Page 15: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (January 15, 1984)
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Michael Peterson Named
Marketing Manager For
Fairbanks Morse Division
T.V. O'Sullivan, vice president and general manager-parts and service of Colt Industries' Fair- banks Morse Engine Division, has announced the promotion of Mi- chael Peterson to the newly es- tablished position of manager- marketing for the parts and serv- ice operation of the division in Be- loit, Wise.
Mr. Peterson will be responsi- ble for developing and implement- ing marketing and sales programs for both parts and service. These areas have been expanded re- cently to better serve the domestic and foreign markets. He has been with Fairbanks Morse since 1980; his most recent assignment was sales project manager.
Westinghouse Awarded $112.8 Million By Navy For
Propulsion Components
Westinghouse Electric Corpora- tion, Plan Apparatus Division,
Wilkins Township, Pa., has been awarded a $112,803,000 face-value- increase to a previously awarded cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for na- val nuclear propulsion compo- nents. The Naval Sea Systems
Command, Washington, D.C., is the contracting activity (N00024- 77-D-4002).
Lorain Electronics
Introduces New Direct
Dial Radiotelephone
After some seven years of re- search and development, Lorain
Electronics Corporation of Lorain,
Ohio, has introduced, at an afford- able price, the M.A.P.-10, the Ma- rine Auto Phone direct dial radiotelephone.
The M.A.P.-10 will allow mari- ners, both commercial and recrea- tional, to make and receive direct dial calls through Lorain's 14 au- tomated transmission sites located around the Great Lakes. The new unit is also a 55-channel VHF ra- dio, making it a total communica- tions installation for Great Lakes boaters. Lorain Electronics plans to expand its facilities to provide even better VHF coverage of the
Great Lakes area.
For further information on the
Circle 89 on Reader Service Card
MarAd Approves Title XI
On $4-Million Tanker Refit
For Falcon Tanker
The Maritime Administration has approved in principle an appli- cation by Falcon Tankers, Inc. of
Houston for a Title XI guarantee to aid in financing the conversion of the 37,000-dwt tanker Neches to meet the requirements of the
Port and Tanker Safety Act. The
Neches is a 12-year-old, diesel- powered vessel built by Ingalls
Shipbuilding at Pascagoula, Miss.
The conversion is being done by
Bender Shipbuilding and Repair
Co., Inc., at Mobile, Ala. The ap- proved guarantee is for $3 million, and represents 75 percent of the cost of conversion. The Title XI guarantee is designed to assist the applicant in obtaining favorable financing for the project.
Hearing Scheduled On
Barge Fleeting Facility For
National Marine Service
An application for a permit to establish a barge fleeting facility near the confluence of the Illinois and Upper Mississippi Rivers is to be the subject of a public hearing in Portage Des Sioux, Mo., on Jan- uary 26 this year. The U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, St. Louis Dis- trict, has scheduled the hearing on an application by National Marine
Service, Inc.
The location of the proposed fleeting facility is between Mason
Island and Island No. 526, just downstream, opposite the town of
Grafton, 111. The facility, as re- quested, would be able to accom- modate up to 150 barges and would consist of 12 fixed anchor-points to which barges could be moored by means of chains and cables.
Jacksonville, Florida 32202 (800) 874-8368 or (904) 354-8242 *90 days from installation and subject to other conditions on request.
Circle 182 on Reader Service Card ®
Fire-Brite® will keep your combustion system clean, and reduce your oxygen & soot blowing or we'll return your money.
Strong claim, right?
That's because we're convinced that our Fire-
Brite Fuel Emulsification System will save you its purchase cost in fuel & maintenance, or your money back.*
We're confident in our claim because we have over 30 systems now in operation with excel- lent testimonials from such prestigious firms as Amoco, Eastern Steamship Lines, Delta
Lines, Sabine Towing Co. and U.S. Gypsum, to name a few.
Inquire about our NEW inexpensive blending systems for diesel applications—let us switch you to #4 instead of #2 fuel. Our systems also allow you to burn #6 fuel cleanly in low-speed diesels.
Write or phone our toll-free number today for free information and let us explain our system.
We'll give you statistics from actual Fire-Brite® case studies.
Call today. (800) 874-8308
Hoffert Manufacturing Co., Inc. 17nn Fast Hhnrrh Strppt
January 15, 1984 Circle 183 on Reader Service Card 17