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The execution

Nature has always been the best designer of propulsion systems. That's why, with respect, we copied her.

We call it Propac. A complete propulsion package including: the main engine, reduction gear, CP propeller, control system and engineering. Plus all the training and customer support that goes with it.

All from a single supplier, who takes complete responsibility throughout the system's lifetime, from conception to replacement. A supplier who you can trust to deliver the best conceivable solution in the shortest possible time.

Just one of the many benefits of buying from a single supplier.



Wartsila NSD Norway AS N-5420 Rubbestadneset. Norway Tel. +47-53-423 500 Fax +47-53-423 501

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Propulsion Systems

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.