Page 29: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (January 15, 1984)
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16 cylinders—with ratings rang- ing from 1,375 to 3,600 bhp.
Circle 69 on Reader Service Card
As much as an 11.5-percent re- duction in fuel consumption can be realized by George Engine Com- pany's "bypass operation"—the upgrading of a Detroit Diesel 149 series engine from its normally as- pired (NA) configuration to a tur- bocharged, intercooled, blower-by- pass (TIB) configuration using the latest high-tech components from
Detroit Diesel. Fuel savings pro- vide a rapid payback of the cost of the conversion.
The blower-bypass is a simple butterfly valve arrangement that automatically diverts the incom- ing combustion air around the
Roots blower when turbocharger boost has reached a sufficient level.
With the Roots blower bypassed, it no longer imposes an accessory load on the engine; the horsepower that was previously required is now available at the flywheel to do useful work.
With a smaller fuel injector, the
TIB configuration produces the same horsepower at the same rpm as the NA arrangement, but does it with significantly less fuel. Al- ternatively, the owner may elect to use larger injectors to achieve greater horsepower output, but still at a competitively low specific fuel consumption figure.
Circle 68 on Reader Service Card
In response to what it sees as the need for an integrated ap- proach to saving energy, Hitachi
Zosen has performed comprehen- sive research toward the realiza- tion of more fuel-efficient ships. As a result, Hitachi now offers an in- tegrated energy-saving package consisting of four independent sys- tems: improvement of hull per- formance; improvement of main propulsion plant; application of ef- ficient measures for the machinery plant; and optimization of naviga- tion and maneuverability fea- tures. These systems may be applied independently, in combination, or as an integrated, total energy-saving system. Among the items that may be included in the Hitachi package are the HZ bulbous bow; self-polishing type coatings; low-rpm, large-size pro- peller mounted in HZ nozzle; super- long-stroke, low-speed main en- gine; shaft generator; and 2- or 3- stage, pressure-type exhaust gas economizer.
Circle 76 on Reader Service Card
A range of weight- and cost-sav- ing diesel engines has been devel- oped by Deutz Engines Ltd., Brit- ish subsidiary of Klockner-
Humboldt-Deutz AG, in which new technology has made them safely
January 15, 1984 operable well within Zone 2 mini- mum requirements, without the need for purge-pressurized enclosures.
Until recently, only a few small diesels have ever been adapted to operate free-standing in a Zone 2 environment, and these were ex- tensively customized to suit par- ticular applications. With this lat- est KHD development, it is now possible for Deutz 816 diesel en- gines in a variety of sizes and con- figurations with outputs ranging from 120 to 870 kw (163 to 1,180 bhp) to be operated safely in areas outside the protection of specially designed, purge-pressurized enclo- sures.
The Deutz 816 series is avail- able as a package adapted for Zone 2, which calls for a maximum sur- face and gas temperature of 250 C.
Deutz has gone beyond this re- quirement, with a maximum tem- perature of 180 C.
Development of the 816 to Zone 2 standards was carried out in re- sponse to a growing demand from oil companies. Building a purge- pressurized enclosure is costly, im- posing a weight penalty and cre- ating problems of accessibility to the engine.
In adapting the 816, Deutz (continued on page 32)
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If you Ve looking for productivity, you should talktoTTS.
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SYSTEMS INC. 813 Forrest Drive
PO. Box 6127
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Circle 179 on Reader Service Card 31
Beam line.