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Booth No. 915

National Marine Service, Ship- yard Division will exhibit their ser- vices and capabilities in a pictorial display of the company's facilities at

St. Louis, Mo., New Orleans, La., and Norfolk, Va. The company pro- vides diesel engine repairs and parts in addition to shipyard repair ser- vices.



Booth No. 429, 430, 529

Nav-Com, Inc. of Deer Park, NY will introduce the new Magnavox next generation satellite communi- cations terminal and the Magnavox

GPS navigation receiver. The exhib- it will include a live demonstration of NavCom's BUSISHIP shipboard management system, including ves- sel application software; a demon- stration of GEONAV electronic charting system; as well as various other marine navigation and com- munication equipment.


Booth No. 204

Newport News Shipbuilding of

Newport News, Va., a Tenneco

Company, will display its ability to design, construct, overhaul, repair, convert, retrofit, and jumboize a wide variety of ships for the U.S.

Navy and commercial customers.

Also featured will be the IM (Intelli- gent Machine) microcomputer- based delivery system being mar- keted for training, consultation, di- agnostic, and information kiosk ap- plications.


Booth No. 824

Raytheon Marine Company of

Manchester, N.H., will be exhibiting a number of new products, includ- ing: the RAYPATH ARPA with simulator JUE-35B SatCom (IN-

MARSAT Ship Earth Station);

DSL-150 doppler speed log; RD-500 echo sounder (both meeting new

IMO requirements; RAYFAX-500 weather facsimile receiver/recorder;

RAYNAV-750 Mk II Loran C navi- gator; as well as satnav, SSB and

VHF-FM radiotelephones, and oth- er equipment.


Booth No. 108

November, 1985

Riley Beaird supplies the Maxim line of desalinators and silencers to the marine industry. Maxim desali- nators include reverse osmosis sys- tems providing fresh water for workboats, offshore platforms, tankers, submarines and large ves- sels of all types. Riley Beaird also supplies Maxim silencers, heat ex- changers and deaerators.


Booth No. 212

Saab Tank Control of Hoboken,

N.-J. (formerly Salwico, Inc.), will be exhibiting with Saab Marine Elec- tronics. On display will be Saab's

TankRadar for measuring the level in cargo tanks; the TankRadar Sys- tem, a self-contained cargo measur- ing and control system for level, temperature, volume, weight, draft, inert gas pressure, etc. Also shown will be the Salwico oil content moni- tor, Howden inert gas systems, Gun- clean fixed tank-cleaning equip- ment, and Hi/Lo level alarms. Tech- nical literature and engineering per- sonnel will be at the booth for addi- tional information.


Booth No. 211

Seacoast Electric provides mili- tary spec 24643, 24640 and 915E cable, navy symbols, circuit break- ers and marine electrical equip- ment, and airframe wire and cable for marine applications.


Booth No. 734

The Power Engineering Market- ing Division of Siemens-Allis, Inc.,

South Plainfield, N.J., will exhibit the following equipment:

A complete main engine control console and automation system,

Siemens type DIFA 41. This system has been certified by M.A.N./B&W for control of its entire range of slow- and medium-speed diesel en- gines.

A Simos 32 unit with color graph- ic—a microprocessor-controlled monitor and alarm system with add- ed-on color graphic.


Booth No. 606

Sigma Treatment Systems of

Chester Springs, Pa., distributes the

Shimadzu ET-30A, said to be one of the most rugged and reliable 15 ppm oil content meters available. Com- pletely automatic, with worldwide regulatory approvals, the ET-30A is both self-cleaning and self-calibrat- ing. Its ultrasonics used for mea- surements are virtually unaffected by dirt, rust, or air bubbles.


Booth No. 931

Sperry Corporation's Aeorospace & Marine Group of Charlottesville,

Va., will exhibit a full range of advanced marine navigation and control systems, including the Sper- ry SRD 421 two-axis doppler speed log, the SRP 2000 autopilot, the 340

CAS collision-avoidance system, and the Sperry satellite communica- tions system.


Booth No. D-8

Tanker Equipment Company of (continued) %, He : 1W." 1

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Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.