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Facilities:T7ie builder can construct or perform dockside repairs and conversions on vessels up to 200 feet in length. Drydock repairs can be performed on vessels up to 300 tons.
Freeport Shipbuilding has a side launch ways for construction, a railway for repairs and complete sandblasting and fabrication facilities. At present, a new fabrication building, 150 feet by 90 feet, is under con- struction and expected to be completed by the fall.
Circle 87 on Reader Service Card
Located on the Tauton River across from the city of Fall River in Southeastern Massa- chusetts, Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding is widely known for the construction and de- sign of pilot boats, tugs, fishing boats and all-aluminum high-speed passenger ferries.
At present, Gladding-Hearn has three cat- amaran passenger ferries under contract.
Circle 64 on Reader Service Card
Specializing in new construction of vari- ous types of aluminum vessels ranging in size from 32 to 165 feet, Gulf Craft, Inc., also repairs steel and aluminum vessels up to 185 feet in length.
The Patterson, Louisiana, builder recently delivered the 160-foot M/V Billy McCall, one of the world's largest aluminum crew- boats.
Facilities: The yard has four sets of ways, cranes, machine shop, and hydraulic shop.
Services at the facility include aluminum and steel welding, carpentry, electrical work, plumbing, painting, engine installa- tion and sandblasting.
Circle 65 on Reader Service Card
Homeport Marine Services performs new construction, conversion, repair on various steel and aluminum vessels. The firm can build vessels as large as 300 feet in length, with maximum drafts of 16 feet and widths of 78 feet.
The firm recently delivered the 195-foot
Eastern Wind, a fish tender, to Arctic Alaska
Fisheries, Inc. of Seattle.
Facilities: Platens, lifting and welding equipment, launching ways, dock space, shore power, etc. Access to 2,500-ton dry- dock.
Circle 66 on Reader Service Card
Recent deliveries from Houma, Louisiana- based Houma Fabricators, a division of
L.O.R., Inc., include two 3,000-hp, 94-foot
Voith tractor tugs and a conventional 3,000- hp kort nozzle tug. Among the current work at the yard is a contract for two 180-foot oilfield supply vessels.
Facilities: Complete shipyard fabrication and oilfield fabrication facilities. Build both steel and aluminum vessels up to 300 feet in length. Perform topside repair and conver- sion and oilfield-related fabrication.
Circle 67 on Reader Service Card
One of the premier inland waterways builders in the U.S., Jeffboat, Inc., Jeffer- sonville, Ind., has the capability to construct barges up to 600 feet in length and tow- boats up to 10,000 hp, as well as perform marine repair on these type vessels.
Some of the most noteworthy work at the yard includes the delivery of fifteen 10,000- barrel chemical barges and five 30,000-bar- rel tank barges in 1989. At present, the yard has 100 hopper barges on its orderbook.
Facilities: Four building ways and four drydocks with capacities as high as 3,000 tons on a 90-acre facility.
Circle 88 on Reader Service Card
Koch-Ellis Barge and Ship Service, lo- cated at mile 104 of the Mississippi River near New Orleans, offers two cleaning and gas freeing plants with a powerful new vacu- um pump system.
Facilities: Machine shop, gas freeing, product steaming and above waterline re- pair services.
Circle 68 on Reader Service Card
Jennings, Louisiana-based Leevac Ship-
August, 1990 yards, Inc., recently received an order for the construction of a 200- by 40- by 15-foot offshore supply boat from a U.S. Gulf firm.
This order along with another order re- ceived by the Trinity Marine Group repre- sents an important breakthrough in the U.S. supply boat construction market. Leevac expects to deliver the boat in December.
In addition, the Louisiana builder also expects to deliver a 150-foot excursion ves- sel this month.
Facilities: One 400-foot side-launching ways, one 1,500-ton, 200- by 64-foot drydock, a rail system off the drydock for barges and certain boats, and a 40,000-square-foot fab- rication building. Services include CAD-
CAM, computer-aided plasma arc welding, welding, pipe fitting, electrical work, sand- blasting, painting and engineering. Can con- struct offshore and inland vessels up to 400 feet in length, 100 feet in width, and light drafts of 11 feet.
Circle 69 on Reader Service Card
Louisiana Dock Company, Inc., with facili- ties at St. Louis, Mo., and Harahan, La., per- forms all types of marine repair on virtually any size barge or boats up to 10,000 hp.
Facilities: The company has at its dispos- al five drydocks (maximum capacity of 3,000 tons) and one marine railway.
Circle 70 on Reader Service Card
MARCO-Seattle of Seattle, Wash., can build and repair vessels of wood, steel and aluminum up to 250 feet in length. Addition- ally, the firm also can drydock vessels up to 1,800 tons and offers off-site services for larger vessels.
At present, the MARCO is lengthening the (continued) 49 relief valves
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Special design capability to meet custom or system requirements.
A Brunswick Company, P.O. Box 3666, Anaheim, CA 92803
TWX 910/591-1147 • TELEX 65-5324 • (714) 774-6110
Circle 213 on Reader Service Card
Etablissements MARIT
Saint Amand Les Eaux, France
CRANDALL DRY DOCK ENGINEERS, INC. 21 Pottery Lane ^ Dedham, Massachusetts 02026
Telephone 617) 329-3240
FAX (617) 329-7957 Telex 924406 (CRADOC'DEDM)
Circle 219 on Reader Service Card
Circle 252 on Reader Service Card
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