Page 26: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (August 1990)
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NWC: Promoting Sound &
Far-Sighted Waterways Policies
By Robert Boyd, Administrative Assistant
National Waterways Conference, Inc.
The National Waterways Confer- ence, Inc., advocates fair and even- handed Federal navigation policies.
It is the only waterway organization which directs practically all of its resources into the policy arena, working for adequate funding for navigation projects without repres- sive user taxes or stiff cost sharing.
NWC strongly supports Congres- sional efforts to boost general eco- nomic development through pru- dent port and waterway invest- ments.
Efforts to reduce governmental involvement in the domestic econo- my have given impetus to proposals calling for recovery of most if not all
Federal port and waterway con- struction and maintenance expendi- tures through high-level taxes and fees. Such charges would unfairly burden waterborne commerce be- cause they ignore the other benefi- ciaries of water resources develop- ment.
To promote sound and farsighted national waterways policies, NWC relies on a well rounded education and information program. It in- cludes a highly regarded monthly newsletter, Washington Watch, economic research projects and spe- cial reports; a monthly Waterways
Roundtable luncheon for Washing- ton-based transportation leaders; a seminar series, often including pub- lication of seminar proceedings; an annual meeting examining current issues, and frequent speeches and statements, including Congressional testimony.
NWC works closely with associa- tions and industries in the water transportation and water resources fields to keep diverse shipper, car- rier, and port interests "pulling to- gether" for the common cause. Of- ten it is necessary to find consensus on issues involved in pending legis- lation and put together coalitions to most effectively represent the wa- terways industry's views before
Congress and Executive agencies.
Over the last three decades, NWC has become a strong voice in Wash- ington for the waterways industry.
As a result, we have gained a reputa- tion for exerting a "positive force" in shaping public policy.
Some 450 waterway-related busi- nesses, industries, and agencies par- ticipate in NWC. Included are barge and towing companies, shipyards and repair facilities, port authori- ties, fleeting and mid-stream serv- ices, waterway shippers, marine in- surers, dredging firms, marine con- struction companies, and river val- ley associations.
Membership is open to all busi- nesses involved in the water trans- portation industry. Annual dues are $475 and entitle member firms to a principal and alternative represen- tatives who receive publications, as well as discounts for NWC semi- nars, exhibits, and annual meet- ings.
For further information, contact
NWC, 1130 17th Street, N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20036; telephone: (202) 296-4415. •
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