Page 10: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (January 15, 1984)
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Designers and Fabricators
Marine and Construction Equipment • Anchor-handling and
Towing Winches* • Hydraulic Tuggers • Anchor Windlasses • Towing Pins • Cargo Winches • Cranes* • Stern Rollers • Pneumatic Monitoring • Capstans
Systems • Cable Stops 'Built under license from A/S Hydraulik Brattvaag
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Circle 170 on Reader Service Card \RAMPMASTER\
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We'll build your barge your way.
Our design and construction flexibility experi- enced craftsmanship, and advanced facilities produce competitively priced, quality barges built for each customer's shipping operation
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Carmen Guide Appointed
President Of Lake Shore —Malsack Named Chairman
Carmen Guide Jr. James T. Malsack
Carmen Guide Jr. has been named presi- dent and chief executive officer of Lake Shore,
Inc. of Iron Mountain/Kingsford, Mich. He re- places James T. Malsack, who has been ap- pointed chairman of the board of directors.
Mr. Guide began his Lake Shore career in 1961 as a sales manager for marine products, with headquarters in New York City. In 1965 he was transferred to the company's head- quarters and appointed assistant manager of the Marine Division. He returned to New
York in 1966 as marketing manager for all manufactured products. He became vice pres- ident-marine in 1971, was elected to the board of directors in 1972, and in 1973 was named executive vice president.
Mr. Malsack joined Lake Shore in 1951 as assistant to the president. He was named vice president in 1953 and in 1958 became treas- urer. He was appointed executive vice presi- dent in 1959 and became president and chief executive officer in 1972. Former chairman of the board B.W. Reeve will continue to serve as a board member.
Mobile Marine Introduces
Advanced-Design Workboat
Prototype of advanced-design workboat built by Mobile Marine of Malta has cabin aft and open deck forward.
Mobile Marine Ltd. of Corradino Heights,
Malta, recently unveiled a new design of gen- eral-purpose workboat suitable for a wide range of duties.
Known as the Mobile-165 (the designation being derived from the craft's 16.5-meter over- all length (about 54 feet), the boat is con- structed of glass-reinforced plastic (GRP) and features air lubrication of the hull underbody to provide improved performance characteris- tics. In its prototype form, the Mobile-165 has a cabin aft and a bow ramp, but Mobile Ma- rine has designs for a number of variations and can build vessels to specific requirements based on the standard hull and machinery layout.
Among the duties that the builder sees the basic vessel being able to perform are those of vehicle or passenger ferry, freight launch, harbor tug, anchor-handling vessel, survey launch, oil pollution control vessel, or diving boat.
The hull of the Mobile-165 is constructed of
GRP using E glass chopped strand mat and woven roving with Lloyd's Register-approved boatbuilding polyester resin. The beam is 4.7 meters (15.4 feet), providing a deck width of 3.8 meters (12.5 feet). Loaded draft is 0.5 me- ters forward and 1.5 meters aft (1.64/4.92 feet). A sealed, foam-filled compartment below the vehicle deck provides 35 tons of positive buoyancy.
Mobile Marine recommends the use of twin six-cylinder, turbocharged marine diesels, each having a continuous rating of 200 bhp, and has installed Perkins TV8 540M units in the prototype. These will be offered as standard, but the design will accommodate other manu- facturers' engines without difficulty. These engines, which drive separate propellers, pro- vide a service speed of 14 knots but the hull design is suitable for greater speeds and higher-powered installations are possible; 20- 21 knots with a payload of 20-25 tons is quite feasible, according to Mobile Marine.
In its prototype form with cabin aft, the Mo- bile-165 provides accommodations for 24 pas- sengers. Forward of the cabin is the working deck with an area of 49.4 square meters (531.5 square feet) able to handle up to six cars, depending on size. The deck is served .by a bow ramp 3.3 meters (10.8 feet) wide, which can be lowered at sea to facilitate diving or salvage operations. By modifying the cabin arrangement, two 20-foot containers could be carried.
A novel feature is the air lubrication of the hull that makes it easier to drive, Mobile Ma- rine claims, thus providing greater speed or fuel economy, depending on priorities. Four skegs extending the full length of the hull cre- ate three equal-size tunnels in which air is trapped and thus forced under the hull as the craft is driven forward. The outermost skegs prevent escape to the sides, and most of the air exits at the stern. The entrapped air also provides a cushioning effect in choppy seas, giving greater comfort for passengers and crew. The design is capable of operating in relatively rough conditions, up to Force 4 or 5.
Cornwell Named Chairman
And Ferguson President
Of Gulf Radiotelephone
Circle 173 on Reader Service Card
Glen W. Cornwell Jr. Ross Ferguson
Gulf Radiotelephone & Electronics, Inc. of
Pasadena, Texas, has announced recent changes in its executive staff. Glen W. Corn- well has been elevated to the position of board chairman and chief executive officer. He has been succeeded by Ross Ferguson, who has assumed the position of president and chief operating officer.
Mr. Cornwell has been with GR&E since 1955. Mr. Ferguson has been with Ferranti,
P.L.C. of the U.K. for the past 24 years, hav- ing served the last seven years as general manager-operations of Ferranti Offshore, Ltd. in Aberdeen, Scotland.
Gulf Radiotelephone & Electronics serves the entire Houston and Gulf Coast marine and petrochemical industries in the fields of surface and satellite communications and navigation/positioning. Newly added products and services encompass microwave communi- cation, tower erection, and computer products.
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News