, WA 98109; 1730 Lynn St., Arlington,
VA 22209
MWM-Murphy Diesel, 12 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1100, Houston, TX 77046
Mapeco Products, Inc., 20 Vesey St., New York, NY 10007
Michigan Wheel, 1501 Buchanan Ave., S.W., Grand Rapids, Ml 49507
National Marine Service Louisiana, Inc., 222 Bayou Rd., Belle Chasse, LA 70037
Omnithruster Inc., 9515 Sorensen Ave., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
Penske GM Power, Inc., 600 Parsippany Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054
Propulsion Systems, Inc., 21213 76 Ave. So., Kent, WA 98032
SACM (Sociele Alsacienne De Conslructions Mechaniques De Mulhouse) 1,
Rue De La Fonderie, Boile Postale 1210, 68054 Mulhouse Cedex, France
Schottel of America, Inc., 8375 N.W. 56 St., Miami, FL 33166
Karl Senner, Inc., P.O. Box 10055, New Orleans, LA 70181
Skinner Engine Company, P.O. Box 1 1 49, Erie, PA 16512
Sulzer Brothers, Dept. Diesel Engines, CH-8401 Winterthur, Switzerland
Transamerica DeLaval Inc., Engine & Compressor Div., 550 85th Ave,,
Oakland, CA 94621
Transamerica Delaval, Inc., Turbine & Compressor Div,, P.O. Box 8788,
Trenton, N.J, 08650
Turbine Specialties, Inc., P.O. Box 207, West State Street Road, Solina, KS 67401
Turbine Speciallies/Gulf Coast, Inc., 1900 Industrial Blvd., Harvey, LA 70058
Voith Schneider America, 159 Great Neck Rd,, .Sle 200, Great Neck, NY 1 1021
WABCO Fluid Power, an American-Standard Company, 1953 Mercer Rd.,
Lexington, KY 40505
Wartsila Power Inc., 5132 Taravella Rd., P.O. Box 868, Marrero, LA 70072
Waukesha Engine Division, Waukesha, Wl 53187
Welco Industries, Inc., 9027 Shell Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45236
ZF of North America, Inc., 3225 Commercial Avenue, Northbrook, IL 60062
ZF of North America, Inc. [Motive Power Corporation, P.O. Box 365,
Mineola, NY 11501)
Argo Marine, 140 Fianklin St., New York, NY 10013
Jim's Pump Repair, 48-55 36th St., Long Island City, NY 11101
Megator Corporation, 562 Alpha Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15238
Penco Division/Hudson Engineering Co , P.O. Box 68, Bayonne, NJ 07002
Sims Pump Valve Co., Inc., 1314 Park Ave,, Hoboken, NJ 07030
Transamerica Delaval, IMO Pump Division, P.O. Box 447, Monroe, NC 28110
Vita Motivator Company, 200 West 20th SI,, New York, NY 1 0011
Warren Pumps Division, Bridges Avenue, Warren, MA 01083
Wilden Pump & Engineering Co., 22060 Van Buren St., P O Box 845, Col- ton, CA 92324
REFRIGERATION—Refrigerant Valves
Bailey Refrigeration Co., Inc., 74 Sullivan St., Brooklyn, N.Y, 11231
Port Refrigeration Div., 157 Perry St., New York, NY 10014
Hilman, Inc , 2604 Atlantic Ave., Wall (Belmar), NJ 07719
American Mfg. Co., Inc., Willow Avenue, Honesdale, Pa. 18431
Atlantic Cordage Corp., 60 Grant Avenue, Carteret, NJ 07008
DuPont Co., KEVLAR Aramid Fiber, Room G-15465, Wilmington, DE 19898
Norton Chemplast, 309-150 Dey Rd,, Wayne, NJ 07470
Samson Ocean Systems, Inc., 99 High Street, Boston, Mass. 02110
Tubbs Cordage Company, P.O. Box 709, Orange, CA 92666
Wall Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 560, Elkin NC 28621
Hy-Drive America Corp., 3629 Vernon Blvd., Long Island City, NY 1 1 106
Marine Drive Systems, 519 Ronton Center, Edison, NJ 08817
Robertson, 135 Fort Lee Rd„ Leonia, NJ 07605
Elkhart Brass Manufacturing Co., Inc., P.O. Box 1127, Elkhart, IN 46515
Wormald Fire Systems, One Stanton St., Marinette, Wl 54143
Argo Marine, 140 Franklin St., New York, NY 10013
Envirovac Inc., 1260 Turret Dr., Rockford, IL 61 1 1 1
Marine Moisture Control Co., Inc., 60 Imp Dr., Inwood, L.I., N.Y, 1 1 696
National Sanitation Foundation, P.O Box 1468, Ann Arbor, Ml 48105
