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Characteristic advantages include high reliability; low fuel oil con- sumption; low spare part consump- tion; long intervals between over- haul; simple to overhaul; and no limitations for part load operation.
Alpha Diesel is offering a free 18- page color brochure detailing the 28/32A diesel engine series, as well as its reduction gearboxes, CP pro- pellers and electronic remote con- trol systems. For a copy,
Circle 16 on Reader Service Card
Joint Cruise Venture
Formed By Salen Lindblad
The formation of a joint venture,
Frontier Cruises, to build and oper- ate an expedition cruise vessel, has been announced by Salen Lindblad
Cruising and several partners.
The 6,700-ton vessel will be capa- ble of accommodating 164 passen- gers and will be built by Mitsubishi
Heavy Industries at a cost of $42 million. The Arctic and Antarctic will be included among its cruises.
Partners of Salen Lindblad are
Mitsubishi Corp., Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, and Hapag-Lloyd AG.
Drew Ameroid Helps
Shipowners Control High
Costs Of Low-Cost Fuels
Drew Ameroid® recently intro- duced another "Added Value" solu- tion to marine fuel problems—
Amergy® 222 fuel oil conditioner, a premium blend of solvents, disper- sants, surfactants, and detergents which minimizes the effect of fuel instability and incompatibility.
This technologically advanced con- ditioner dissolves sludge and then stabilizes the fuel components, re- ducing their tendency to form sludge. Equally effective for diesel engines and steam boiler systems, and with all grades of blended and residual fuels, Drew Ameroid Ma- rine claims the use of Amergy 222 oil conditioner can result in significant savings in fuel, cleanings, sludge dis- posal, labor and maintenance costs.
Amergy 222 conditioner is the lat- est addition to Drew's international- ly available line of products for treating fuel. The company backs its fuel treatment chemicals with pro- grams that maximize the product's potential, the efficiency of the ship, and the reduction of operating costs.
To minimize expenses, many operators are using the lowest quali- ty fuel recommended by engine manufacturers. However, this po- tential for savings can be negated by fuel instability. This condition can be worsened when fuels from differ- ent bunkerings, which may be in- compatible, are mixed. Unfortu- nately, there often isn't sufficient available shipboard bunker tank ca- pacity to avoid mixing fuels. By adding Amergy 222 conditioner to the tanks before bunkering, prob- lems resulting from instability and
June, 1989 91 incompatibility of fuel oils are re- duced. Results can be attained at a low cost-per-treatment, over a wide dosage range.
Treatment is easy with Amergy 222 conditioner because it does not require special dosing equipment.
The product is slug-dosed before bunkering and is completely soluble in the fuel. Because it is both a dis- persant and a solvent, the use of
Amergy 222 conditioner results in improved fuel combustion, reduced sludge disposal problems, and fewer cleanings of tanks, heaters, strainers and lines.
Drew's international network of service technicians provides added value to each chemical purchase through support programs designed to promote and monitor the prod- uct's complete benefits. Drew's
Pace® fuel evaluation program pro- vides comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the chemical and physical properties of a ship's fuels, with follow-up recommendations to the ship operator. The "Red Carpet
Program" provides onboard visits to assist with dosing and crew instruc- tion, fuel analysis to ensure the most effective dosing rates, and a six-month follow-up visit to make sure that optimum results are being obtained.
For more information on how
Drew's fuel treatment programs, products and services will work best for your company,
Circle 24 on Reader Service Card
Furuno decided long ago that the best commercial radar should start out as a commercial design, based on practical, proven concepts and built to provide top performance in a very cost- conscious marketplace. Today, the
Furuno FR-8000D, FR-1500D and FR- 2000 Series radars are just this. Radars with all the advanced performance
Simply Better. features necessary, yet built from designs proven at sea, where it counts.
These units are all the basic radar most people will ever need. They're available in both X- and S-band models, with choice of high resolution 12 to 20" raster scan CRT's, antennas from 4' to 12', outputs from 10 to 30 kW, and input voltages as low as 12 VDC.
All feature Furuno's well known low noise MIC receivers, multilevel quantization, dual EBL's and EVRM's offcentering, echo averaging, echo stretch, variable echo trail length, and built-in interface to give on-screen readout of navigation data.
You also get to choose the system complexity you need. Our optional RP series video plotter adapters and ARP series auto tracking adapters both put all the nav info right on the radar CRT and employ convenient RAM cards to store user data or ROM cards with factory digitized NOAA electronic charts.
Furuno commercial radars. Simply better because they're simply commercial. No high-cost military designs, no unproven technology. See all the Furuno radars at any of our more than 200 authorized dealer outlets, or write for complete information today.
P.O. Box 2343, South San Francisco,
CA 94083
Furuno. Choice of the professionals. 12' ANTENNA FR-2020 with ARP-2
F U Bl M » B •P
Circle 202 on Reader Service Card