Page 43: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (August 1990)
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Rick Ralph Named
TANO VP Of Sales ^ pl
Richard B. Ralph
Richard B. (Rick) Ralph has been named vice president of sales for TANO Marine Systems Inc. of
New Orleans and its General Regu- lator division.
TANO designs and manufactures computer-based automation and control systems for military and commercial ships.
Mr. Ralph, who is also responsi- ble for TANO customer service, has established new sales and service offices for TANO and General Reg- ulator on the East Coast, West
Coast and Gulf Coast. He joined
TANO in 1989 as East Coast region- al sales manager, based in the Balti- more, Md., area. His former experi- ence includes 14 years at Bethlehem
Steel Corporation's Baltimore Ma- rine Division.
For free literature giving full in- formation on TANO Marine Sys- tems,
Circle 30 on Reader Service Card
Adams Named Project
Manager At Conrad
Keith Adams, a 17-year veteran of the shipbuilding business, has been named project manager for
Conrad Industries, Inc., Morgan
City, La., according to Ronald P.
Chiasson, general of the compa- ny-
Mr. Adams, who began his ca- reer in the marine industry in 1973, brings to Conrad Industries a vast amount of experience in the con- struction, repair and conversion of vessels.
Parker Conrad, founder and president of Conrad Industries, noted that South Louisiana's ship- building industry is surging with new vitality and the strongest market performance since the early 1980s.
Working two shifts, the Conrad facility has contracts for about 20 vessels, either in progress or planned for the near future.
WATERCOM Installs 600th Direct-Dial Phone —Literature Available
WATERCOM officials an- nounced recently the company,
Waterway Communications Sys- tems Inc., Jeffersonville, Ind., had installed more than 600 telephone units on vessels.
Since the first unit was installed, more than 100 companies have
August, 1990 equipped their vessels with
WATERCOM telephones.
With WATERCOM, callers dial numbers directly; there is no need for a marine operator to complete the call. It is the only direct-dial telephone network on the water, and serves more than 4,000 miles of
America's waterways.
For more information on
Circle 157 on Reader Service Card
McVay Appointed VP
At Moran Towing
Moran Towing Corporation,
Greenwich, Conn., recently an- nounced the appointment of Rus- sell G. McVay as vice president- environmental protection and safe- ty, a newly created position at the company.
In the new post, Captain McVay will oversee compliance by the Mo- ran group of companies with appli- cable environmental regulations, and will have responsibiity for the safety of personnel and equipment aboard the Moran fleet.
He will report to Thomas E.
Moran, chairman and chief execu- tive officer of Moran, and to Mal- colm W. MacLeod, president of the company.
Moran Towing Corporation sub- sidiaries own and operate 67 tugs and barges on the East Coast and the Gulf of Mexico.
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Dual- 12 12" Blower/Exhauster Delivers 4,700 cfm, Weighs Only 48 lbs!
Carling blowers that operate on steam or compressed air are now available in two sizes. The new 12" Dual-12, gives you big air-moving capacity in a lightweight, easy-to-handle unit that mates with "Butterworth" openings. The 20" Dual-20, a high-volume blower/ exhauster sized to fit standard tank openings, delivers 11,000 cfm. Both units are equipped with high- and low-pressure nozzles, need little maintenance attention, and handle a wide range of ventilating, cooling, drying, and air-cleaning jobs. 12A and 20A single nozzle designs are available for air operation only. 8 Nebraska Street, Box 15048
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Circle 236 on Reader Service Card Circle 204 on Reader Service Card 43