Page 40: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (August 1984)
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Carolyn Equipment (continued from page 41) ing, and miscellaneous steel erection.
CEC's booth will exhibit a pic- torial display of past and present jobs, and their personnel will be on hand to answer questions from engineering specifications to cost analysis of tank and terminal stor- age requirements.
Booth No. 511 Circle 14 on RSC
Centrico, Inc. of Northvale, N.J., will display the Westfalia OSA 7 automatic oil purifying centrifuge and the Centri-Pack self-contained oil-purifying module.
The OSA 7 model incorporates self-cleaning, disc-type bowls de- signed for optimum oil/water sep- aration even when feed densities vary. Solids are ejected at inter- mittent intervals.
The Centri-Pack is a ready-to- go, completely equipped module mounted on a sturdy base with all the necessary components built in—one or more Westfalia oil purifying centrifuges plus piping, wiring, motors, pumps, heaters, strainers, timing units, and controls.
Booth No. 401 Circle 15 on RSC
Chembarge is a newly formed unit within the inland marine transportation area of Union Car- bide Corporation. Its purpose is to offer the services of its fleet of more than 150 chemical barges, including many with specialized features, to shippers of alcohols and other solvents, organic acids, benzene and related compounds, propylene oxide, and liquefied gases such as butane, propane, and propylene.
Chembarge equipment, moni- tored from Charleston, W.Va., is offered on a chartering, affreight- ment, or towing basis on the Gulf
Intracoastal Waterway from Cor- pus Christi, Texas, to the Missis- sippi River; up the Mississippi to the Illinois Waterway to Chicago; and to Charleston via the Ohio and Kanawha Rivers.
Booth No. 612 Circle 16 on RSC
Crawford Fitting Company will exhibit the complete line of Swag- elok® tube fittings in sizes for Vie- inch to 2-inch outside diameter. In addition, Swagelok quick-con- nects, Cajon vacuum fittings and couplings, and several lines of
Whitey and Nupro valves will be featured.
Many new products will be on display, including a severe-ser- vice, on/off valve from Whitey
Company. It is rated to 10,000 psi and meets ANSI B-16.34 Class 4500. A union bonnet design and blowout-proof stem provide added safety, while 316 stainless steel of- fers corrosion resistance. The valve's non-rotating Stellite ball tip allows repetitive shut-off with- out galling. It is available with
Vi-inch and V2-inch end connections.
Booth No. 310 Circle 17 on RSC
Rating increases of 10 percent, resulting from technological im- provements, have been announced by Electro-Motive Division of Gen- eral Motors. The leading supplier of diesel engines to the domestic marine market says the 645FB en- gine provides a five percent im- provement in fuel efficiency over its 645EB series of engines.
The product advances incorpo- rated into the 645 series enables
EMD to offer ratings for propul- sion engines ranging from 1,050 bhp at 900 rpm for the Roots blower engine model 8-645E6 to 4,000 bhp at 900 rpm for the tur- bocharged model 20-645F7B engine.
In the EMD marine generator sets, power output ranges from 570 kw, 50 Hz at 750 rpm in the
Roots blower engine model 8-645E6 to 2,865 kw, 60 Hz at 900 rpm for the turbocharged 20-645F7B engine.
Booth No. 115 & 201 Circle 82 on RSC
Engine Efficiency Associates will feature some of its new monitor, alarm, and control systems.
The EZ 1000 monitor, alarm, and control system is said to re- duce installation cost by 70 per- cent, which typically costs as much or more than the system itself.
This system is microprocessor- based, and can start and stop the engines, switch generators, and can control and monitor up to 5,000 points, all from the bridge on just two single 18-gauge wires.
The system can read analog and digital signals; readouts are avail- able in liquid crystal, color CRT, or both. A printer logs time of alarm and date, as well as time it was acknowledged and finally cleared. It also records machinery running hours automatically, which is available on the printer at any time.
The Microwatch is a micropro- cessor-based, 32-channel alarm system. It allows alarms to be pro- grammed by the user on an inter- nal keyboard.
The FM 1000 is a microproces- sor-based fuel management, sys- tem, said to have one-tenth of a gallon accuracy. It indicates the fastest efficient speed and most ef- ficient speed.
