Page 18: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 1989)
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MMFG Announces Major
Changes For Duradek
Fiberglass Grating
Morrison Molded Fiber Glass
Company (MMFG) of Bristol, Va., recently announced that major changes in Duradek® fiberglass grating have recently been made to improve and upgrade the product and make it more readily available to the customer.
Over one million dollars' worth of the new product is now in stock and can be shipped within 48 hours to a customer anywhere in the country.
Duradek is manufactured by the
AFC Division of MMFG located in
Chatfield, Minn. The changes to
Duradek are described below.
A surfacing veil is standard on all
ARC gratings (including polyester grating). This enhances both corro- sion and UV resistance.
All Duradek gratings (including vinyl ester) are fire-retardant. This means they meet all the require- ments of Class 1 on ASTM E-84 and the self-extinguishing requirements of ASTM D-635.
All Duradek gratings will have a
Only specialists can build fou r floating drydocks within one year... ... 89 in a century. Floating docks have been on the pro- gramme of MAN GHH since 1878. Between April 1982 and
May 1983 we designed, built and supplied a 20,000-t and a 30,000-t dock for the U.S.A. as well as a 22,000-t and a 10,000-t dock for Saudi
Arabia. From June 1982 until
September 1983, two GHH floating docks were commis- sioned by our specialists at their final destination in the
U.S.A., another two in Saudi
Arabia, one in Indonesia, and one in Singapore.
Our dock construction yard is also fully equipped for build- ing floating cranes, such as the three 200-t units deliver- ed to Saudi Arabia in 1983.
For further information we shall be pleased to send you our brochures.
Convincing Technology
P.O. B. 11 02 40
D-4200 Oberhausen 11
Phone: 2 08/692-0
Telex: 8 56 691 ghh d
MAN GHH CORP. 50 Broadway
New York, NY 10004 USA
Phone: (212) 509-4545
Telefax: (212) 269-2854
Telex: 42 12 74 MAN CORP
UV inhibitor added to the resin. UV coatings remain as an option to be used only when UV inhibitors are not considered adequate for the ap- plication. UV coating is still the best long-term solution to UV exposure.
Now the construction of Duradek more closely parallels the construc- tion of Extren fiberglass pultruded structural shapes.
All Duradek gratings have a new cross-rod spacing of 6 inches center of bearing bar to center of bearing bar. This makes the product more acceptable and gives a higher yield when complex field cutting is re- quired. Cross-rod spacing (12-inch) is also available with a reduction in price.
Circle 26 on Reader Service Card
Sigma Publishes Manual
On Pipeline Protection
Following the success of their re- cent miniaturized pocket-size illus- trated booklet on Protection and
Maintenance of Ferrous and Non- ferrous Metals, Sigma Coatings have now produced a similar book- let on Protection and Maintenance of Pipelines. Again, this is a read- able, illustrated manual of 280 pages which explains lucidly the problems and solutions applying not only to pipelines for natural gas, potable water, industrial and waste water, process water and chemicals, sea and fresh water, etc., but also, for example, to various shipboard pip- ing systems.
For free copies of this handy- sized manual on pipeline protec- tion,
Circle 71 on Reader Service Card
Shaw Joins Pacific Ship
As VP, Government
Relations And Marketing
David L. Bain, president and
CEO of Pacific Ship Repair & Fab- rication, Inc., San Diego, Calif., re- cently announced that Dennis R.
Shaw has joined the company as vice president, Government Rela- tions and Marketing.
Mr. Shaw held key senior execu- tive and political appointee posi- tions at the Department of Defense during the Reagan Administration.
He served on the staff of two Secre- taries of Defense, Casper Wein- berger and Frank Carlucci, as the principal Deputy Assistant Sec- retary of Defense (Reserve Affairs), acting Assistant Secretary of De- fense (Reserve Affairs), and as Spe- cial Assistant to the Assistant Secre- tary of Defense (Production & Log- istics). Mr. Shaw also was Deputy
Under Secretary of the Navy (Poli- cy) for Navy Secretary James H.
Webb Jr. Prior to leaving the
Navy, Secretary Webb nominated
Mr. Shaw to become General
Counsel of the Navy. 20 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
Circle 308 on Reader Service Card