McCausey Lumber Co., 7751 Lyndon, Detroit, Ml 48238
Patent Scaffolding Co., One Bridge Plaza, Fort Lee, NJ 07024
Trus-Joist Corp., P.O, Box 60 Boise, ID 83704
Bird-Johnson Co , 1 00 Norfolk St., Walpole, MA 02081
Crane Packing Company, 435 Regina Dr., Clarksburg, MD 20734
EG&G Seolol, Engineered Products Div., Marine Products Group, Warwick,
Rl 02888
Electric Tachometer Corp., 68th & Upland St., Philadelphia, Pa, 19142
Penco Division/Hudson Engineering Co., P.O, Box 68, Bayonne, NJ 07002
The Boston Metals Co., 313 E, Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md 21202
Fred Devine Diving & Salvage, Inc., 621 1 N. Ensign, Swan Island, Portland,
OR 97217
Zidell Explorations, Inc., 3121 S.W. Moody St., Portland, Ore 97201
Pearlson Engineering Co., P.O. Box 8, Kendall Branch, Miami, FL 33156
Total Transportation System Inc., 813 Forest Dr., Newport News, VA 32606
Total Transportation Systems (International) A/S, Bjornegarden, P.O, Box 28, N5201, Oslo, Norway
Armco Steel Corp , 703 Curtis St., Middletown, Ohio 45042
Bethlehem Steel Corp., Martin Tower, Bethlehem, PA 18018
Tiline, P.O. Box 729, Albany OR 97321
Welded Beam Company, P.O, Box 280, Perry OH 44081
SHIPBUILDING—Repairs, Maintenance, Drydacklng
Alabama Maritime Corp., P.O, Box 3026, Mobile, AL 36652
Amsterdam Drydock Company, Post Box 3006, 1003 AA, Amsterdam,
Asmar Shipyards Co., Astilleros y Maestranzs de la Armado, Prat 856, Piso 14, Casilla 1,50-V, Valpanso, Chile, S.A.
Astilleros Balboa, S.A,, c/o Jackson Marine Corp., 17 Battery Place, New
York, NY 10004
Ateliers et Chontiers de Brelagne—ACB, 44040 Nantes Cedex, France
Atlantic Dry Dock, P.O, Box 276, Ft, George Island, Jacksonville, FL 32226
Atlantic Marine Inc., P.O. Box 138, Ft, George Island, Jacksonville, FL 32226
Avondale Shipyards, Inc., P.O. Box 52080, New Orleans, La. 70150
Balh Iron Works Corp., 700 Washington St., Bath, ME 04530
Bay Shipbuilding Corp., 605 North 3rd Ave., Sturgeon Bay, Wl 54235
BFC Marine Services, Inc., 25 Fifth Si,, Brooklyn, NY 1 1 231
Bender Shipbuilding & Repair Co., Inc., P.O, Box 42, Mobile, AL 36601
Bethlehem Steel Corp., Martin Tower, Bethlehem, PA 18018
Blohm & Voss Company, 55 Morris Avenue, Springfield, NJ 07081
Burmeister & Wain Skibsvaerft A/S, P.O, Box 2122, Refshaleoen-101 5 Co- penhagen K-Denmark
Burrard Yarrows Corporation, P.O. Box 86099, North Vancouver, B C ,
Caneco Shipyard, Rua Carlos Seidl, 714, Caju, 20,931, Rio de Janeiro, RJ,
Cantieri Navali Riuniti, Via Cipro, 11, 16100 Genova, Italy
Carrington Slipways Pty, Ltd., Old Punt Rd,, Tomago NSW Australia 2322
China Shipbuilding Corp., 3 Chung Kong Rd., Hsia Kang, Kaohsiung, Tai- wan, Republic of China
Conrad Industries, P.O. Box 790, Morgan City, La, 70380
Curacao Drydock Company Inc., 26 Broadway, Suile 741, New York, NY 10004
Daewoo International (America) Corp., 437 Madison Ave , New York, NY 10022
Daewoo Shipbuilding & Heavy Machinery Ltd., Ayangn, Changsung-PO,
Ko|e-Kun, Kyungnam, Korea
Dorbyl Lid,, Military Road, 1 Industrial Sites, West Bank, 5201 Easl London,
Republic of South Africa
Dravo Marine Equipment Company, Neville Island, Pittsburgh, PA 15225
Easlern Marine, Inc., P.O, Box 1009, Panama City, FL 32401
FMC Corp , Marine 8, Rail Eguipment Div., 4700 N.W, Front Ave , Portland,
Oregon 97208
Far East Levingston Shipbuilding Ltd., 31 Shipyard Rd,, Jurong Town, Sin- gapore 2262
Genstar Marine, 10 Pemberton Ave., No. Vancouver, B.C., Canada V7P 2R1
Gladding-Heoin Shipbuilding Corp., 1 Riverside Ave., Somerset. MA 02725
HBC Barge, Inc., Grant Building, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Halter Marine, Inc., P.O. Box 29266, New Orleans, LA 70189
