Page 57: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (January 1995)
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Riverboat Gaming Mews the local referendum allowing a riverboat in
Portage passed with a 68 percent vote.
With the recent passage of a statewide refer- endum allowing slot machines on riverboat ca- sinos, Century and the City of Portage des Sioux believe that the proposed development should have a positive impact for the economic develop- ment of the city and the surrounding area.
Five licenses have already been issued by the
State of Missouri, and another 17 companies have filed applications for riverboat casinos for various locations throughout Missouri.
Players Will Proceed
With Maryland Heights Plans
Players International, Inc. said that based on recent election results it would proceed with plans to develop a riverboat casino in Maryland
Heights, Mo. In those elections, Missouri voters approved an amendment to the state's constitu- tion to legalize games of chance. In January 1994, Players received approval from the City of
Maryland Heights to develop a riverboat casino complex and applied to the Missouri Gaming
Commission for a license to own and operate a riverboat casino. Ed Fishman, Players chair- man and CEO, said, "We are moving ahead with our analysis and planning, and expect to an- nounce a revised plan for a project in the next several weeks."
Sensormatic Protects Grand Victoria
With Monitoring Technology
Sensormatic Electronics Corporation is help- ing to protect the Grand Victoria.
The Grand Victoria has more than 200 cam- eras monitoring activities on the riverboat, its dockside terminal and parking garage. The riverboat and dockside terminal each utilize a combination of fixed and SpeedDome™ cam- eras. The SpeedDome is a micro-sized domed
PTZ camera that utilizes advanced chip tech- nologies and can acquire a subject in less than one second, fully zoomed and focused.
The cameras will be controlled by two AD2050 matrix switcher/control systems that can man- age video input from more than 1,000 cameras and display the information on more than 125 monitors.
For more information on Sensormatic
Circle 92 on Reader Service Card
Wooster's Flex-Tred Can
Reduce Accident Liability
Wooster Products Inc. offers Flex-Tred, an instant, self-adhesive anti-slip safety surface which can be used to renovate interior or exte- rior stairways, decks and more to help reduce accident and potential accident liability risk, as well as meet OSHA requirements. Available in a variety of sizes and shapes and even custom die-cuts to fit the customer's application and a variety of color schemes, Wooster says Flex-
Tred outlasts rubber up to 15 times or more.
For more information on Wooster Products
Circle 94 on Reader Service Card
MSC Completes Three
Gaming Vessel Contracts
Maritime Services Corporation (MSC) re- cently completed work on the gaming vessels
Par-A-Dice and Horseshoe.
MSC handled all custom glasswork, decora- tion and mill work for Par-A-Dice with an elabo- rate, modernistic interior design utilizing many nonstandard ship interior materials.
January, 1995
The company worked on Par-A-Dice with primary contractor Atlantic Marine of Jackson- ville, Fla., and designer Darren Wright of
Ultimate Interiors. Par-A-Dice is now operat- ing out of East Peoria, 111. MSC crews worked for two weeks aboard the Horseshoe casino riverboat as it moved upriver from Mobile, Ala. to the owner's pavilion in Bossier City, La.
For more information on MSC
Circle 93 on Reader Service Card
Texas Instruments, Hughes Aircraft
Team To Create Nightsight™
Texas Instruments and Hughes Aircraft Co. developed a new infrared video camera for use in situations with little or no light. The
Nightsight™ Thermal Vision System works by detecting slight temperature differences between the various objects and people in its field of view.
The system uses this information to create a real-time "thermal landscape" of an area on a video display. By detecting heat instead of light, it can be used to effectively monitor com- pletely dark areas. The initial production unit is in a fixed-mount configuration for use on vehicles, marine craft and in stationary security applications.
For more information on the Nightsight
Circle 150 on Reader Service Card
Ginsberg Starts Consulting Firm
Harold Ginsberg founded Aero-Marine En- gineering, a technical consulting firm for the aerospace and marine industry. The company will perform project management, design, de- velopment and engineering support of advance marine vehicles. It will specialize in advanced marine vehicles. Mr. Ginsberg was a project engineer at the U.S. Army's Belvoir RD&E
Center's Marine Div., where he designed, devel- oped and provided engineering support to the
U.S. Army's hovercraft programs.
For more information on Aero-Marine Engineering
Circle 152 on Reader Service Card
Multicom Supplies Electronic Systems
Multicom supplies a variety of electronic sys- tems to the riverboat casino and marine indus- try. Multicom designs theatrical tours, special effects for amusement parks, movie studios and television networks — so they can offer creativ- ity and dependability in the implementation of electronics for the owner's needs.
Those electronic systems include sound, video and telecommunications systems, including U.S.
Coast Guard-approved emergency sound and voice evacuation systems; entertainment sound, lights and video; computer control and monitor- ing; music systems; paging systems; distributed video systems; telephone and cellular systems; and complete pre-wiring.
For more information on Multicom
Circle 173 on Reader Service Card
Johnston Bros. Riding Passenger
Vessel Wave
Johnston Brothers Enterprises, a major HVAC system supplier to the boat and shipbuilding mar- ket, has enjoyed great success in providing sys- tems for gaming and dinner/excursion boats.
The company was contracted to design, engi- neer, fabricate and or install the heating, ventila- tion and air conditioning (HVAC) systems for several vessels, including the Isle of Capri,
Boomtown Belle, Southern Star, Shreveport Rose, and the Odyssey, to name just a few.
For more information on Johnston Bros.
Circle 153 on Reader Service Card
Newage Intl. Offers Free Information
On Stamford AC Generators
Technical details accompanied by four-color pic- tures and cross sections on Newage International's
Stamford range of brushless AC generators is offered in a new booklet from the company. Avail- able from five to 2,500 kVA, Stamford generators are designed for all generator set configurations to meet a range of applications.
For more information on Newage Intl.
Circle 132 on Reader Service Card
Landfall Navigation Offers New Catalog
The Landfall Navigation catalog is now avail- able, and includes more than 225 pages of a diverse array of safety equipment, navigation instruments, electronics, electronic charts, nautical books and guides, marine videos, and nautical charts.
For information on ordering a catalog
Circle 136 on Reader Service Card
New Fire Safety Device Help "Lead The Way Out"
HMS Marine Hardware now offers quick-re- lease, stow-in-place, smoke containment curtains with self-contained and activated guide-lights, which in essence provides an illuminated beacon at escape door locations. The new design curtain assembly is mounted overhead at door locations, awaiting deployment in the event of an of an emergency. In this product, the battery-powered, low-voltage electroluminescent lights are auto- matically activated upon curtain deployment.
For more information from HMS Marine
Circle 138 on Reader Service Card
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