Page 11: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (July 15, 1984)
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2:10 pm—Panel Discussion. 3:15 pm—Conclusion of panel discussion.
Thursday, August 9
Energy Saving
Chairman: Finn Bergersen Jr., secretary general, Norwegian
Fisherman's Association, Trond- heim. 10:00 am—"The Outlook for En- ergy Prices," by Johan Nic. Void, managing director, A/S Norske
Shell, Oslo. 10:30 am—"Potentials for Saving in the Fishery Industry," by An- ders Endal, research director, In- stitute of Fishery Technology Re- search, Trondheim. 11:30 am—"Design of Energy-effi- cient Fishing Craft—Hull Design and Propulsion Systems," by Aage
Berg, senior scientist, Institute of
Fishery Technology Research,
Trondheim. 12:15 pm—Lunch. 1:30 pm—"Operation of Fishing
Vessels—Correct Use of Speed,
Propulsion Machinery, and Pro- peller," by Torbjorn Digernes, senior scientist, Institute of
Fishery Technology Research,
Trondheim. 2:10 pm—Panel discussion. 3:30—Conclusion of seminar.
Country code: A = Australia, C = Canada, D =
Denmark, E = England, EG = East Germany, F -
Finland, H = Holland, N = Norway, PL= Po- land, P0= Portgual, S = Sweden, WG = West
Alpha Diesel (D)
Arentz & Amundsen A/S (N)
H. Astrup & Co. A/S (N)
Atlantconsult (N)
B.N. Marine Consult (D)
B T Elektronikk A/S (N)
BT Marking A/S (N)
Baader GmbH + Co. KG (WG)
Bakelittfabrikken A/S (N)
Bergen Bartz A/S (N)
Bergman Instrumentering A/S (N)
Berkel a.s. (N)
Berner & Larsen A/S (N)
Bergens Mekaniske Verksteder (N)
Bjorshol International (N)
Bjorshol Mek. Verksted A/S (N)
Borden Kjemi Norge A/S (N)
Brinchmann & Co. A/S (N)
Brunsvikens Reperbane A/S (N)
Braathens SAFE (N)
Brodr. Brunvoll Motorfabrikk A/S (N)
Bruusgaard & Blindheim A/S (N) as Bull Industri-og skipsteknisk (N)
Carritech (D)
Centromor (PL)
Cerfil, S.A.R.L./Euronete, LDA (P0)
H. Clausen A/S (N)
A/S Cylinderservice (N)
Dansk Eksporforening (D)
Datasafe A/S (N)
Distrikenes utbyggingsfond (N)
Drammen Stal a.s. (N)
Dyno Folier A/S (N)
Dyno Norplast A/S, Dyno Cipax N. (N)
Egersund Tralverksted A/S (N)
Euroclean A/S (N)
A/S Finsam Industries Ltd. (N)
A/S Nils N. Finnoy Motorfabrik (N)
Fishauction Lauwersoog (H)
Fishimpex Rostock (EG
Fiskaren (N)
Fiskeriindustriens Landsforening (N)
A/S Fiskeriautomatikk (N)
Fiskeridirektoratet (N)
A/S Fiskernes Bank (N)
A/S Fiskevegn (N)
Floor-Tec Norge A/S (N)
Fosnavag Fiskevegnfabrik A/S (N)
Frigoscandia Contracting AB (S)
Furuno Norge A/S (N)
Forpackningsservice (N)
Glomma pap & papir A/S (N)
W.R. Grace A/S (N)
Gram Fletteri (D)
Grundborg (D)
Grundens Regnklader AB (S)
Guru Papp A/S (N)
HaBa Produkter (N)
Erling Haug A/S (N)
Helly-Hansen A/S (N)
Hiab-Foco A/S (N)
Hirtshais Vad & Trawl binderi (D)
Holund A/S (N)
Hocom A/S (N)
Asbjorn Horgard A/S (N)
A/S Hydraulik Brattvaag (N)
Hydraulish Aluminium a/s (N)
Arnold Haabeth A.S. (N)
Jacstone Froster Ltd. (E)
Andreas Jensen (D)
C.C. Jensen (D)
Johnson Pump A/S (N)
J.O. Jaeger(N)
KNM Tordenskjold (N)
Karmoy Winch AS (N)
Kemers Norske A/S (N)
Josef Kihlberg A/S (N)
Kienzle Datasystem A/S (N)
R. Kirksaether A/S (N)
Kleveland Elektro Diesel A/S (N)
William Knudsen A/S (N)
Koden Norge A/S (N)
A/S H. Koppernaes & Sonner (N)
Krupp Atlas Elektronik GmbH (WG)
Kumera Oy (F)
Kvam Batindustri A/S (N)
Kvaerner Kulde A/S (N)
Lagan Plast AS (N)
Lehmkuhl Radiosystemer A/S (N) (continued on page 14) 11JI i :VJ k 14VP:
Marine chemical science solves a big problem for vessel operators.