Hoboken Shipyards, Inc., 1301 Hudson St , Hoboken, NJ 07030
Hong Kong United Dockyards Ltd., P.O, Box 534, Kowloon Central Post
Office, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Ltd., 456 Cheonha-Dong, Ulsan, Korea
I.N M.A. S.p.A., 19100 La Spezla, v, le S. Bartolomeo 362, Italy
Jakobson Shipyard Inc., P.O, Box 329, Oyster Bay, NY 1 I 771
Jeffboat, Inc., Jeffersonville, Ind 47130
Keppel Shipyard Limited, 325 Telok Blangah Road, P.O, Box 2169, Singa- pore 0409
Koch Ellis Barge & Ship Service, P.O. Box 9130, Westwego, LA 70094
Kone Corp., P.O, Box 6, SF-05801 Hyvinkaa, Finland
Leevac Corporation, P.O Box 2607, Morgan City, LA 70381
Lockheed Shipbuilding and Construction Co , 2929 16th Avenue, S.W., Se- attle, Wash 98134
M.A.N. GHH Sterkrade, P.O.B. 110240, D-4200 Oberhausen 11, Wesl
McDermott, Incorporated, 1010 Common Street, New Orleans, LA 77227
Main Iron Works, Inc, P.O Box 1918, Houma, LA 70361
Marinette Marine Corporation, Marinette, Wl 54143
Marystown Shipyard Limited, P.O. Box 262, Marystown, Newfoundland,
Canada AOE 2MO
Jos. L. Meyer GmbH & Co., P.O. Box 2990 Papenburg 1 , West Germany
Misener Industries, Inc., 5353 Tyson Avenue, P.O, Box 13625, fampa, Fla, 33681
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., 5-1 , Marunochi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, To- kyo, 100 Japan
Monark Boat Co , P.O Box 210, Monticello, Ark, 71655
Moron Shipping Agencies, 10 Jefferson Blvd , Warwick, Rl 02888
Moss Point Maiine Inc., P.O. Box 1310, Escatawpa, MS 39552
Nashville Bridge Company, P.O. Box 239, Nashville, TN 37202
National Marine Service (Shipyard Division!, P O. Box 38, Hartford, IL 62048
National Steel & Shipbuilding Corp , San Diego, Calif, 921 12
Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., 4101 Washington Ave,, New- port News, Va, 23607
North Florida Shipyards, P.O, Box 3863, Jacksonville, FL 32206
O A R.N (Officine Allestimento-Riprazioni Navii, P.O Box 1395, Genoa,
Italy 16100
Overseas Shipyards, Inc., 21 West St., New York, NY 10006
Patti Industries Inc., South B St , Pensacola, FL 32573
Progressive Shipbuilders & Fabricators, Inc., P.O. Box 9130, Houma, LA 70361
Promet (PTE) Ltd., 27 Pandam Rd,, Jurong Industrial Estate, Singapore 22
Promet Marine Services Corp., 242 Aliens Ave., Providence, Rl 02906
Puerto Rico Drydock & Marine Terminals, Inc., P.O. Box 2209, Son Juan,
Puerto Rico 00903
Rauma-Repola, 26100 Raumo 10, Finland
Samsung Shipbuilding & Heavy Industries Co., Lid., Samsung Main Bldg. 250, 2Ka, Taepyong-ro, Chung-ku, Seoul, Korea
SI. Louis Ship, 61 1 East Marceau St., St Louis, MO 631 1 1
Savannah Shipyard Co., P.O. Box 787, Savannah, GA 31402
Schiess Defries, Postfach 111146, Schiess-Str. 61, D-4000 Dusseldorf 11,
West Germany
Service Machine Group, Inc., P O. Box 2664, Morgan City, LA 70381
Southbay Boat Inc., P.O. Box 13308, San Diego, CA 92113
Southern Oregon Marine Engineering and Construction. P.O. Box 1220,
Coos Bay, OR 97420
Southwest Marine, Inc., P.O. Box 13308, San Diego, Ca 92113
Swiftships Inc., P.O. Box 1908, Morgan Cily, LA 70380
Thomas Marine, 37 Bransford St., Patchogue, NY 1 1 772
Todd Shipyards Corp., 1 Slate St. Plaza, New York. N.Y. 10004
Tracor Marine, P.O Box 13107, Port Everglades, Fla. 33316
Union Dry Dock & Repair Co , Foot of Pershing Rood, Weehawken, N.J 07087
Verolme Estoleiros Reunidos Do Brosil S.A., Rua Buenos Aires, 68, Rio de
Janeiro—RJ—Brazi I
Vickers Cockatoo Dockyard Pty, Lid., P.O. Box 162 Milsons Point, N.S.W 2061 , Australia
Zidell Explorations, Inc., 3121 S.W Moody Street, Portland, OR 97201
January 1,1984 61