Page 5: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (January 15, 1984)
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Roger Moore Appointed
President Of American
Manufacturing Company
Roger Moore
The board of directors of Ameri- can Manufacturing of Honesdale,
Pa., has announced the appoint- ment of K. Roger Moore as pres- ident; he had been executive vice president. Prior to joining Ameri- can, Mr. Moore was operations manager at the Union Wire Rope division of Armco Steel, and had additional experience in a variety of engineering, sales, and manu- facturing positions with Pratt &
Whitney, Chrysler, and Bendix.
Mr. Moore succeeds Robert L.
Stanton, whose recent retirement climaxed a career spanning 43 years in the wire, rope, and cor- dage industry, the last 27 of which were at American Manufacturing
Company. Mr. Stanton will con- tinue to act as a consultant for the company.
Rockwell Awarded Navy
Contract For $12+ Million
For SINS And ESGM Work
Rockwell International Corpo- ration, Anaheim, Calif., has been awarded a $12,384,000 cost-plus- fixed-fee contract for engineering technical support program of the
Ship Inertial Navigation System (SINS) and Electrostatically Sup- ported Gyro Monitor (ESGM), as- sociated technical data and re- ports. The Naval Sea Systems
Command, Washington, D.C., is the contracting activity.
Gray Bunkering Services
Provides Bunkers And
Lubricants Worldwide
Gray Bunkering Services, Inc. of
New York City has been estab- lished by Peter H. Connor and
Michael J. Kasbar, whose expe- rience in bunkers exceeds 18 years.
Paul H. Stebbins, broker, and
Janet Youngs, assistant broker, have also joined the firm. Gray
Bunkering is a sister company to
Gray Shipbrokers, Inc. headed by
Robert M. Gray, who has been active in the New York shipping community for more than 35 years.
Gray Bunkering works the bunker market at ports worldwide through major, independent, and national oil companies and a net- work of correspondents. Its aim is to provide the best combination of prices, quality product, and serv- ice to improve the vessel operator's bunkering strategy and cost. Prod- uct prices, quality, and availabil- ity are monitored at more than 100 world ports. Lubricant supply and contract negotiation are also available.
For additional information on
Gray Bunkering Services, Inc.,
Circle 84 on Reader Service Card $165.4-Million Award To
NASSCO For Second Navy
Hospital Ship Conversion
The U.S. Navy has exercised its option with National Steel and
Shipbuilding Company of San
Diego for the conversion of a sec- ond San Clemente Class tanker into a 1,000-bed hospital ship at a cost of $165.4 million. The option was contained in a contract that the Navy awarded to NASSCO in
June 1983 for conversion of the first tanker into a hospital ship at a cost of about $186 million.
When conversion is completed, each of the 894-ft ships will have 12 operating rooms and accommo- dations for 1,600 medical support personnel as well as the 1,000 pa- tient beds. Conversion of the sec- ond vessel will begin in the second quarter of 1985, with completion scheduled for the second quarter of 1987.
Stop these creatures before they stop up your fuel system.^^??
Your fuel tanks are the perfect breeding grounds for fungi and microorganisms that thrive in diesel and other hydrocarbon fuels.
They produce a kind of slime that clogs filters and pipelines and can destroy metal surfaces.
All of which means nothing but trouble.
To save yourself all that trouble, just add
BIOBOR® JF fuel fungicide. About a gallon of
BIOBOR JF in 5,000 gallons of fuel will eliminate microorganisms and improve fuel stability without harming parts or interfering with performance.
So keep trouble from breeding in your fuel system. Find out more about BIOBOR JF from your distributor, or write to Industrial Chemicals
Department, U.S. Borax, 3075 Wilshire
Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90010.
Circle 165 on Reader Service Card
Restoration & Repair of Marine Structures
Put A Solid Foundation Under Your Structure / » \ x •r.
MLW 1. Reinforced concrete encasements. 2. Crack repair by EPOXY enjection. 3. Plastic wrap to eliminate marine borer attack.
For immediate action on your pier requirements we are just a phone call away. t U1C. Jujl u pi 1U1IV. tun uwuy (Py Aquatic Marine Systems Inc.
P.O. Box 326 Williamsville, NY 14221
Phone 716-632-5477 Tlx 522613 ITS Inc TPA T.N. Brinkworth, Sales Manager
January 15,1984 Circle 166 on Reader Service Card 7