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Rauma Yards Wins $155-Million Order
For Baltic Cruise Liner
Effjohn International recently signed a $155.3-million contract with Finnish builder Rauma Yards
Oy for the construction of a Baltic cruise liner. The order will be con- firmed once financing arrangements and other preconditions are re- ceived.
The vessel will be operated by
Sally Line, part of the Effjohn In- ternational Group, and will replace the fire-damaged Sally Albatross in
Baltic and European cruise opera- tions. Mechanical parts from the
Sally Albatross will be utilized in the construction of the new cruise liner, with delivery scheduled for 1992.
Sally Line's new cruise liner will have 550 passenger cabins, a length of 524 feet, width of 82 feet, cargo capacity of 25,000 gross registered tons and speed of 21 knots.
For further information on Rau- ma Yards Oy,
Circle 131 on Reader Service Card
ASNE Symposium 1990
Set For Biloxi, Miss.,
September 27-29
The American Society of Naval
Engineers (ASNE) in cooperation with the Surface Navy Association (SNA) and the Supervisor of Ship- building, Pascagoula, Miss., will sponsor a symposium in Biloxi,
Miss., September 27-29,1990, at the
Mississippi Gulf Coast Coliseum.
The symposium is titled "Destroyer,
Cruiser & Frigate Technology."
The conference is planned to bring the Navy and industry to- gether for an interchange of techni- cal ideas for future ship designs.
During the two-day technical ses- sion, 18 papers will be presented by invited authors, emphasizing sub- system technology in the area of weapons, command and control, air- craft installation, machinery, hydro- dynamics, structures, survivability and detectability.
Luncheon speakers will feature
Ron Kiss, Director of Shipbuild- ing, Office of the Assistant Secre- tary of the Navy (RD&A), and Rear
Adm. William J. Flanagan Jr.,
Chief of Legislative Affairs.
Registration fee for the technical conference is $75 for ASNE and
SNAME members, $125 for non- members, and $20 for students.
For more information, write or call ASNE Headquarters, 1452
Duke Street, Alexandria, Va. 22314,
Mrs. Sally Skolnick, (703) 836- 6727, or call Kim Shanahan, Sym- posium Chairman, at Ingalls, (601) 935-1420.
Comsat Develops New
High-Speed Data Service —Literature Available
Comsat Mobile Communications recently announced that it has suc-
August, 1990 cessfully tested a new high-speed data service that will make it possi- ble to transmit broadcast quality audio feeds from small land trans- portable and shipboard satellite ter- minals.
The test, which was recently con- ducted by Comsat engineers at the company's Southbury, Conn., land earth station, used an improved technique for transmitting data at 56 kilobits per second. The en- hanced service is being developed to satisfy a number of requirements in the broadcasting and oil exploration industries, although many other ap- plications are expected in the fu- ture.
Comsat, the U.S. partner in the global Inmarsat mobile satellite net- work, provides a variety of voice, data, facsimile and telex services to over 11,000 ships, offshore oil rigs, and land transportable terminals throughout the world. According to
Ron Mario, Comsat Mobile Com- munications vice president and gen- eral manager, the new high-speed data service, expected to be opera- tional later this year, will be avail- able to all of these users with only minor modifications to their exist- ing terminals and the addition of a commercially available, off-the- shelf modem.
For free literature giving full in- formation on Comsat,
Circle 25 on Reader Service Card
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Circle 245 on Reader Service Card 13