Page 15: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (October 1988)
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Circle 27 on Reader Service Card
Intercontinental Engineering-
Manufacturing Corp. (INTER-
CON) of Kansas City, Mo., is a diverse engineering and manufac- turing organization with established product lines in marine winches, hoists, custom drives and controls, marine cranes, and dredging ma- chinery.
Currently in production are Twin
Cargo Cranes to be included in the
U.S. Navy's Auxiliary Craneship (T-
ACS) Program. Each crane, singly operated, is rated at 30 long tons at 121-foot outreach; 60 long tons at 121-foot outreach in dual operation.
All functions of the twin-boom ped- estal cranes are electrohydraulically powered.
The first option of the Maritime
Administration contract covers a lot of six Twin Cranes to be delivered to
Tampa Shipyard for installation in
T-ACS-7 and -8. Award for the sec- ond contract option was issued in
July and calls for the manufacture of four cranes scheduled for installa- tion aboard T-ACS-9 & 10 in late 1989. INTERCON completed its twin crane contract for T-ACS-4, -5 and -6.
Notable commercial winch con- tracts for 1988 include four model
SD-200 anchor winches and fair- leaders for Santa Fe's new jack-up rig under construction at FELS-
Singapore. These units will handle 2,300 feet of 2-inch wire rope. Three model SD-225H mooring units were completed and shipped to NKK of
Japan for installation aboard ore ships. Two model DW-150 drag win- ches were recently delivered to
McCormack Aggregates. INTER-
CON's model SD-175 towing winch with a hydraulic power source is scheduled for completion this fall for installation aboard Mobil Oil
Corporation's tug Mobil 2.
INTERCON winches are sold and serviced worldwide for towing, mooring and anchor-handling appli- cations. Ocean tugboat winches range in capacity from 50,000 to 500,000 pounds; single or multiple drum configurations are sized for wire ranging from 1 to 3 inches in diameter. Tug/supply boat winch packages include controlled-drop chain handlers, single lever anchor drum control, towing pins, and stern rollers. INTERCON's exclusive water-cooled brakes with solid state control are proved in handling an- chors in over 2,500-foot ocean depths. Workboat deck machinery also includes a full line of windlasses and capstans ranging from 10 to 50 hp.
Circle 29 on Reader Service Card
Kocks Crane & Marine Company of Pittsburgh, Pa., has received an order for three high-profile contain- er cranes for the Port of Miami. The new cranes, which upon delivery, will make a total of six Kocks cranes in operation at the port, are some of the largest ever built, having an out- reach of 152 feet on the waterside and a backreach of 85 feet on the landside for prestowing of contain- ers and placement of hatch covers.
Design and engineering was done by
Vulkan Kocks of West Germany.
The new cranes include the latest state-of-the-art features. The elec- trical control system is digital with fault-diagnostic computer readout.
Additional features included are heavylift operation of up to 85 tons and provision for a second trolley in the future.
The first crane recently arrived in
Miami fully erected, with the sec- ond and third cranes scheduled to be delivered in December.
In addition, Kocks Crane & Ma- rine recently received an order for two low-profile cranes from the Port of Oakland, Calif.
The award was made to Kocks on the basis of providing the best tech- nical concept for a unique specifica- tion—a low-profile crane with a maximum overall height of 129 feet and a full 100-foot lifting height between the bottom of the spreader and the dock. Design and engineer- ing of the cranes was performed by
Vulkan Kocks of West Germany.
The new Seventh Street Terminal cranes will be equipped with the lat- est digital electric system accompa- nied by a fault diagnostic computer.
The cranes have been designed and (continued)
Marine Travelift's 150AMO Ideal For Work Boats,
Barges, Military and Large Pleasure Boats!
Marine Travelift's 150 ton capacity mobile boat hoist allows maximum yard utilization with 90° pivot steering maneuverability and maximum adaptability. Using either two or three sling hoisting, the unit easily handles small boats as well as the large.
Increase your profits with the time saving 150AMO. No advance preparation is needed for the one man operated unit which requires only a minimum haulout crew. Haulout any time regardless of tide or traffic.
For more information on the 150AMO or our complete line of Marine Travelift open end mobile boat hoists with capacities from 15 to 500 tons, contact your authorized local representative or Marine Travelift, Inc., 49 E. Yew St., Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235 USA • 414-743-6202 • Telex:
LIFTS STGB 260056 • FAX: 414-743-1522. "The No. 1 Hoist Supplier...
Over 2,000 Units in Service Worldwide!" mflRinEPjjs® 253 TRRVELIFTnc
The 135 ton twin screw shrimper. "Roe /an" during a lilt by a 150AMO at Mt. Pleasant. SC andle Maximum Load
October, 1988
Circle 175 on Reader Service Card 63