Page 8: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 1989)
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Unisys Awarded $18.7-Million Contract
Unisys Corporation, Computer
Services Division, St. Paul, Minn., is being awarded a $18,742,380 modifi- cation to a previously awarded firm- fixed-price contract for AN/USQ- 69, AN/USQ-69 with ECP 068 and
OL-267 computer equipment units.
Work will be performed in Clear- water, Fla. (85 percent), and in St.
Paul, Minn. (15 percent), and is expected to be completed by De- cember 1990. This contract com- bines purchases for the U.S. Navy (99 percent) and Japan (one per- cent) under the Foreign Military
Sales program. The contract was awarded by the Naval Sea Systems
Command, Washington, D.C. (N00024-86-C-5288).
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The Detroit Diesel-powered Mark G. Goode is the third ferry delivered by Trinity Marine
Group to the Texas Highway and Transportation Department.
Trinity Marine Group Delivers
Detroit Diesel-Powered Ferry
To Texas Transportation Department
Moss Point Marine, Inc. of the
Trinity Marine Group has delivered the 100-foot passenger and vehicle ferry Mark G. Goode to the Texas
State Department of Highways and
Public Transportation. It has joined six other ferries working between
Port Aransas and Aransas Pass,
Texas, near Corpus Christi.
The Mark G. Goode is almost identical to the B.L. De Berry, and the J.C. Dingwall, double ended fer- ries built in 1987 by Halter Marine,
Inc., also of the Trinity Marine
The working car deck, with a beam of 44 feet, can accommodate 20 passenger vehicles and 10 walk- on passengers. The elevated pilot- house is designed for total ship con- trol in either direction by the place- ment of dual commmand stations and unrestricted 360-degree visibili- ty.
Main engine propulsion is pro- vided by two Detroit Diesel 8V92N engines developing 300 bhp at 1,800 coupled to Twin Disc MG 514 re- verse/reduction gears with a ratio of 5.16:1. Electrical power is supplied by a pair of 35-kw generators driven by two Detroit Diesel 3-71 engines.
The vessel's electrohydraulic steer- ing system was provided by EMI of
New Orleans and its pneumatic en- gine controls were manufactured by
A partial list of the navigation and communications equipment in- cludes a Sea-Tec radar with dual display units, two Horizon radio telephones, a Raytheon loud hailer, a Kahlenberg air horn and a Carlisle and Finch searchlight. An EMI en- gine alarm and fire detection system
List of Suppliers
Main engines Detroit Diesel
Reverse/reduction gears . . . .Twin Disc
Generator engines .... Detroit Diesel
Air Controls Wabco
Engine monitoring and alarm system .EMI
Electro-hydraulic steering .EMI
Air horn Kahlenberg
Searchlight Carlisle & Finch
Radar Sea-Tec
Radio telephone Horizon
Air conditioning & heating .... Coleman
Engine room exhaust fan Hartzell
Tail shaft ARMCO Aquamet
Air compressor Quincy
Fuel oil filters Racor monitors all critical main engine and ship's services, and a USCG- approved Halon flooding system protects the engine room.
The Goode was built under Amer- ican Bureau of Shipping rules and regulations and is ABS classed Mal- tese Cross A-l Ferry Service, Mal- tese Cross AMS, Inland Service, and is U.S. Coast Guard certified sub- chapter "T" with an admeasure- ment under 100 gross tons.
The Trinity Marine Group is owned by Trinity Industriews, Inc.,
Dallas, Texas. The group includes
Halter Marine, Inc., Moss Point
Marine, Inc., Equitable Shipyards,
Inc., Gretna Machine and Iron
Works, Inc., Aluminum Boats, Inc.,
Thunderbolt Shipbuilding and Re- pair, Inc., and HBC Barge, Inc.
For free literature giving com- plete information on the facilities and capabilities of the Trinity Ma- rine Group,
Circle 17 on Reader Service Card
Circle 308 on Reader Service Card
ASNE/SNAME Symposium,
Set For January 1990,
Sends 'Call For Issues'
A "Call For Issues" was recently sent out for the ASNE/SNAME- sponsored symposium on "Revitali- zation of the Maritime Industry," scheduled for January 10-12, 1990.
Hosts for the conference will be the
ASNE Delaware Valley Section and the SNAME Philadelphia Section.
The sponsors are calling for one- page abstracts in the following format: Title; Statement of Prob- lem; Background; Proposed Solu- tion.Topics and typical issues in- clude Maritime Fleet; Shipbuilding & Repair; Facilities; Human Re- sources; and Engineering Manage- ment.
For further information contact
John M. Phinney, Newport News
Shipbuilding, 1260 East Woodland
Avenue, Springfield, Pa. 19064; (215) 328-5200. 12 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News