Page 46: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (August 1984)
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Krupp Atlas Has Major
Orders For Atlas Polarfix — Literature Available
The U.S. Army Corps of Engi- neers is one of several major U.S. and European survey and port or- ganizations which have ordered
Krupp Atlas Elektronik's new Po- larfix combined range/azimuth laser based dynamic position fix- ing system. The Corps has com- missioned a system for general in- shore survey work in the Delaware area.
Among leading European au- thorities which have ordered sys- tems is the Port of Huelva in
Spain. It plans to carry out major harbor and channel approach sur- veys using Polarfix interfaced to
Desco 20 echosounders and an At- las SUSY 30/16 automated hydro- graphic survey system for the pro- cessing of both on and off-line data. The combination of Polarfix,
Desco 20 and a SUSY 30 system also forms the basis of a fully au- tomated Atlas survey configura- tion scheduled for delivery later this summer to the Faroese gov- ernment survey authority,
Newly developed by Krupp At- las Elektronik, the Polarfix sys- tem is designed for short-range po- sitioning applications. Using a single shore-based tracking sta- tion linked to onboard telemetry facilities, combined tracking and measuring functions are fully au- tomatic. The system has an accu- racy of 0.2m per km of measured range over distances of 5km or beyond.
For further information,
Circle 56 on Reader Service Card
New Brochure Available
From American Standard
Heat Exchanger Repair
American Standard Heat Ex- changer Repair (ASHER), has made available a brochure on the com- pany's new facility in Elizabeth,
N.J., which has complete capabil- ity to repair or rebundle, retube or replace parts.
Titled "We Get Your Shell &
Tube Heat Exchangers Back Into
Action," the publication discusses r. MAIN IRON WORKS, INC.
SUPPLY BOATS, INLAND & OFFSHORE BARGES \N 3500 Ton Dock 200' x 100' 90' Between
Wing Walls 1500 Ton Dock 160' x 80' 70' Between
Wing Walls 850 Ton Dock 60' x 150' 50' Between
Wing Walls 300 Ton Dock 50' x 80 40' Between
Wing Walls
Founded in 1948, Main Iron Works, Inc.'s current facilities are available tor construction of new vessels ranging in size from 45' to 250' in length. Dry docking and a full range ot repair services are also available, including a complete machine shop facility, sandblasting and painting services
With over thirty years experience and our record of service to the towing industry, Main
Iron Works, Inc. is ready to serve the needs ot our past, present and future clients.
Air control mechanics
Electrical repairs, trouble shooting
Hydraulic mechanics
Piping and plumbing repairs
Sandblasting and Painting
Complete machine shop service
A.B S. approved for stainless steel
Cladding on main shafts
Complete wood working shop
Four Dry Docks: 300-Ton Capacity 850-Ton Capacity 1500-Ton Capacity 3500-Ton Capacity completed 1st qtr 84
Machine Shop:
Lathes: Capacity in feet — 36 Feet
Swing in inches — 30 Inches
Wet Slips:
Three slips available for your boats or barges to tie up while repairs or supplies are being completed.
Shaft Storage Rack:
To avoid costly delay in waiting for transport of shafts, we provide our customers storage for their spare main shafts and rubber shafts
Along with our parts inventory, we keep a stock of steel plates, pipe, angles, flat bars, and channels, all American Bureau of Shipping approved
We also have a supply of forgings and bar castings which enable us to supply your needs efficiently.
Crane Service: 100 Ton Fixed Stiff leg for Offloading and
Loading Supplies.
All of the services listed above are available on a 24-hour basis, seven days a week. Quotation and price schedules are available upon request.
Located at 50 Mile Marker on Intracoastal Waterway
P.O. Box 1918
Houma, Louisiana 70361 M'
LeRoy Molaison • Henry Brunet
Otto Hughes • Wayne Piazza (504) 876-6302 • (504) 525-4020^ the company's ability to meet any need, and to handle the casualties of customers's daily production battles in the fastest possible tur- naround time. ASHER's commit- ment to both quality and service is pointed out, and because of this they operate at full alert 24 hours per day, seven days per week.
