Page 33: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (August 1990)
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Korody-Colyer Names
Eugene J. Zamiska
New Company Head
Eugene J. Zamiska
Korody-Colyer (K-C) has ap- pointed Eugene (Geno) J. Zam- iska to the position of vice presi- dent and general manager. The an- nouncement was made by Bill
Wade, vice president and general manager of the Replacement Group for K-C's parent company, CR In- dustries, Elgin, 111.
CR manufactures fluid sealing devices used in the automotive, heavy-duty truck, industrial, ma- rine and agricultural markets.
Before joining K-C, Mr. Zamis- ka worked for CR for more than 23 years, where his most recent posi- tion was as vice president of manu- facturing for CR's Original Equip- ment Group.
Carrier Transicold Wins $17-Million Reefer Orders
From Chiquita Brands
Carrier Transicold, a division of
Carrier Corporation, announced re- cently receipt of orders for more than 1,400 model 69NT-40 Thinline container refrigeration units and 600 generator sets from Chiquita
Brands, Inc., a subsidiary of Chiqui- ta Brands International, based in
Cincinnati, Ohio. The contracts are worth more than $17 million.
The refrigeration units will be built for two container ships that
Chiquita will use to transport bana- nas from Central America to the
United States, and will be delivered during the second half of 1990.
Carrier Transicold, a leading con- tainer refrigeration manufacturer located in Syracuse, N.Y., also builds and markets transport refrig- eration and air conditioning equip- ment for trucks, trailers, buses, and railway cars.
For more information on Carrier
Circle 140 on Reader Service Card
Magellan Offers Low-Cost
Portable GPS Receivers —Literature Available
Magellan Systems Corporation,
Monrovia, Calif., recently unveiled three products that make use of
Global Positioning System (GPS) technology.
The GPS NAV 1000, made specif- ically for marine application, pro- vides an advantage over some other receivers with its portability. The unit can be mounted in a quick- release bracket, where it will pro- vide continuous navigation data while connected to ship's power, or it can be carried in hand. It weighs only 30 ounces, including the six AA batteries, and is designed to be rug- ged, waterproof, and floatable.
The GPS NAV 1000 is easy to use, and the user can even customize the information displays to read in the appropriate unit of measure. If the GPS NAV 1000 encounters a gap in satellite service—that is, if it does not receive three clear sig- nals—then it has the capability to use dead reckoning based on the last satellite fix.
The NAV 1000 PRO uses the same technology, but is basically made for use on land. The accessory kit comes with adapter hardware for a range pole or tripod mount. The
NAV 1000 PRO also has an RS-232 port for computer interfacing.
The GPS Receiver Boardset is available to manufacturers inter- ested in incorporating Magellan's
GPS receiver technology into their products. A variety of electrical in- terfaces and software modules are available to adapt the boardset to specific needs.
For more information on Magel- lan GPS equipment and applica- tions,
Circle 167 on Reader Service Card
Some of us wanted to run a photo of each of the 300 vessels we've built.
But cooler heads prevailed.
When your enthusiasm for ship- building knows no bounds, it's easy to get carried away.
For more than 35 years
Gladding-Hearn has produced exceptional commercial vessels.
And pioneered the demanding technology of high-quality marine construction.
But the true character of our success is the ability to anticipate the future. In short, it takes vision.
And it also takes experience to integrate aesthetic and practical functions with brilliant engineer- ing. Not to mention custom detail- ing and passenger comfort.
All of which means an intelli- gent understanding of our custo- mers' needs. We look at things like rate of speed, fuel consumption, sea conditions, and passenger revenue miles as they affect your operation.
And we consider the commu- nication process between ourselves and our customers every bit as important as the engineering.
Dependability is the true test of any vessel. To reach that goal requires fastidious attention to detail. A Gladding-Hearn hallmark.
Furthermore, all our vessels meet U.S. Coast Guard and ABS requirements.
The point is simple. If you're looking to build we can offer com- plete fabrication from a push barge to a high-speed catamaran carrying 600 passengers.
Finally, we believe the service and support we offer reflects our people and their special commitment.
And, of course, a unique vision that pinpoints the cutting edge of world-class shipbuilding.
For more information about our company and a copy of our brochure, "Vision',' call 508-676-8596.
Or if you prefer, write to
Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding,
The Duclos Corporation,
One Riverside Ave., Box 300,
Somerset, MA 02726.
Discover hozv our experience can make nice profits part of your vision.
Circle 245 on Reader Service Card
August, 1990 33