AMEROID* OWS quick separating degreaser
It takes a powerful solvent-emulsifying cleaner to do all the degreasing jobs your ship requires.
But a powerful degreaser can also be disastrous for the operations of the oily water separators required under international pollution control regulations. How? An effective marine degreaser dissolves oily deposits by forming an emulsion- a collodial suspension of oil molecules in water.
Cleaners perform this task because part of their molecules are attracted to oil, and the other pari to water. That's how it lifts and holds soil and turns greasy deposits into an easily removed solution.
T hat's fine for cleaning, but just the opposite of your oily water separator's function, which is lo separate the oil and water. Therefore, an effective marine degreaser that can be great for cleaning can be very harmful to the proper operation ol your oily water separators. Fortunately, Drew
Ameroid Marine has now solved this problem for the marine industry.
AMEROID OWS: the strong, effective, multi-purpose and degreaser
Drew Ameroid Marine has developed
AMEROID" OWS quick separating degreaser, an outstanding cleaner that does everything the traditional cleaners do-except for one thing.
AMEROID OWS doesn't harm the coalescing function of oily water separators.
AMEROID OWS can be used as an effective, heavy-duty degreaser in almost every area of the ship-in the engine room, on deck, for cleaning tools, painted and unpainted surfaces, bulkheads and machinery. It is also a dependable tank cleaner.
Bilge cleaning? Yes. AMEROID OWS is easy to use, employing the regular "rock and roll" method.
In almost every area of the ship, this is a first class, top-to-bottom cleaner. Especially where the slop is pumped through oily water separators.
The proof: leading manufacturers of oily water separators give OWS an enthusiastic approval.
Leading manufacturers* of oily water separators have conducted their own tests with AMEROID
OWS and confirm that this advanced cleaner when used as directed will allow the separator to perform at design parameters. These tests used various concentrations of AMEROID OWS-all of them strong enough to do an outstanding job.
In each case, AMEROID OWS will not only do an outstanding cleaning job. but it will do it without harming the separating capabilities of the oily water separators.
When equipment manufacturers approve, recommend and list this cleaning product in the interests of their own machinery's performance and reputation you know that AMEROID OWS is the marine degreaser you should use!
AMEROID OWS offers these additional advantages.
AMEROID OWS is quick breaking-important in allowing oil to separate from water after the cleaning operation. Reduces slop disposal costs.
It is a solvent-emulsifying cleaner, and therefore it reduces cleaning time, minimizes normal cleaning efforts and cost. It is highly concentrated and does its thorough job at low concentration levels. That's a cost saver.
And since AMEROID OWS does not harm oily water separator functions, it not only helps keep you clear of pollution violations, but spares you some costly problems.
AMEROID* OWS-backed by more than 70 years of Drew experience.
AMEROID OWS is a product of Drew Ameroid
Marine-chemical science dedicated to helping vessel owners and operators minimize costs while meeting required standards and regulations. And behind AMEROID OWS stands Drew technology and commitment. It is being introduced by Drew after extensive testing onboard vessels, and meets exacting standards that have kept Drew in its leadership position for more than 70 years.
AMEROID" OWS quick separating degreaser is available worldwide through Drew's network of service representatives in strategically located ports. *Names on request.
Drew Chemical Corporation
One Drew Chemieal Plaza
Boonton, New Jersey 07005 USA
Telephone: (201) 263-7600 Telex: 136444
AMEROID and the TRITON logo are registered trademarks of
Drew Chemical Corporation. © 1984 Drew Chemical Corporation.
All Rights Reserved.
July 15,1984 Circle 302 on Reader Service Card 13