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Sperry has also delivered and installed a number of new SRP- 2000 ship control systems, which combine both ship control and navigation functions at a single console.
The company has also become involved recently in the develop- ment, installation, and servicing of complete electronics systems for commercial ships.
Booth No. 601 Circle 86 on RSC
Sverdup & Pacel and Associates,
Inc. is a multi-disciplined firm pro- viding engineering, architectural, planning, and construction man- agement services to developers along the inland waterways. These services include preparation of economic and market feasibility studies, master plan develop- ments, preparation of designs and construction documents, and con- struction engineering services of maritime facilities.
Where time and cost schedules are critical, design/build services are available. The firm also per- forms specialized investigations of damage to facilities, identifying necessary repairs and costs for res- toration to operational condition.
The company's St. Louis and
Nashville offices are in the heart of the inland waterway system to provide the full range of special- ized engineering services neces- sary for successful inland water- way facility developments.
Booth No. 406 Circle 35 on RSC
Texas Instruments of Dallas re- cently introduced the TI 9900 I
Loran C navivator, a complete
Loran C-based navigation system with the performance, features and accuracy of the popular T-9900, plus an exceptional array of addi- tional capabilities.
The TI 9900 II features 100 waypoints that can be entered at time differencs or latitude/longi- tude coordinates. Trips of up to 50 legs can be stored, with reverse ca- pabilities. A unique trip planning function allows the user to com- pute course and distance between two waypoints without receiving a
Loran signal. Additional capabili- ties of the system include auto- matic waypoint sequencing and the display of range and bearing to the next waypoint as each one is passed.
Booth No. 608 Circle 87 on RSC
The exhibit of Turbine Special- ties/Gulf Coast Division will fea- ture recent plant expansion and capabilities in the overhaul and remanufacturing of Electro-Mo- tive Division turbochargers, as well as most other makes of large ma- rine and industrial diesel engine turbochargers. The company spe- cializes in the repair and rebuild- ing of American- and foreign-made turbochargers—its only business.
Booth No. 711 Circle 36 on RSC
Volvo Penta of America, Rock- leigh, N.J., has introduced new configurations of its six-cylinder diesel engines. The new turbo- charged/aftercooled version of the 5.48-liter six-cylinder engine is designated TAMD60C. Horse- power has been raised to 250 bhp at 2,500 rpm for the light-duty version, and 210 bph at 2,500 for the medium-duty model. New this year is a continuous output rating of 177 bhp at 2,200 rpm.
The latest configuration of
Volvo's 6.73-liter, six-cylinder turbo/aftercooled engine is the
TAMD70E, rated 300 bhp at 2,500 rpm. Also available is an interme- diate rating of 270 bhp at 2,500 rpm, or 211 continuous bhp at 2,000 rpm. Both the TAMD60 and 70 are available with heat exchan- gers or in keel-cooled modes.
Volvo's largest engine, the tur- bocharged and aftercooled 11.9-li- ter TAMD121C, has had a series of modifications.
New pistons, liners, connecting rods, and turbocharger all contrib- ute to the 121C's light-duty rating of 408 bhp at 2,000 rpm. Medium- and continuous-duty ratings are (continued on page 46) ... old reliable?
Call Nav-Com for the alternatives
There's a whole new way to pack modern capabilities into your shipboard communications Its called Nav-C om.
Nav-C.om has the background and experience to develop complete systems that can include every level of communications necessary for today's vessel management needs Electronic telephone systems, complete with hailing and paging Satellite communications Computer work stations such as our own Busiship™ system All of these elements can be integrated into a complete package, or individual systems can be provided
Nav-C,om We design it, install it, train your personnel, and support the whole package anywhere you sail through the worldwide Magnavox service network
Nav-Com The communications source Send tor a free full color booklet today, or call for immediate action
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Put flexible reach rods on remote valves.
And save more than half the time and costs of installing rigid rods.
Use S.S. WHITE Industrial™ Heavy Duty Flexible Reach Rods for safe remote control of valves in hazardous or inaccessible areas.
Install them for smooth manual operation of valves from distances up to 40 feet away or more. And enjoy new design freedom. Ease of installation. Less maintenance. Safe, reliable operation.
And big savings.
Route these flexible rods around curves and over or under obstacles. They require no additional expensive operating gear such as universal joints or right angle gear boxes. Flexible reach rods absorb shock and vibration and stand up to abrasion, abuse and corrosion. They're pre-lubricated, and the only maintenance required is once-a-month operation.
S. S. WHITE Industrial Heavy Duty Flexible
Reach Rods are available in standard lengths from 3 to 36 feet and in three sizes to fit valves from %" to 16" in diameter. Other lengths are available on request.
For flexible "heavy duty" reach rods see your local authorized S. S. WHITE distributor. Or contact S. S. WHITE Industrial Products, 151 Old New Brunswick Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854. or call 201-752-8300. TELEX: 833-477;
FAX: 201-752-8315.
August 1,1984 Circle 145 on Reader Service Card Circle 146 on Reader Service Card 45