Page 40: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (May 1984)
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Marine Coatings Review — Kaiser (continued from page 41) ing techniques and stringent qual- ity-control measures at its new fa- cility as it established at its modern, 12-million-pound-capac- ity manufacturing facility in Tulsa,
Since its start-up in the fall of 1983, the new Taiwan operation has already received orders for more than two million pounds of cast aluminum, including large or- ders from Daewoo Shipbuilding in
Korea and Nippon Steel in Japan.
Circle 46 on Reader Service Card
Magnus Maritec International
Inc. (MMI) of Palisades Park, N.J., has two major corrosion-control products—Magnakote® and Pro- tecsol-100.
Magnakote is a rust-retarding tank coating that is an inorganic- organic complex with a platelet crystalline structure similar to fish scales. These platelets are polar in nature and form a dense, tight coating that provides an effective corrosion barrier by allowing a low rate of vapor transmission. This coating is thermally stable and has a low odor. It is non-toxic in use and has a high flash point (325
F) for safety in application. It does
Where high reliability is required for monitoring liquid levels and signaling alarms.
There's a GEMS switch to meet all types of marine liquid level applications...to monitor and control levels, signal alarms, and to provide oil/water interface. Ideal for use with diesel engine fuel tanks, lube oil reservoirs, ballast, bilge, or oil sump tanks or for other common shipboard uses.
I • 56000 Series
Single or Multi-Level
Custom-made switches, using standard components, are supplied with various mounting methods, lengths, floats, materials, etc. to suit the application.
LS-35565 (brass)/
LS-56060 (stainless steel) Externally
Mounted Models.
For use where access to inside of tanks is limited, such as on lube oil or fuel day tanks. Custom-length housings. Provide ease of maintenance and tank cleaning.
LS-270 Model with Protective
Shielding for
Turbulent In-Tank
H Small and com- | pact, unit side-
R mounts in tank.
Ideal for low level bilge or sump tanks, and oil/ water interface.
With Intrinsic Safety.
Zener Barrier Safe-Pak relays, FM approved, from
GEMS provide intrinsically safe operation when interfacing level switches with your AC or DC loads.
For application information, call toll-free (800) 321-6070.
In Ohio call (800) 441-7733.
Plainville, Connecticut 06062, U.S.A.
Telephone: (203) 677-1311; Telex: 99306 ¥ Transamerica Delaval
Deck 180'to 400'
Tank and/or Peck 230'to 400'
Pump Scow
D.W.T. 1600 L.T.
Drydock s 1000 and 2000 T.
Deck 150' and 180' Series
D.W.T. 4000 S.T.
Water Cranes 25,100 and 150 T.
Floating Docks 420' x 58' with or without crane
For addifional information contact Tom Sherwood or Andy Canulette 3121 S.W. Moody Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201
Phone: 503-228-8691
Toll Free 1-800-547-9259
Telex 36-0503 • Cable "Zidell"
UDELL MARINE GROUP not contain any ingredients that require special clothing or breath- ing apparatus for entry into the tank.
Magnakote has been tested in accordance with U.S. Milspec Mil-
R-21006 (Ships) and it surpassed other products in immersion test, salt-spray test, and stability.
Spraying is the preferred method of application and requires the least amount of material. Applica- tion by the flotation method should only be used when the geometry of the tank precludes spraying. Mag- nacote should not be applied by roller or brush as these methods disturb the uniformity of the pla- telet formation.
MMI's Protecsol-100 is a liquid blend of organic and inorganic cor- rosion inhibitors specifically devel- oped for the protection of ballast tanks filled, during lay-up, with sea or brackish water. If forms an adherent passivating film on bank surfaces that protects the steel from corrosion. This protective film is maintained on reballasting by subsequent minimal additions (50 ppm by weight). Exposure of steel to Protecsol-100 solution provides protection that remains even after the inhibited solution is replaced by uninhibited water.
The preferred method of treat- ing salt water with Protecsol-100 is proportional metering during ballasting. An alternate approach is to pour a 55-gallon drum into the ballast tank for each 3,000 tons of ballasted salt water by con- trolled pour to achieve as close to proportional mixing as possible.
Protecsol-100 may also be used to provide an effective, economical solution to the corrosion problems found in cofferdams, bilges, voids, barges, and pipelines.
Circle 47 on Reader Service Card
The Muhlhan Group of compa- nies of Hamburg, West Germany, a worldwide corrosion-protection organization for shipping and in- dustry, recently announced the ap- pointment of Field, Wigham &
Company of Great Neck, N.Y., as its sales representative for the
U.S. President of the firm is Shel- don B. Field.
Muhlhan specializes in steel and concrete protection work, such as high-performance tank, hull, and repair coating at shipyards, and shoreside coating work for oil refi- neries, conventional and nuclear power stations, and chemical plants. The Group is presently ac- tive in 17 countries on four continents.
Apart from the flexibility and mobility of its work force, Muhl- han operates the shot-blasting vessel Strahl-O-Matic, which is ca- pable of performing work directly alongside a vessel at any site.
Muhlhan is presently recycling abrasive material in compliance (continued on page 44) 42 Circle 290 on Reader Service Card Circle 191 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News