Page 21: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (July 15, 1984)
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Normann Olsen Maskin A/S (N)
Osel Group (E)
The Otter Group (N)
P.P.S. Norge A/S (N)
Pl-Consulting Ltd. (Fl)
Paguag Flexible Offshore Pipe Systems (WG)
Parker Hannifin A/S (N)
Reidar Pedersen A.S. (N)
Pennwell Books (US)
Petcon Engineering A/S (N)
Petrovest A/S (N)
Phillips Petroleum Company Norway (N)
Pneu-Hydraulics Ltd. (E)
James Polack Norge A/S (N)
Ponticelli Freres (FR)
Postverket (N)
Pronal (FR)
Proserv A/S (N)
Protectors A/S (D)
A/S Pusnes Marine & Offshore Service (N)
Raychem A/S (N)
Reime Zink A/S (N)
AB Resmastservice (SW)
Reson System ApS (D)
Ring-0 Valve (I)
Rister & Trading A/S (N)
Rockwell Int'l, Flow Control Div. (US)
Rogaland Jernvare A/S (N)
Rogalandsforskning (N)
Rona Belgium S.P.R.L (B)
Rosetti Marino E Figlio (I)
Roth Pump Co (US)
Ruhrgas AG (WG)
Hakon Rygh A/S (N)
Sonnico A/S (N)
Sigurd Aorum A/S (N)
SAB Nife AB (SW)
A/S Saba Molnlycke (N)
SABB Motor A/S (N)
Apparatenfabriek SINUS B.V. (NE)
SMIT International Marine Services (NE)
SR Automation A/S (N)
STC Telecommunications Ltd. (E)
SVAFAS-Stavanger Valve & Fitting (N)
Saga Petroleum A.S. (N)
Salzgitter AG (WG)
Saven A/S (N)
A/S Scanarmatur/A/S Scanpaint (N)
Scandpower A/S (N)
WITH TOMORROW and pipelaying, ocean-bottom surveying and undersea seismic research.
The step from collision avoidance to full ship control was a logical and easy one for
Sperry technology. Today, Sperry ship control systems, like Sperry collision avoidance systems, are the most advanced in the world.
Microprocessor-based and widely adaptable, Sperry bridge systems are designed to in- tegrate today with to- morrow. That is, they anticipate your need to have ever-increasing numbers of shipboard func- tions integrated and displayed at one central source. Functions ranging from navi- gation and com- munications to ship control and manage- ment. In all these applications the value of Sperry marine tech- nology on the bridge shows up clearly on the bottom line-in im- proved fuel economy and safety, and lower operating costs.
Besides Sperry's expertise in adapting and advancing ma- rine technologies from one sys- tem application to another, new
Sperry technologies and sys- tems are continually evolving.
Take our devel- opment of baseband radar, for example.
Simply stated, it's a breakthrough in sensing technology.
A technology of the future.
The capability of baseband radar to provide sensing accuracy of ± one foot within a mile dramatically escalates Sperry's ability to provide a new generation of super-sensi- tive systems for precise offshore mooring and navigation in con- fined waterways.
Vessel traffic control is yet an- other area where
Sperry technology is ad- vancing the state-of-the-art, state-of-the-science and state- of-the-system.
Sperry's Vessel Traffic Sys- tems (VTS) for harbor control incorporate advanced technol- ogy in computerization, communication, sensing, sys- tems integration, command, control, display-and you name it. Once again, when you add it all up, vessel traffic surveillance is another area where Sperry systems promise big returns on the maritime industry's bottom line-in terms of port efficiency, safety and development.
Before any Sperry marine technology ever reaches the commercial maritime industry, you can be pretty certain it's proven itself with the world's navies.
For example, the same collision avoidance technology that goes into our commercial systems is helping U.S. Navy hy- drofoils "fly" safely over the waves. And aboard the U.S. Coast Guard's new Medium Endurance
Cutters, our integrated ship con- trol systems put all information needed for effective command and decision-making at the watch officer's fingertips.
The point is, when we apply a new technology or offer you a new system-no matter how ad- vanced-it's been proven. And this can have a rewarding impact on your bottom line, too. That's because your ship doesn't risk being an expensive "test" bed for a "trial" case.