Booth No. 610 Circle 18 on RSC
Esgard, Inc. of Lafayette, La., manufactures bio-compatible, veg- etable-based corrosion coatings,
Bio-Gel and Bio-Float, which are said to offer long life and econom- ical, durable protection of wet and dry internal areas in all types of marine vessels. Common features of the Bio products include: ab- sence of solvents or petroleum products, 450 F flashpoint, non- flammability, and. resistance to a wide range of acids, alcohols, and hydrocarbons.
Other products include self- priming enamels, wire rope and cable lubricants, removable inven- tory storage coatings, flange protec- tion systems, and long-term tubu- lar coatings.
Booth No. 606 Circle 83 on RSC
Farboil Company intends to em- phasize two products in its dis- play—Wetsall and Ballastite.
Wetsall is an anticorrosive primer formulated to be applied over damp and rusty surfaces. Because Wet- sall primers have low surface ten- sion and penetrating properties, moisture and air are displaced and tightly adhering rust is pene- trated. Rust penetration is so com- plete and effective that the rust becomes an integral part of the coating. This primer eliminates the need for costly sandblasting and thorough surface preparation.
Ballastite coatings, which are inorganic-organic complexes that are platelet and polar, insure good anticorrosive properties and a minimum of water transmission.
They are provided in both a spray- able and flotation grade, and ex- cellent adhesion is obtained to rust and mill scale.
Booth No. 103 Circle 19 on RSC
General Electric Diesel Power
Products will display a cutaway cross section of the fuel-efficient, 4-stroke cycle GE marine diesel engine. The working cutaway shows GE's unitized cylinders, one- piece alloy cast iron frame, high- efficiency stainless steel manifold, forged steel cylinder heads, and articulated rod construction.
The cutaway engine also dem- onstrates additional features for reliable operation and ease of maintenance. Engine components such as the three-ring cutback crown piston, grooveless main bearings, and cylinder head with welded-in valve seats will also be on display.
General Electric's customer training facility, 48 hours or free parts commitment, and customer service support capabilities will also be represented at the exhibit.
Booth Nos. 412 & 501 Circle 20 on RSC
Hilman Incorporated will be ex- hibiting its extensive line of roll- ers that are used to move barges, supply vessels, and giant modules.
Now the conveyance means of many shipbuilders, the rollers are frequently used in the launching stage as well, and can be supplied with stainless steel on the critical parts of the roller chain to prevent corrosion.
All Hilman rollers incorporate the endless chain principle, whereby the rolls rotate about the center plate of the frame. Taking the place of an axle, this creates a faster, smoother, more efficient way of moving heavy weights than any other surface moving method.
The Hilman roller is a low-pro- file device that has a low coeffi- cient of friction, thus can be rolled with a minimum of force. There are no bearings that would require maintenance; therefore, under less than ideal conditions, the rollers are virtually free of maintenance.
This coupled with the high dura- bility, makes their life expectancy extremely favorable.
Booth No. 607 Circle 21 on RSC
The Indiana Port Commission operates two public port facilities on the Ohio River—Southwind
Maritime Centre and Clark Mari- time Centre.
Southwind, at Mt. Vernon, Ind., continues its pattern of growth with 1983 tonnage figures of 1,877,122 up 12 percent over 1982.
Dominant cargoes handled at this facility were coal, beans, corn, wheat, grain by-product, pipe, and fertilizer. Southwind has more than 600 acres available for lease, with full road and rail connections.
Clark Maritime Centre at Jef- fersonville is Indiana's newest port complex, scheduled to come on- line in the fall of this year. With excellent market geography and rail access, interest in Clark from potential maritime and industrial tenants has been extraordinary.
Booth No. 304 Circle 22 on RSC
ISL (Industrial Service Labora- tories) Corporation of St. Louis will be displaying electronic test equipment and controls. The in- strumentation will include tem- perature monitors and controls, portable temperature indicators, diesel engine thermocouples, tach- ometer generators, tachometer in- dicators, hand-held tachometers, portable voltmeters, ammeters, ohmmeters, calibrators and panel meters.
ISL is involved in the sale, ser- vice, and calibration of these in- struments and many more. A val- 42 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News