Page 8: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (August 1986)
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Nor Fishing 86 Rishaug Maskin Robertson Tritech D-330 E-407
Saba Molnlycke, Storforbruker D-304 (continued) Sabb Motor U-639
Kvaerner Kulde F-548 Sarpsborg Papp, Div. Kartong D-332
Landteknikk C-214 Scanmar E-412
Langsten Slip & Batbyggeri A-17 Scanmarin C-215
Lehmkuhl Radiosystemer F-546 Scanvekt-Avery D-309
Lehmkuhl Storkjokken F-545 Sea-Tek F-539
Liaaen Helix F-524 Seatronic C-201
Lien, T. F-574 Seljesth M.V. U-620
Lindstols Skips- & Batbyggeri A-l 1A Selo-Gjerstrup F-553
Lorentzen Hydr. og M.V. F-560 Selsbakk Fabrikker U-628
Lovola, Joh. A-9 Selstad, Brdr. A-10
Lowener, Mohn D-325 Semi-Stal D-316
M.M.C. U-611 Setsaas Avd. Rengjoringsteknikk U-634
MSCI U-624 Shiptronics E-405
Maritech A-6 Siemens E-409
Maskin K. Lund F-516 Sigbjorn Iversen A-17
Meijn Machine Fabriek F-520 Sigma Elektroteknisk D-313
Milward Fishing Hooks C-208 Sildemelnaeringens Info, tjeneste B-107
Mjellem & Karlsen F-542 Simonsen & Eek D-315
Mobil Oil Norge U-645 Simonsen Elektro F-509
Moltech Norge E-413 Simrad Subsea E-414
Morenot C-216 Sjofartsdirektoratet B-4A
Mustad & Son, O. F-556 Sjoforsvaret/ Kystvaken B-2
Myhrvold, T. F-561 Skanti Radio E-402
Navimor Spolka A-26 Skipsrevyen B-101
Neraal Maskin E-416 Solhaug, O.S. E-408
Nett & Tau Produkter C-207 Solstrand Slip & Batbyggeri A-17
Newage Norge F-503 Sperry Aerospace Marine Group B-106
Nielsen & Johnsen C-203 Spray Service U-613
Nitedals Taendstikker B-3A Stal Kulde F-558
Noack Norselighet A-24 Stangebye-Hansens C-218
Nogva Motorfarrikk F-562 Steen, Bertel O. F-559
Nordic Supply F-528 Stord Bratz F-554
Nordischer Maschinenbau Rud. Stranda Motorverksted F-510
Baader F-538 Strandeberg, Arne D-318
Nordvestconsult A-4 Straumplast D-317
Norges Fiskarlag A-15 Strom, Leif H. C-213
Norges Fiskeriforskiningsrad B-l Stromberg, Per S. D-316
Norges Fiskerihogskole C-210 Sunnmorsbanken B-l 08
Norges Rafisklag A-27 Syberg Agenturer E-406
Norpack D-303 Som og Presse Teknikk E-541
Norpapp Industri D-314 Soviknes Verft A-17
Norpower, Brodr. Malo U-631 Teknisk Industrieservice F-564
Norsk Marconi U-612 Teknotherm F-512
Norsk Scania-Vabis U-638 Telaeg Aksjeselskap E-404
Norske Fina B-l 13 Tenfjord M.V. F-508
Norske Shell F-566 Tico Norge U-607
Norum Marin U-641 Tronderverftet U-623
Ocean Products D-335 Ulstein Trading F-514
Olsen & Son, Finn Chr. D-324 Univern B-105A
Opplysningsutvalget For Fisk B-l Universal Diesel F-532
Orjavik Industrier F540B Upab; Ulo Produkter F-572
Ostensjo, Johannes A-23 Vaagland Batbyggeri A-17
Owre-Johnsen F-573 Vaagland M.V. U-627
Pay & Brinck U-621 Vakuum-Service D-321
Pettersen Spillfabrikk F-521 Valmet F-571
Polimex S.R.L. B-104 Vega Vekt F-552
Polyform A-13 Vestlandske Fartyrbyggjarlag A-17
Pyrofabrikken F-563 Vestre A-l 1
Q-Marine C-204 Vik & Sandvik F-547
Racal-Norge E-417 Viksund Nor U-617
Ramstad Eskefabrikk D-314 Volvo Norge, Avd. Volvo Penta F-523
Ranheim Papirfabrikk D-332 Wartsila Diesel F-549
Rapp Hydema F-569 Veiberg Gullisken, J. F-543
Rapp Hydema Syd U-646 Wenaas Konfeksjonsfabrikk F-518
Redningsselskapet, NSSR B-3 West Mekan U-636
Refa Fiskeredskap A-5 Wichmann F-535
Rena Kartonfabrik D-319 Wright & McGill A-20
McDermott Shipyard Lays Dredge Keel
Officials of McDermott Shipyard and American Dredging Company of Camden, N.J., recently cele- brated the keel-laying for a 294- foot, self-propelled, diesel-electric, split-hull hopper dredge at McDer- mott's Morgan City, La., yard.
