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Conrad Delivers 150-Foot
Floating Drydock To
Jones Boatyard Of Miami
The completed floating drydock leaves Con- rad Industries shipyard for delivery to Jones
Boatyard Of Miami.
Construction of a floating dry- dock for Jones Boatyard of Miami was recently completed by Conrad
Industries Inc. of Morgan City, La.
Measuring 150 feet long, 70 feet wide and 8 feet deep with a wingwall height of 18 feet, a wingwall width of 5 feet and an inside clearance of 60 feet, the 1,600 short-ton-capacity drydock is to be used by Jones Boat- yard for making repairs to coastal freight ships and small tugs.
Each of the three sections of the drydock, measuring 50 feet long by 70 feet wide, is equipped with bulk- heads to create four watertight com- partments with a 20-inch flush wa- tertight single bolt manhole.
There are two watertight com- partments in each section of the wingwall with a 20-inch watertight single bolt manhole.
For free literature giving com- plete information on the facilities and capabilities of Conrad Indus- tries shipyard,
Circle 45 on Reader Service Card 1989 International Maritime
Exposition To Expand
Its Exhibitor Emphasis
Official plans have been an- nounced for the 1989 International
Maritime Exposition, which is held in conjunction with the Annual
Meeting of The Society of Naval
Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME). In past years, the show's primary exhibitor focus has been the design, construction, use, and maintenance of large ships, military and commercial. This year, howev- er, the exposition will include prod- ucts, equipment, supplies, and ser- vices for vehicles and platforms of all types and sizes. Among the market segments being addressed are cruise ships, workboats, and fishing boats.
To encourage greater participa- tion, SNAME has also broadened the scope of the technical program.
In addition to theme-oriented mini- symposia being planned on ice- breaker technology and propulsion plant instrumentation, the number and diversity of technical papers to be given has been expanded. The
Society has reduced the traditional 90-minute technical sessions to 60 minutes and is considering abstracts or papers on the following: success- ful applications of CAD/CAM, new methods to reduce propeller vibra- tion excitation on ships, the "whys"
June, 1989 of the blistering encountered on the
USS Midway, vapor collection sys- tems for coastal and river barges, and papers from Soviet presenters.
The 1989 International Maritime
Exposition is scheduled for Novem- ber 15-17 at the New York Hilton in
New York City. Show hours are 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. on November 15, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on November 16, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on November 17.
For exhibitor or attendance infor- mation, contact the Reber-Friel
Company, 221 King Manor Drive,
King of Prussia, Pa. 19406, (215) 272-4020.
Second Tanker
With One-Man Bridge
Delivered By B & W
The Copenhagen-based yard Bur- meister & Wain, recently delivered the Petrobulk Jupiter, the 11th ship in a series of Panamax product tankers. The vessel has gone on time-charter to Shell International
Marine Ltd. for a period of five years.
This is the first in a batch of five sister vessels from Burmeister &
Wain which Shell will control. The next four vessels to be delivered from the yard will go on bare-boat charter to the oil company.
The Petrobulk Jupiter is equip- ped with a one-man-operated bridge. The ship is the second one in the world (the first one, the sister- ship Petrobulk Mars was delivered in November 1988) classified by Det norske Veritas with the new class registration "Watch 1 - Ocean Areas and Coastal Waters" (Wl-OC), which means that the ship can be operated safely by only one person on the bridge day and night under normal operating conditions - as soon as this has been approved by the IMO, the United Nations' Inter- national Maritime Organization.
According to the international con- ventions this has so far only been allowed in the daytime and on ap- proval of the highest ranking officer of the watch. Some of the biggest seafaring nations are now working on an extension of this convention so as to apply also to navigation at night.
Both the Petrobulk Jupiter and
Petrobulk Mars are registered un- der the Vanuatu flag.
The Petrobulk Jupiter was con- tracted by K/S Eriksholm. The owners behind the project are
Naess, Jahre & Partners, Oslo, in cooperation with the PetroBulk
Carriers-group consisting of Bulls
Tankrederi A/S, Norway, Exmar S.
A., Belgium, Mitsui O.S.K., Tokyo, and Shipping Development Compa- ny Limited (Erling D. Naess, Ber- muda). The ship will be operated technically by Naess shipping (Hol- land) B.V. and commercially by Pe- troBulk carriers A/S.
For free literature detailing the shipbuilding services of Burmeister & Wain,
Circle 60 on Reader Service Card
MarAd Awards Contracts
For Training Vessel Work
Two contracts for maintenance and repair work on the training ves- sel Golden Bear were recently awarded by the Maritime Adminis- tration. The vessel is operated by the California Maritime Academy,
Vallejo, Calif.
Southwest Marine Inc. of San
Francisco received a $413,071 con- tract for drydocking and underwat- er repairs
General Engineering and Ma- chine Works, San Francisco, was awarded a $455,592 contract for maintenance and repair work that includes refurbishment of the ma- chinery and piping systems, interior preservation and coating and instal- lation of a trash incinerator.
From foundry to finishing to repair, Bird-Johnson is a full service propeller company. Our
Walpole, Massachusetts, manufacturing facility has been building Bird-Johnson Controllable
Pitch Propellers for over thirty years, our Pascagoula, Mississippi, foundry has been producing large fixed pitch propellers for over twenty-five years and our Seattle, Washington, foundry has been manufacturing Coolidge Propellers for over eighty years. With that kind of experience, we are experts at analyzing vessel requirements and manufacturing propellers specifically designed to meet the needs of all types of boats and operating conditions—any size; any horsepower; and any material—stainless steel, nickel-aluminum-bronze or manganese bronze. We also supply shafting, nozzles, couplings and other marine propeller accessories. And, equally important are our repair capabilities. Our service technicians can repair or service your propeller anytime—even on a 24 hour emergency basis.
When you're thinking propellers, think Bird-Johnson. Write, call, or drop by and see us—then relax and let your propeller be our business.
BIRD-JOHNSON COMPANY 110 Norfolk Street • Walpole • MA 02081 • 508 668 9610 • Fax: 508 668 5638
Circle 232 on Reader Service Card 15