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$3.4 Million Awarded

General Instrument For

Spares/Support Equipment

General Instrument Corpora- tion's Defense Systems Group re- cently announced that their Gov- ernment Systems Division received a $3.4-million award from a foreign nation for spares and support equipment for their ALR-606(V)2

ESM System.

The fully automatic ALR- 606(V)2 ESM System performs over-the-horizon electronic surveil- lance and targeting while simulta- neously providing radar warning for self-protection. It is capable of oper- ating in a variety of maritime patrol scenarios, handling high signal den- sities encompassing various com- plex signal types and modes, and detecting low probability of inter- cept emitters.

General Instrument's Defense

Systems Group is comprised of four divisions specializing in the devel- opment, production, and support of various defense electronic systems for the U.S. and international air, ground and naval forces.

The Government Systems Divi- sion and Dalmo Victor Division are leading manufacturers of radar warning systems and surveillance and targeting systems, complement- ing each other. The Undersea Sys- tems Division is the foremost sup- plier of multi-beam bathymetric sonar mapping products to the free world, and Northern Scientific Lab- oratory is an important supplier of frequency measuring receivers uti- lized in the electronic defense in- dustry.

For more information and free lit- erature,

Circle 56 on Reader Service Card

New Simple, Easy-To-Use

Hydrostatics Program

From Concurrent Systems

Concurrent Systems, Arlington,

Va., is releasing a new hydrostatics program for personal computers.

The Naval Architectural Problem

Oriented Language (NAPOL) will perform the following calculations: hydrostatic curves of form; trim lines; longitudinal strength; flooda- ble length; limiting drafts; damaged stability; damaged statical stability; intact stability; cross curves; intact stability in waves; and subdivision index.

According to Concurrent Sys- tems, the program is simple to use.

An input file is made up of readable commands which can be understood by a naval architect who is not familiar with NAPOL. The hull is defined by station offsets and apen- dages. The apendages themselves may be built from offsets, providing multiple hull capability. Compart- ments are bounded by the hull, bulkheads, decks or compartment offsets. Input and output can be in the units selected (American, Met- ric, or Imperial).

In addition to the textual output for each calculation, the following graphical outputs can be generated:

October, 1989 55 body plan; isometric view; hydros- tatic curves of form; longitudinal strength; and floodable length.

One unique calculation option available in this commercial pack- age estimates the IMO subdivision index as laid out in the Department of Transportation document 46

CFR Ch.l "Dry Cargo Ship Subdivi- sion and Damage Stability; Advance

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking."

This option calculates the subdivi- sion index for compartment groups of up to four subdivisions and pro- vides an accumulative subdivision contribution for a given draft.

To provide compatibility with the

U.S. Navy program SHCP, there is an input translator and where possi- ble the output is also formatted to look like SHCP.

The program runs on a PC, XT,

AT, 386 or compatible and when available can take advantage of a math co-processor. Graphics can be produced in CGA high or low resolu- tion or in EGA or Hercules modes.

For hardcopy graphics a range of plotters can be driven including those using HPGL.

NAPOL is available in two ver- sions, with and without co-processor support. Priced at $225, this pro- vides a personal computer program that outperforms many more expen- sive mainframe programs.

For additional information on

NAPOL from Concurrent Systems,

Circle 98 on Reader Service Card



The International Shipping Exhibition

Posidonia Sponsors

The Greek Ministry of Mercantile Marine

The Municipality of Piraeus

The Hellenic Chamber of Shipping

The Union of Greek Shipowners

The Greek Shipping Co-operation Committee

The Union of Mediterranean Cargo Vessels' Shipowners

The Greek Shipowners Association for Passenger Ships

The Shipowners Union of International Lines

Enquiries about exhibiting at Posidonia '90 should be sent to: ' The International Selling Agents.

Anthony F. Nash, The Seatrade Organisation

Fairfax House, Causton Road, Colchester CO 1 1RJ, UK.

Telephone: (0206)45121

Telex: 98517 DISOP G, Fax: (0206) 45190


Posidonia Exhibitions Ltd 4-6 Efplias Street, 185 37 Piraeus

Telephone: (1) 4517859,4517868

Fax: (1) 4528976, Telex: 241937 Expo GR

To reserve your exhibition space or to receive further information please contact the above offices

Circle 163 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.