Scheduled for completion by
March 1987, the trailing dredge, with a hopper capacity of 3,990 cub- ic yards, will be used to deepen, maintain, and improve waterways.
It will accommodate a crew of 21 and have an American Bureau of
Shipping Maltese Cross A-l Ocean
Going classification in addition to a
U.S. Coast Guard Ocean classifica- tion with unattended automated en- gine room. The vessel, which has a molded breadth of 54 feet and depth of 22 feet, can dredge to a depth of 70 feet and is equipped with under- water dredge pumps on the drag arms. Its gross tonnage is 2,746, with a lightship displacement of 2,400- tons and loaded displacement of 7,787 tons.
The 10,500-horsepower dredge is propelled by two 2,600-horsepower
Nigata Electric drives. Its six main
Caterpillar generators product 7,500 kilowatts of power. The vessel can carry 180,000 gallons of fuel and 27,000 gallons of fresh water.
American Dredging Company has been engaged for 119 years in the business of excavating solid materi- al in, out or through rivers, harbors and seas to deepen and maintain ship channels, create harbors, pro- vide fill for rights-of-way, take ca- bles and pipelines across rivers, har- bors and other bodies of water, restore and maintain beaches, dig canals, and drill, blast and remove subaqueous rock to improve chan- nels, harbors, coastal areas and ma- rine basins.
McDermott Shipyard, a division of McDermott Marine Construc- tion, specializes in the construction and repair of large tugs, supply boats, barges, dredges, and a wide variety of oceangoing work vessels.
McDermott Marine Cosntruction is a major operating unit of McDer- mott International, Inc., a leading energy services company. The com- pany and its subsidiaries provide worldwide engineering and con- struction services for industrial and commercial facilities onshore and to the oil and gas industry offshore.
They also manufacture steam gen- erating equipment, tubular prod- ucts, insulating products, and pro- cess control systems, and provide trading services for markets around the world.
For more information on McDer- mott,
Circle 51 on Reader Service Card
Show above at the keel-laying, left tD right: Joe Boutchard, principal surveyor for New
Orleans ABS; A.D. Pistilli, president, American Dredging; Capt. J.W. Klotz,Chief Inspector,
USCG; Comdr. Scott Cooper, OCMI, USCG; W.L. Higgins, vice president and group execu- tive, McDermott; Eugene Santhin, vice president, American Dredging; Jim Franklin, vice president and general manager, McDermott; and Gary Newchurch, division general man- ager, McDermott.
Drawing of the icegoing tug Matari.
Valmet Testing Newly Developed
Ducted Propeller For Icegoing Vessels
Valmet's Helsinki Shipyarc., as the culmation of a two-year research program, recently tested a new type of ducted propeller with the tug
Matari off the coast of Savonlinna.
The new type duct is said to be a new generation propulsion solution for Arctic vessels operating in ice.
As already known, a duct in- stalled around a propeller increases the total thrust by some 30 percent when the propeller is heavily loaded, as it is in ice conditions. At the same time, the duct protects the propeller from bigger ice loads. Un- til now, the problem has been that the duct gets blocked by large ice floes, and thus the use of ducted propellers has been very rare in spite of the obvious advantages.
As the result of two years of research, Valmet has now developed a patented ducted propeller that solves nearly all the problems re- lated to the blocking of the nozzle.
This new development will either increase the icebreaking capability of icegoing vessels or significantly decrease their fuel consumption.
The Valmet ice duct is suitable for all types of icegoing vessels, includ- ing icebreakers, cargo ships, etc. It
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