Page 26: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 1994)
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Russian Registry Transfer
MarAd has given approval to
Mark F. Maring Enterprises II, Inc.,
Seattle, Wash., to transfer to Rus- sian registry the 452-gt fishing ves- sel Arctic Discovery. The vessel was built in 1976 in Moss Point, Miss.
MarAd approval is required un- der section 9 of the Shipping Act, 1916, as amended.
Gilman Corporation Selected
In USCG Buoy Project
The National Data Buoy Center has announced its intention to ne- gotiate exclusively with the Gilman
Corporation of Gilman, Conn., for the next generation of very large lighted U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) buoys. The buoys are made of
Gilman Corp.'s trademarked
Softlite® Ionomer Foam, sized to replace the old style steel 8x26LR.
The Gilman buoys were chosen after a survey covering nearly 400 types of buoys and 22 manufactur- ers worldwide and a yearlong series of tests performed jointly by the
National Data Buoy Center and the
Secretary of Transportation
Federico Pena personally con- gratulated Gilman Corporation
President Richard L. Gilman on the results of the 8 x 26 evaluation. linking ports, coasts and continents
Passenger ships, ferries and cargo ships are connected with ports, coasts and continents by timetables that are accurate down to the last minute.
Worldwide Service
Under such circumstances the reliability of the propulsion plant takes on particular importance.
MAN B&W four-stroke Diesel engines have been proving their reliability either as straightforward
Diesel propulsion or Diesel-elec- tric propulsion plant.
With its comprehensive engine programme and the lowest heavy fuel consumption rate ever reached, MAN B&W is able to supply the ideal propulsion concept for every ship.
MAN B&W Diesel, Stadtbachstr. 1, D-86153 Augsburg, Telephone (-821)3220
MAN B&W Diesel, Inc., 17 State Street, New York, NY 10004, Telephone (212)269-0980
Circle 280 on Reader Service Card
Trimble ProBeacon
MSK DGPS Receiver
For Pinpoint Accuracy
Trimble Navigation debuted tht
ProBeacon, an MSK (Minimum Shifi
Keying) receiver for Differential
GPS data transmissions from ma- rine radiobeacons. The ProBeacon's all-digital design provides faster acquisition and better tracking of signals from radiobeacons for sur- veyors, dredge operators, resource management agencies, crop dusters and others who need to know their precise position.
Better than one meter accuracy is reportedly practical using a
Trimble 4000 Maxwell as a refer- ence station, a GPS mobile receiver of similar capability, and the
ProBeacon to receive reliable and accurate data. The ProBeacon's sig- nal processing is based on the pro- prietary noise cancellation tech- nique, utilizing multiple channels to reject "impulsive" noise. It uses advanced computer logic, constantly monitoring Message Error Ratio.
Should the signal degrade for any reason, ProBeacon will switch auto- matically to a different beacon.
For more information on Trimble
Circle 5 on Reader Service Card
Sifco's New Power Pack
Leads Easier To Handle
Sifco Selective Plating, Cleveland,
Ohio, offers new electroplating power pack leads that are report- edly easier to handle and designed to prevent accidental disconnection.
The leads' rubber insulation has been replaced with a more flexible neoprene cover, making the leads easier to handle and store. On the power pack end of the leads, new universal twistlock connectors al- low leads to be connected to any of the five types of Sifco power packs.
On the leads' tool end, a locking post and receptacle configuration pre- vents accidental disconnects, elimi- nating the possibility of arc damage to the component.
For more information
Circle 4 on Reader Service Card
Penska Joins
National Marine
J.R. Penska joined National
Marine, Inc., a New Orleans-head- quartered marine transportation company operating both dry and liquid barges and towboats, as com- pliance manager. His primary re- sponsibility will be for quality and audit functions, both internal and external, for National Marine and its vendors. Mr. Penska was re- cently retired from the U.S. Coast
Guard where his last assignment was chief of the Merchant Vessel
Safety Branch at the Eighth Coast
Guard District headquarters with program responsibility for the Coast
Guard's marine inspection, marine investigation and licensing through- out the Gulf Coast. iiiiiSiiS 26D Maritime Reporter/Engineering News