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Cummins Helps Power Crewboat Market
Cummins engines — through its Gulf Coast distributor Cummins Mid-South — have enjoyed the recent resurgence in the crewboat market. Here's the latest on 1 994 crewboat orders which have specified the Cummins KTA19M-700hp engine.
Owner Yard # Vessels # Engines Length Del.
Galaxie Marine Gulfcraft 1 5 145' 95
Galaxie Marine Gulfcraft 1 4 135' 94
McCall Inc. Gulfcraft 1 4 135' 94
McCall Inc. Gulfcraft 1 5 145' 94
McCall Inc. Gulfcraft 1 4 135' 95
Tidewater Breaux Bros. 2 8 135' 95
Candy Fleet Swiftships 2 8 141' 95
Candy Fleet Swiftships 2 8 145' 95
Ashley Boynes Trinity 1 5 95' 95 ('Passenger Ferry)
TOTAL 12 51
The crewboat Maleo (above) and its sistership Pipit were built by Trinity subsidiary Aluminum Boat Inc. and recently delivered to P.T. Baruna Raya Logistics, Jakarta, Indonesia.
THnity's Aluminum Boats Delivers
Two Crewboats To Indonesia
Trinity Industries, Inc. subsid- iary Aluminum Boats Inc. has deliv- ered two 85-ft. (25.9-m), all-alumi- num crewboats, th eMaleo andPipit, to P.T. Baruna Raya Logistics,
Jakarta, Indonesia.
Both vessels have a 20-ft. (6.1-m) beam and normal operating draft of 4.5 ft. (1.4 m). Each is powered by two Caterpillar 3412 DITA diesels developing 764-hp, driving 36-in. by 31-in., five-blade manganese bronze propellers though Twin Disc MG518 reverse/reduction gears. Electrical power is provided by two Kato 40- kW generators driven by two De- troit Diesel 3-71 diesels.
The 21-knot boats can carry 45 passengers, six crew members and (Continued on page 14)
Crewboat market continues steady comeback
While it would be foolhardy to "The new construction market (for declare the crewboat market as back crewboats) looks like it is turning in full swing, it is definitely a mar- positive again," said Calvin Klotz, ket segment to watch, as recent sales manager, marine division, indicators show several orders of Cummins Mid-South. And Mr.Klotz significance. (Continued on page 14)
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MA 107 was designed with high- er power capability to accommo- date anticipated increases in tur- bine power ratings in the years ahead. This makes the MA 107 slightly heavier, but capable of handling higher power in the future, without expensive gear- box replacements and ship modifications.
In the world of high performance marine reduction gears, The Cincinnati Gear Company's reputation for quality and reliability is unsur- passed. We pioneered the development of light weight gas turbine marine reduction gears in the early 1970's with the design and production of the marine gear for the Kawasaki/Jetfoil high speed passenger ferry. Today over 40 of the
Jetfoil crafts and 110 gearboxes have been produced, logging well over 600,000 hours of trouble free operation.
December, 1994 Circle No. 210 on Reader Service Card 13