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grave, head, British Institute Joint
Energy Policy Program, London. 4:00 pm—"Natural Gas for Conti- nental Europe—Norwegian Gas and Implied Aspects of Energy
Politics," by B. Bergmann, ONS executive board.
Wednesday, August 22
Market and Prices
Chairman: Hans O. Bjonte- gaard, senior vice president,
Norske Hydro A/S, Oslo. 9:30 am—"Price Fluctuations in the Energy Market—Causes and
Consequences," by Johan Nic.
Void, manager-planning and pub- lic affairs, A/S Norske Shell, Oslo. 10:45 am—"The Gas Market," by
James F. Allcock, director-petro- leum purchasing, British Gas Cor- poration, London. 11:20 am—"Oil Trading—A
Changed World," by David A.G.
Simon, managing director, BP Oil
International, London. 12 noon—Lunch 2:00 pm—"OPEC's View on Petro- leum Activities in the Northern
Seas," by Prof. Robert Mabro, St.
Antony's College, Oxford. 3:30 pm—"Impact of Market Con- ditions upon the Northern Seas
Petroleum Developments—A Nor- wegian View," by Jacob Oxne- vad, executive vice president, Sta- toil, Stavanger.
Thursday, August 23
New Frontiers: Arctic and
Sub-Arctic Areas
Chairman: Ola Wattne, manag- ing director: BP Petroleum Devel- opment Ltd., Norway. 9:30 am—"The Role of Northern
Areas Petroleum Developments as
Seen from the West," by Finn Sol- lie, Fr. Nansen Foundation, Oslo. 10:40 am—"Petroleum Develop- ments Offshore Northern Norway," by Henrik Ager-Hanssen, senior executive vice president, Statoil,
Stavanger. 11:20 am—"Sub-Arctic Develop- ments," by Jim M. Stanford, president, Petro-Canada Re- sources, Calgary. 12 noon—Lunch
Economy and Finance
Chairman: Nils Guines, senior vice president, Den norske Credit- bank, Oslo. 2:00 pm—"Risks Inherent in Fi- nancing Large Projects as Experi- enced by Banks," by Lars Uno
Thulin, executive vice president,
Den norske Creditbank, Oslo. 3:30 pm—"Uncertainties and
Problems Created for World Econ- omy by Drastic Oil Price Fluctua- tions," by Michel Develle, chief economist, Compagnie Financiere de Paris & des Pays-Bas, Paris.
Friday, August 24
Technical Uncertainties
And Technical Innovation
Chairman: Asbjorn Larsen, pres- ident, Saga Petroleum a.s., Oslo. 9:30 am—"Development of New
Oil and Gas Fields and the Need for Technological Innovation," by
Chris E. Fay, director-exploration & production, A/S Norske Shell,
Stavanger. 10:35 am—"Development of Res- ervoir Techniques and their Effect upon Field Economy," by W.R.
Nation, production engineering supervisor, Amoco, Houston. 11:15 am—"Engineering/Manufac- turing Companies—Doers Only or
Contributors as Well?," by Hans
Jorgen Frank, director, Moss Ro- senberg Verft a.s., Oslo. 12 noon—Lunch
Towards An Orderly
Energy Future? 2:00 pm—Panel Discussion
Moderator: Leif T. Loddesol, president, Den norske Creditbank,
Panelists: Robert Belgrave, head,
British Institute Joint Energy Pol- icy Program, London: Michel De- velle, chief economist, Compagnie
Financiere de Paris & des Pays-
Bas, Paris; Arve Johnsen, presi- dent, Statoil, Stavanger; Jim M.
Stanford, president, Petro-Can- ada Resources, Calgary; and Jan van Dam, head of production,
Shell International Petroleum Mij.
B.V. den Haag.
Special Conference:
Reduction Of Uncertainties
By Innovative Reservoir
Tuesday, August 21
Chairman: Douglas W. Ellenor, (continued on page 20)
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