The brochure contains various pictorial representations, along with a list of facility components and a map showing ASHER's ex- act location in Elizabeth.
For more information and a free copy of the brochure,
Circle 68 on Reader Service Card
Telesystems Names Perri
As Director of Echo
Control Development
COMSAT TeleSystems, Inc. has announced that Michael P. Perri has been promoted to the position of director, echo control develop- ment. In this capacity, he will be responsible for all development ac- tivities relating to the company's analog, digital, and acoustic echo control product lines.
Since joining TeleSystems in 1983, Mr. Perri has served as manager of echo control develop- ment. Previously he held positions with Conklin Instrument Corpo- ration, Rockwell-Wescom, Inc., and
GTE Automatic Electric. He re- ceived his BSEE from the Univer- sity of Illinois.
COMSAT TeleSystems, Inc., lo- cated in Northern Virginia, de- signs, manufactures, markets and provides worldwide service and support for a complete line of ad- vanced analog and digital signal processing equipment and systems.
Fram Offers 20-Page Color
Brochure On Its CPS-3
Marine Separator
A new 20-page color brochure describing the Fram CPS-3 marine separator is available free from
Fram Industrial Filtration & Sep- aration. The CPS-3 is a highly ef- ficient coalescing plate separator designed especially for separation of oil and solids from shipboard bilge water. It is ideally suited for retrofit on existing vessels due to the ultra-compact size of the unit.
The brochure contains text, color illustrations, photos, drawings and graphs fully describing construc- tion details, performance records, customized configurations, gravity flow systems, retrofitting and pres- surized systems.
The CPS-3 exceeds IMO stand- ards and is U.S. Coast Guard ap- proved. The unit will process 3 gallons per minute to purities of 15-ppm oil content or less, with no costly filter elements or cartridges that result in hazardous waste disposal.
It is designed for manual or fully automatic operation, and re- quires very little maintenance.
Only periodic cleaning of the plate packs is required for normal oper- ation. The unit also eliminates the need for any holding tanks, and the need for waiting in line for dis- charge to an on-shore facility.
For additional information and a free copy of the brochure,
Circle 49 on Reader Service Card
RCA Corporation Awarded $11.4-Million Contract
RCA Corporation, Government
Communications Systems, Cam- den, N.J., is being awarded an $11,451,500 firm-fixed-price con- tract plus an option for three ship- sets of the Integrated Voice Com- munications (IVC) system for FY- 83 CG-47 class ships with associ- ated data, repair parts, installa- tion, checkout spares, engineering services and test equipment. The
Naval Sea Systems Command,
Washington, D.C. is the contract- ing activity.
Aqua-Dyne Offers Brochure
On Jet-Blasting Equipment
Aqua-Dyne Corporation of
Houston, Texas, has published a 12-page color brochure on their high-pressure jet-blasting equip- ment used as an industrial surface cleaning tool. Handsomely wrapped in a panoramic view of the Grand
Canyon with the caption "Nature took millions of years to cut and wash the earth with water," the cover serves as a picturesque premise on which the brochure draws a point: utilizing the per- formance characteristics of water at ultra-high pressure, Aqua-Dyne- manufactured jet-blasting equip- ment works economically using fresh or salt water to cut and wash away, in seconds, most natural and man-made materials.
Surfaces and materials that can be cut and washed with Aqua-
Dyne jet-blasting equipment are listed, such as tubes, pipes, plain surfaces, tanks, etc., and there are photos of the equipment actually being used, as well as various Jet-
Blaster models of Aqua-Dyne- manufactured systems shown in color with specification data given for each. Aqua-Dyne pumps are also discussed with cutaway draw- ing and photo, and there are some 18 Aqua-Dyne accessories illus- trated with color photos along with a description of each.
For more information and a free copy of the brochure,
Circle 51 on Reader Service Card 48 Circle 118 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News