Sperry supports the ship- ping industry with more than 250 service facilities worldwide.
And when you arrive at a
Sperry port, you'll find skilled per- sonnel ready to provide you with total service support.
Listening, a simple idea that's taken us a long, long way.
It can do the same for you and yourships.
Write to Sperry Corporation,
Electronic Systems, Great Neck,
NY 11020. Attention: Marketing
Scanvi A/S (N)
Torben Schroll (D)
Securitas A/S (N)
Semperit Technische Produkte GmbH (A)
Siderexport (I)
Siirtec (I)
Sikorsky Aircraft (US)
Simrad Subsea A/S (N)
Sitai Holding (I)
A/S Skarpenord (N)
Smith International (US)
Sofregaz (FR)
Sofresid (FR)
Solbert & Andersen A/S (N)
L.S. Solland A/S (N)
G.W. Sparrow & Sons PLC (E)
Standard Telefon og Kabelfabrik A/S (N)
Niels A. Stang A/S (N)
Star Carboline A/S (N)
Statoil (N)
A/S Stavanger Elektro (N)
Stavanger Oilfield Services A/S (N)
A/S Stavanger Rorhandel (N)
Stavanger Verktoy & Maskinlager A/S (N)
Stavangerske (N)
Steel Trade S.r.l. (I)
Steelproducts Offshore AS (N)
Stolt-Nielsen Seaway (N)
A/S Storm Martens
Oy Strombert Ab (Fl)
Strathclyde Ind. Devel. (Scotland)
Sun-Tek A/S (N)
Svenska Petroleum Exploration (N)
Svenskt Stal (SW)
Sverges Handelskontor (N)
Syberg & Syberg A/S (N)
Syminex Norge A/S (N)
Syncom International (US)
Taylor Forge Engineered Systems (US)
Technip Geoproduction (FR)
Technor A/S (N)
Tecno-Forge (I)
Tehalit Kunststoffwerk GmbH (WG)
Teknisk Kjemisk A/S Wa-Mo (N)
Teknisk Presse A/S (N)
Teksisk Service A/S (N)
Teledyne Hastings-Raydist (US)
Televerket (N)
Tentech International A.S. (N)
Termoelektro A/S (N)
Terotech A/S (N)
Thermon/Sonnico (NE)
Thyssen Akeiengesellschaft (WG)
Tingstad A/S (N)
Tipak a.s. (N)
Titech (N)
Total Marine Norsk A/S (N)
TradeARBED S.A. (L)
Trallfa A/S (N)
Trelleborg Gummi A/S (N)
Trosvik Offshore A/S (N)
Tubemeuse S.A. (B)
Tuflin Morge (N)
U.S. Embassy (N)
Uddeholm Stainless AB (N)
Ugland Management Co. A/S (N)
Ugland Group (N)
Uni-Cardan Norge A/S (N)
Unifab A/S (N)
Usinor (FR)
Utec-porten ab (SW)
VIKUBO Elastomeer Produkten B.V. (NE)
Tore Vagle A/S (N)
Valmet Oy (Fl)
Vanessa S.p.A. (I)
Verktoy A/S Industri (N)
Vetco International, Inc. (N)
Vetco Offshore, Inc. (US)
Vickers PLC (E)
Viking Engineering (N)
Viking-Mjondalen A/S (N)
Viking-A/S Nordisk Gummibadsbbfabrik (D)
Association Vincotte ASBL (B)
WIWA Wilh. Wagner GmbH & Co. KG (WG)
Oy Waertsilae Ab (Fl)
Weatherford Norge A/S (N)
Sigm. Wenaas Konf. fabr. A/S (N)
Wemex AB (SW)
Westad AS (N)
A/S Wichmann (N)
Wiig SGB A/S (N)
Wimpey Offshore Ltd. (E)
Gebr. Windhorst GmbH & Co. KG (WG)
Wirth Maschinen-und Bohrgerate-Fabr. (WG)
Witt & Borgen A/S (N) t» U?
Top to bottom: Ship Control Helm Unit, Collision Avoidance Display, Control Room aboard Coast Guard Cutter.
Circle 244 on Reader Service Card © SPERRY CORP. 1984 23